
Finally, some experts have seen the "unspeakable secret" behind young people not getting married

He Suohuan, a writer of sexual affective psychology, writes love stories, interesting strangers, and material knowledge.

Finally, some experts have seen the "unspeakable secret" behind young people not getting married

"Young people have been suffering experts for a long time"!

Remember the hot search on the Internet some time ago?

"Why are young people now increasingly averse to expert advice"?

They are still asking why, is it not clear to them?

Finally, some experts have seen the "unspeakable secret" behind young people not getting married

Some experts said: "It is normal for a young person to have insufficient income, and if his income is sufficient, he will not struggle."

Some experts said: "Young people do not make much money, it is a problem of their own ability."

Some experts said: "If you think your income is low, you can drive a private car to run a rent, and a vacant house to rent, these can increase income."

"Why not eat minced meat"?

These experts do not seem to live in the same time and space as us, they seem to be "people who live in that sky", and there is only ethereal nonsense in their eyes.

In their eyes, they cannot see the real life of ordinary people;

In their hearts, they do not feel the suffering, pressure and unspeakable concealment that young people are experiencing.

Think about it too.

Today's experts are popular to "inherit the father's business".

They have favorable family conditions, they have a high income, they do not eat human fireworks, they are like the emperors who lived in temples for a long time.

In their eyes, how can they see the real life of young people?

Finally, some experts have seen the "unspeakable secret" behind young people not getting married


Finally, experts have come forward to speak for young people.

This member Jiang Shengnan expressed his views:

"The problem of overtime leaves young people with no time for love, no time for childcare, no family time; This leads to a decrease in the marriage rate and fertility rate of the entire society. ”

To the point, only she saw the pain that young people were going through.

Recently, I was chatting with an old classmate who has been working in Beijing for many years.

He ran into a problem:

His son is about to go to kindergarten, but because he and his wife do not have a Beijing hukou, they are foreigners, and their children cannot go to public school, so they can only go to private school.

And the private near their rented house costs more than 20,000 yuan a month at the most expensive month, and thousands of yuan a month at the cheapest.

Choose a medium one, even if it is 8k yuan a month, it is 100,000 a year.

The annual income of him and his lover adds up to barely 400,000 yuan.

What's more, I have to pay back the mortgage of my hometown, and I have to give both parents some pension money every year.

However, if he did not choose a kindergarten near his home, he and his wife would almost "work overtime alone the next day".

Today he works overtime until the night, and tomorrow his wife will work overtime until the night.

Two people spend less time with their children, work more hours, stress, and all kinds of anxiety.


Seeing the comments of netizens, it is more heart-wrenching:

"Every day after work, it's like a wrung out rag, lying there and not wanting to move."

You say, everyone's work pressure is like this, where is there time to fall in love, get married, and have children?

The marriage rate has decreased, the age of first marriage has increased, and what is the essential reason, some experts still can't see through.

The essential reasons are:

No time, no money, no freedom.

No time to enjoy your life, no time to rest and relax;

There are also many people, who do "single-leave" work and are forced to work overtime;

Even if you work overtime, you may not be able to get overtime pay and be forced to "work overtime voluntarily".

In the eyes of the boss: "You don't do it, some people do it." ”

You and I are both leeks, no way.

This in itself is a chain reaction.

Long working hours, high pressure, no time;

If there is no time to fall in love, the marriage rate will naturally decline;

If fewer people get married, won't the fertility rate be low?

One ring clasps one ring.

Finally, some experts have seen the "unspeakable secret" behind young people not getting married


Under normal circumstances:

Shouldn't it be that the harder young people work and the more overtime, the higher their earnings?

But the reality is: even if you work hard, even if you work hard, even if you work a lot of overtime, even if you are tired from work, young people still have a bad life.

Without the help of the elders in the family, even the down payment on the house is not enough;

Relying on the help of your family means emptying several wallets at home.

I don't want to work overtime, I want freedom, but maybe I lose my job;

Continuing to work, following the steps, and adjusting to overtime means that there is no time to fall in love and get married.

Are you saying it's hard for young people?

They have words of suffering, and they have unspeakable secrets.

Finally, some experts have seen the "unspeakable secret" behind young people not getting married

There are also experts who say:

"It is recommended to give the third child in the family a waiver of the cost of studying in high school"

"It is recommended to raise the tax deduction threshold for families with many children"

"It is recommended to give a certain subsidy to families with many children"

These suggestions are tantamount to "drinking to quench thirst".

In order to increase the fertility rate, it is necessary to increase the willingness of young people to marry and increase the marriage rate.

And what is needed to make young people more willing to get married?

Nothing more than:

More rest and love time, a more stable and fair working environment, and their own interests are guaranteed;

For men, reduce some bride price problems;

For women, protect women's safety and interests, and pay more attention to issues such as women's domestic violence.

When these problems are solved, are you worried that young people will not get married?

More people get married, but they are worried about the decline in fertility?

Finally, some experts have seen the "unspeakable secret" behind young people not getting married

Today's Topic:

What do you think of the expert's advice?

What do you think are the main reasons why young people do not get married?

(Article with picture source network)

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