
"You don't have a grandson, do you still want to find a son for the elderly?" The aunt was preached by the neighbors and was helpless

Author: Lemon [original content, welcome to personal collection forwarding]

During this time, Aunt Qin upstairs has been arguing that she does not want to live in her son's house, does not want to help with her grandson, and is upset when she hears the child crying. Neighbors around her heard her complain so and advised her: "Don't know what to do, now young people urge them not to have children, your son and daughter-in-law to add a grandchild to you, how good." Aunt Qin said: "I really can't hear the child crying, I am upset when I see the baby, I am so old, I should also enjoy the blessings, I really don't want to take my grandchildren." ”

Everyone couldn't be persuaded, and one of the neighbors' aunts said: "You don't bring grandchildren, do you still want to find your son for the elderly?" Aunt Qin said: "With a baby and a pension can not draw an equal sign, right?" I brought up my son, can he still not give me a pension because I did not help him with the child? That would be unfilial. Then everyone said, the reason is such a reason, but parents do not take the handle when the child is the most difficult, the child's life is difficult, it is easy to remember the revenge.

Listening to the neighbors, you said every word and I said that I would teach, Aunt Qin could only cry helplessly.

"You don't have a grandson, do you still want to find a son for the elderly?" The aunt was preached by the neighbors and was helpless

With a baby and a pension, can you draw an equal sign in the end?

In fact, from a logical point of view, it is true that the baby and the pension cannot be equated. Bringing a baby is not the obligation of the elderly, but the responsibility of the parents of the child. Old-age care, on the other hand, is the obligation of children and is protected by law. Therefore, those children who threaten the elderly with "no baby, no pension" are not right and filial piety.

However, emotionally speaking, the child is the grandchild of the old man, and the old man is a grandparent and a grandmother, but he does not want to take care of the child for a day, nor does he care about the child, so how can he expect the child to kiss you? Moreover, young people are under great pressure at work and have no time to bring their babies, but the elderly are standing by and watching, and it is indeed easy to complain.

"You don't have a grandson, do you still want to find a son for the elderly?" The aunt was preached by the neighbors and was helpless

The old man with the baby should do what he can, and if he can't contribute, he will pay for it

Of course, we can't kidnap the elderly with morality and affection, after all, taking a baby is not what the elderly should do. Moreover, some old people, just like Aunt Qin, really don't like to bring babies, maybe they have enough children when they are young, or they may be old and can't hear the noise, we also have to understand. In addition, the elderly are getting older, their physical strength and energy are not as good as before, and they really can't bring children, so young people should not be forced.

However, as an elder, the old man takes the baby to the capacity, really can not contribute, can be appropriately paid. For example, you can pay for your children to hire a nanny, pay for your grandchildren to buy some clothes, milk powder, diapers, or subsidize your children so that their lives are not so sad. After all, it is a family, the children's life is difficult, the old man looks at the heart is not a taste, can help is a hand.

"You don't have a grandson, do you still want to find a son for the elderly?" The aunt was preached by the neighbors and was helpless

The elderly and their children should be considerate of each other and think differently when it comes to bringing a baby

In short, in the matter of taking a baby, although it is said that the public is justified, it is also possible to discuss with each other. Especially for families with opinions on daughters-in-law and son-in-law, the two generations must communicate well. After all, the daughter-in-law and son-in-law really have no obligation to give the in-laws and in-laws an old-age pension, and if the elderly do not help with the baby, they do not give the elderly a pension, and there is nothing wrong with it.

However, no matter how it is a family, as the spouse of a son and daughter, they have an auxiliary obligation to support their lovers for their parents. Because, one side wants to retire, the other party will have to bear the burden of supporting the family and bringing a baby accordingly, if the old man is not in tune, then the daughter-in-law and son-in-law will naturally not be reasonable, and they are not willing to love their parents to provide for the elderly. Therefore, the elderly and young people should communicate in time, understand each other, learn to think in a different position, and be more considerate of each other in order to live a good life.

Today's topic: Netizens, do you agree with the view that "the elderly do not want to bring their grandchildren, they cannot find their sons for the elderly"?


After becoming a mother, every day the mood is like riding a roller coaster. Just because of the child's naughtiness half dead, in the blink of an eye because of the child's warm words and moved to the end. To be a mother is to shuttle back and forth between anger and love... I hope to keep charging and be the "mother" that children want most in their hearts.

He has been engaged in children's book editing, children's famous book analysis, and has written interviews with entrepreneurs, pension directors, lawyers and other celebrities, and is now keen on parenting writing. Pay attention to [Lemon Fruit Parenting] Everyone learns together every day, makes progress together, warms each other, and shepherds babies on the clouds.

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