
How do women seize the financial power of the family? Nine ways to get you seated as a home CEO

How do women seize the financial power of the family? Nine ways to get you seated as a home CEO

Wen | Zhu Shengyong

Wives, why should I let you have to control the financial power of the family? Because knowing the family assets is also a kind of protection for you, if there is a serious marital crisis in the future, then you know how much money you have in the family, you can know how much you have, and if there is a situation where the other party transfers property, you can also immediately bring it up.

Some women may say "I'm not good at managing money, my husband is more professional, he knows better than me".

If you really don't understand management, at least you also need to know your husband's credit card, savings card, company accounting, etc. You only need to check it regularly to know a general situation.

If the other party does not let you understand and see, then he has a ghost in his heart, and you must make a marriage warning to see what the reason he does not want you to understand is.

After marriage, your husband and you are an economic community, and if the two of you still give money to your parents, then the function of your home is missing.

What if you were in charge of the finances?

How do women seize the financial power of the family? Nine ways to get you seated as a home CEO

First, communicate with your husband about the meaning of marriage.

After marriage, the husband and wife are a community, which means that two people want to share wealth, there is no so-called this is your money, this is my money.

If a man doesn't want to share wealth, he can simply get married, just like in the animal world, all male animals will give female animals food or nests when they court.

Second, telling your husband that sharing wealth is a way to express love.

When many men are in love, they will say "after we get married, the family's money will be given to you", why is this? What he means is that I love you and that sharing wealth is an expression of my love for you, which is a commitment that is much more realistic than "I love you forever."

You want to let men know that sharing wealth makes you feel safe.

Third, tell your husband that a woman can manage money and make a fortune.

You can tell him that many rich people have wives in charge of money in their homes, and women can be rich and prosperous, and when he sees many such cases, when he subtly accepts this concept, he will also give the money to his wife to manage.

Fourth, I told my husband that I didn't want to manage my money, but only for peace of mind.

You can say to your husband, "Husband, we have been married for so many years, and the property has never been well managed, but recently I watched a news that a couple divorced without proper management of their property, and I think that managing the property is not for the sake of divorce to be more divided, I just think that this will make me feel at ease."

The above 4 methods are all offensive strategies, and you can make him let down his guard.

How do women seize the financial power of the family? Nine ways to get you seated as a home CEO

Fifth, do a good job of the right to know about property.

The right to know about property means to know your husband's income, the company's business, your husband's bank card, and so on.

Sixth, write a good marital property agreement and power of attorney.

This authorization letter should clearly write how much income he has, how many bank cards, and these must be written well.

The property agreement should also be discussed with a lawyer.

Seventh, establish a pool of family-shared property.

Divide the property according to the situation of your family, part of it as a fund for children's education, part as a pension fund, part of buying an insurance for yourself and your family, and one can be used as an investment.

It's always up to you to make a plan for that money.

How do women seize the financial power of the family? Nine ways to get you seated as a home CEO

Eighth, the income and expenditure of property should be clear and verifiable.

After a woman starts to manage money, she must make a good record, so that there is an account to check, do not spend money in a vacuum, do not want two people to work hard for a year, and finally there is no more than a few money left.

For example, how much the child spends on education, how much he spends on food, how much he takes out on a mortgage, and how much he spends on human feelings, these must be clear.

Ninth, create wealth.

After managing the property, you should also start to think about how to keep the existing property increasing.

You can consider financial management, you can consider investment projects, but you need to discuss and communicate with your husband.

Author: Zhu Shenyong, Fudan MBA, founder of the School of Marriage Management, author of the best-selling book "Governance of Extramarital Affairs"

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