
"I hate my aunt coming to my house", the child said a lot of words from his mother's heart

In addition to the mother-in-law relationship, the sister-in-law relationship is also the most difficult relationship for married daughters to deal with. One of the sisters-in-law is married, and will become the mistress of this family in the future. One is married, once had a lot of say in this family, after marriage to return to the mother's home is also to hold the family master mentality, want to occupy more right to speak in the mother's home, inevitably will be in the mother's home to point fingers. For the sister-in-law, with such a sister-in-law, the family is doomed to be bloody. The sister-in-law who does not like to get married often returns to her own home, behind which is the confusion of family relations and the unspoken dark wounds of the daughter-in-law of the family.

Why don't most women like big sisters or little sisters-in-law?

The contradiction between the sister-in-law is probably not a problem of one person. But for the girls who marry out, if they do not put themselves in the right position, it is easy to cause sister-in-law contradictions and family conflicts.

 Idle like to meddle in the affairs of the mother's family

Many daughters who marry out have unclear boundaries and do not focus their lives on their own small families. Idle, I like to meddle in the affairs of my mother's family. As soon as the mother's family is in turmoil, the daughter who marries out decides to be the first to come out, make all kinds of suggestions, and make decisions. Even if there is a contradiction between brothers and sisters-in-law, she also has to intervene, and she is very good at making small things bigger, and the small contradictions between the two are well known. More pointing fingers to guide younger siblings, or sister-in-law how to take the child, educate the child, the big things and small things at home should listen to her. The sister-in-law who loves long hands and long feet is a major fuse of family conflicts.

"I hate my aunt coming to my house", the child said a lot of words from his mother's heart

 Fight for the wind and be jealous

Some girls are very favored at home when they are not married, and their parents and brothers regard themselves as treasures and are lawless at home. But when the brother or brother gets married and marries the daughter-in-law, there is one more girl in the family, and the parents and brother who spoil themselves are biased towards this girl. Many sisters-in-law are not happy in their hearts, unbalanced, and at home they are jealous of all kinds of things, making the family restless. Even if you get married, you must swear sovereignty in your mother's family, and even if you marry yourself, you will say the same thing in your mother's family.

 Fight for his parents and brothers, and morally kidnap his sister-in-law or younger siblings

Many girls may not be good to their parents before they get married, and how good their brothers are, and they also belong to the state of ten fingers not touching the spring water at home. But after the family married the daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law worked at home, these girls began to fight for their parents, "My parents are so hard, you mean to let her serve, my brother is not easy to support the family, you are not considerate of him at all." 」 If you want to do filial piety, do it yourself, don't kidnap your sister-in-law or younger siblings under the guise of fighting for your parents and brothers.

The married daughter wants to understand the following points, and there are few family conflicts

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the sister-in-law is no exception, the two have different personalities, different experiences, and contradictions are normal. But for the daughter who is married, understanding the following points will make life much better in the future.

1) Do not return to the mother's house empty-handed: When the brother in the family has become a family, the daughter who marries off does not go empty-handed when she returns to the mother's house. Treat yourself as a guest, bring more gifts, don't be strange to many people, don't eat and drink in vain.

"I hate my aunt coming to my house", the child said a lot of words from his mother's heart

2) Do not interfere in other people's housework: Although the married daughter is still a member of the family, for the family with brothers and sisters-in-law, the brother and sister-in-law are also the most core family members and have the greatest say in their own family affairs. Therefore, the married daughter can run her own small family, do not interfere more in other people's housework, help if you can, and learn to shut up if you can't help.

3) Empathetic thinking: Many girls in life are both sister-in-law, younger sister-in-law, and sister-in-law. Think about it often, have more understanding and understanding of the other party, and criticize less. Home and everything.

I believe that every parent hopes that the son will become a dragon and the daughter will become a phoenix!

Take the words of the world-famous physicist Yang Zhenning:

If you want your child to learn mathematics well, the first step is to first understand the basic concepts of mathematics; secondly, the origin of its basic concepts, which requires parents to accompany their children to read more mathematical books and play some mathematical games in the process of tutoring their children's mathematical problems.

"I hate my aunt coming to my house", the child said a lot of words from his mother's heart

However, climbing the pinnacle of mathematics is not an easy task. Yang Zhenning, a world-famous physicist, said: "I also think mathematics is very boring, but when I saw Liu Xuanyu's math book, I was very surprised. Can you still learn math like this? ”

Yang Zhenning was the greatest physicist after Newton and Einstein. The math teacher he can recognize, Liu Xuanyu, can't be wrong.

Who is Liu Xuanyu?

Compared with mathematicians such as Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun, Liu Xuanyu is not well-known, because his energy is mainly in mathematics teaching and the preparation of primary and secondary school textbooks.

Liu Xuanyu wrote many mathematical books in his lifetime, the most famous of which are these three:

The first book is "Mr. Ma Talks About Mathematics", which mainly talks about how to use the graphical method to solve some of the four problems of arithmetic

"I hate my aunt coming to my house", the child said a lot of words from his mother's heart

The second book is "Mathematical Fun", which mainly talks about the mathematical problems encountered in daily life, we say that all things are mathematics, and learning mathematics through all things is the fastest.

The third book is The Garden of Mathematics, which is a bit more difficult, and it talks about the concepts of functions, continuums, induced functions, differentiation, integrals, and sums, as well as the basic principles of their operations. Although it is a little deep, the method of explanation is very good, and the sixth grade baby can still understand part of the content.

Colleagues show this book to children, usually children also tutor mathematics, sometimes feel that cram school is a bit boring. But when the child read this book, he found it very interesting, and he could also use what he learned in the cram school.

"I hate my aunt coming to my house", the child said a lot of words from his mother's heart

I didn't feel tired after watching it for an hour! Parents: It's a rare good book!

For this set of classic mathematical science books compiled by Mr. Liu Xuanyu, parents also gave a high evaluation, parents said that "this series of books in general has a kind of follow-through temptation, from shallow to deep feeling, the language is particularly convincing"

It can be said that after reading this set of books, there is no need to worry about mathematics in elementary and junior high schools.

This set of classic mathematics series, the biggest benefit is to stimulate students' hidden enthusiasm and desire to learn, so that students love to learn mathematics, many parents said that "Mathematics Three Books" is a rare good book, can not be missed!

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