
You will eventually understand that the post-70s are willing to be chewed on the old, which is the sadness of the second half of their lives


With the gradual intensification of the contradiction between the elderly, the relationship between the old family and the pension family will become "delicate".

The old people can generally be divided into two categories.

The first type of old people are young people who do not go to work, do not go to work, and only rely on their parents at home. However, the number of these people is not too large.

The second type of nibbling old people is those young people who work hard but have no achievements, even make no money, and can't afford to support themselves. And the proportion of them, that's huge.

In your opinion, what is the difference between these two types of nibbling old people?

The nature of the former is lazy, and the encounter of the latter makes people feel helpless. In this day and age, there are not many lazy people, but there are countless people who work hard and still get nothing.

In the face of nibbling on the old, I believe that different people have different views. However, for parents, especially the contemporary post-70s, in their view, it is already a blessing that children can nibble on the old.

Under the guidance of such a "sheltering children from the wind and rain", they have become the first generation of children to be gnawed on, and they have also become the first generation abandoned by children, which is really lamentable.

The key reason for all the "being gnawed on" is not the individual, but the problem of the general environment.

You will eventually understand that the post-70s are willing to be chewed on the old, which is the sadness of the second half of their lives


Being chewed on is a fact that ordinary young people can't change.

When it comes to the three words of being chewed on the old, I believe many people will sigh, why do children have to chew on the old, can't children work their own to change their fate?

Unfortunately, it is really difficult to change one's fate on one's own.

If the young man is amazingly talented and has a mind that no one else can match, then there is no problem in him becoming an elite or achieving extraordinary.

However, this kind of elite young people, after all, do not exceed 1%, belonging to a rare category of people.

On the other hand, if young people have average ability and no outstanding ability, and come out to work after graduating from college, then their result can only be to become ordinary sentient beings, and may not even have a small nest.

People like that account for 99 percent. No way, not everyone is a genius.

In today's natural environment, it is normal for the elite of 1% to win or even change the fate of the family, and there is no need to feel strange. But what about the 99% of young people? Maybe even getting married is a problem.

As we all know, when a person can't solve certain problems, they will choose to ask for help. And the object of this help can only be the person's parents.

That is to say, 99% of ordinary young people, at the moment of powerlessness, will choose to find their parents to eat the old, that is not their original wish, can only be said to be the trend of the times.

You will eventually understand that the post-70s are willing to be chewed on the old, which is the sadness of the second half of their lives


As a parent, the post-70s generation has to accept the fact that they are "being chewed on the old".

Today, in 2022, a large number of post-70s have already run to five, and some people have already become other people's grandparents. Therefore, the risk of "being gnawed old" that they need to face will be particularly large.

There is a Mr. Chen in the circle, who is 51 years old this year, and is worried about the marriage of his children, eating badly and sleeping restlessly.

Mr. Chen's child is 27 years old, a standard graduate of a prestigious school, working locally in Guangzhou. However, the child has been working for several years and still has not saved a few dollars. It is really impossible to talk about marriage and marriage.

However, the child has already agreed with his girlfriend for life, and he wants to get married and have children early, and he does not want to delay it too late. There is no way, this "money and material" pressure can only be borne by Mr. Chen, the father.

Just imagine, the son gets married, wants to buy a car and a house, to give a high gift, to put up a more decent banquet, after having children in the future, parents are worried that their children can't afford to raise children, so torture, who can bear it?

As a post-70s Mr. Chen also sighed, when he was still relatively young, although he was a little poor, he could at least support himself and support his family, but why are today's children so fragile that even marriage and children are a problem? It's a shame.

However, as parents, if they do not disobey their children's wishes, then they can only live like "children's slaves" until the day they grow old.

You will eventually understand that the post-70s are willing to be chewed on the old, which is the sadness of the second half of their lives


After the 70s are nibbled old, children have no way to go, that is the helplessness of two generations.

The problems faced by the post-70s are nothing more than three: raising a family, funding children, and a midlife crisis.

The problems faced by young people are nothing more than three: extremely inward-looking, unable to afford a house, and ineligible to get married and have children.

Recently, people have been talking about why today's young people can't afford to get married and have children. Even if the work is rolled in, why is marriage and pension also rolled in?

The marriage is in the middle because everyone's requirements are too high, and everyone wants to be safe and stable. Moreover, the contradiction of money is particularly prominent, and the marriage has become a trend.

The pension is rolled up, it is even more obvious, the cost of the pension is increasing, the children are overdrawing the parents' money, then the parents can only tighten the belt of the pants to live, suffering themselves, and let the children be stable.

You will eventually understand that the post-70s are willing to be chewed on the old, which is the sadness of the second half of their lives

Especially the post-70s generation, their children have post-90s, post-00s or post-10s. The next three generations, to be honest, face a particularly great risk of competition and unemployment. Unless they don't get married and don't have children, it's still the post-70s who suffer as parents.

How exactly can such a problem be solved? I think this is an inevitable phenomenon of the development of the environment to a certain extent, and it is not something that can be easily solved by human beings. You and I can only accept reality. That's all.

Wen/Shushan has deer

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