
Truly mature women will not easily choose to marry far away


The old ancestor said: "Parents are here, not far away, there will be a good way to travel." ”

As long as the parents are alive and the children go out to study and find employment, it is best not to go far. After all, the family's entanglement is difficult to put down, and the parents are old and need to have a dependency.

With the development of the times, more and more young people are going out to work, and some people go to distant cities to pan for gold.

We always think that as long as we make money, we can honor our parents well. In the eyes of parents, when a child is rich, it is face and it is a show.

From traveling far away to marrying far away, everything is logical. Perhaps, it was opposed by the parents, but in the end, the parents chose to forgive and reconcile.

Truly mature women will not easily choose to marry far away


When a woman chooses to marry far away, she is often ignorant and immature.

My classmate Xiao Yan (pseudonym), born in Shonan, grew up in a ravine and never saw the big world.

After graduating from junior high school, Xiao Yan went to Dongguan to work, and later went to Huizhou to marry Chaoshan.

Suddenly, twenty-eight years after graduating from junior high school, the old class leader Ah Kunxing mobilized the crowd, gathered several class cadres, and organized a party. After two weeks of preparation, the student group was built.

However, Xiao Yan did not join the group. One of her cousins said: "Don't contact her, even if the phone breaks, it won't come." ”

Only to know that when Xiao Yan was working, she met a chaoshan man. After getting married, he has been living in Chaoshan and rarely returns home.

Ah Kun inquired for several days through his fellow villagers, and finally contacted Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan whispered on the phone, "Squad leader, don't embarrass me." My mother-in-law, who is seriously ill, needs to borrow money for treatment, where is the travel expenses back to her hometown? ”

Ah Kun said: "Then you should come back even more, and the students should find a way to make up some money to help you." ”

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Yan hung up the phone.

Goodbye Xiao Yan, it was in the previous year's Waxing Moon, at the dinner party organized by Ah Kun.

Xiao Yan said that after twenty years of marriage, she only returned to her mother's house twice, and when her father passed away, she did not come back...

This marriage made Xiao Yan suffer a lot. At the beginning, she thought that with true love, the husband was intimate, the wife was sincere, and everything was easy to do. As everyone knows, the husband's family is too poor, the life is difficult, forcing himself into a long-term worker, but also let the mother's parents break their hearts.

"The daughter is the parents' little cotton jacket", when the women around her happily return to their mother's home, Xiao Yan is still worried about the road fee, and her "little cotton jacket" has long been not warm. Women always have to pay for their original childishness.

Truly mature women will not easily choose to marry far away


When a woman chooses to marry far away, she needs to think more about it and make more assumptions.

Tu Lei, a love mentor, said: "Age is not a problem, height is not a distance, but distance is really a problem. ”

We always think that the power of love is particularly great, and it can overcome all suffering. As everyone knows, love also has a time when the whip is beyond reach.

A woman, from the first day of choosing to marry far away, means that everything can only be carried by herself.

First, marrying away is like an unfair gamble, winning and losing is in the hands of the other party.

What does the husband's family look like? Who is the in-laws and will they accept themselves? What should I do if my marriage fails and I am bullied?

A series of questions that women can only guess and cannot sway. Perhaps, the word resigned to fate is the most suitable for women's uneasy mood.

There is not a single relative around the woman, and the strength of the strength is particularly obvious.

Second, after marrying far away, the grievances are their own, and they can't find a shoulder that can really be relied on.

Not all women are very strong and can rely on the aura to suppress the in-laws.

When you are bullied, there should be a lot. The woman cried and looked for her husband to judge, but the husband was also helpless and difficult to rely on.

There is a good question: "Daughter-in-law and mother fall into the water at the same time, who should be saved first?" The heartfelt reply was: Save the mother first, because the mother is the only one.

The implication is that wives, like clothes, can be changed at any time, many unique. Chills.

There are also differences between cities that can make it difficult for women to live well. Maybe for years, I couldn't adapt to the new environment. I can't eat the taste of my hometown, I can't understand the local dialect of others, and I am particularly uncomfortable.

Third, the confidence of a woman who marries far away needs to be supported by money and the love of her husband.

Whether life is good or not, not only need money, but also the husband is willing to spend money. Some men, after marriage, treat their wives as "outsiders" and are always on guard.

Foreign women may "flee back to their mother's house" at any time from time to time, and the husband will inevitably have such worries.

Fourth, marrying far away may mean "filial piety" and will make parents particularly worried.

No matter how far the daughter goes, she can't get out of the worries of her parents.

Whoever says anything will be rewarded with three Chunhui. When parents send their daughters to distant places, their hearts must be mixed.

When the daughter does not come home for several years, the parents' hearts will feel very cold, and then they will be very warm, desperately trying to be better for their daughters.

Truly mature women will not easily choose to marry far away



Of course, we can't desperately oppose long-distance marriage, after all, everyone has the right to pursue happiness and has different three views. It's just that before you make a decision, you have to see the truth and have a life and family plan.

After all, marriage, for a woman, is equivalent to a second reincarnation, and it can't be too hasty.

Generally speaking, women who choose to marry far away need to have these conditions: they are particularly independent and have a great aura; they have strong adaptability, contradictions and grievances, and can digest themselves; their parents have other siblings to take care of, don't worry too much; the economic level is good, walking between the in-laws and the mother-in-law's family, you can afford to pay the fare at any time.

"Raising a Girl" writes: "Parents are mentors and allies on the road to a girl's growth, and understanding the different characteristics of a girl's growth stage can use their experience and resources to provide her with the necessary help." ”

As a parent, if you have a daughter, you should have told her the truth about the distant marriage earlier. When your daughter is gradually coming of age, take her to see the distance and learn the skills of love.

Whether it is poor or rich, the key is to cultivate the heart - a family, the soul is connected, and there are many discussions when things happen.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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