
What kind of women fascinate men the most? The wife has 7 qualities, and there is a lover or something

What kind of women fascinate men the most? The wife has 7 qualities, and there is a lover or something

Wen | Zhu Shengyong

When it comes to marriage, many women ask the question, "What kind of women do men like?" "I believe this is the question that many women want to know the most, and today we will talk about how to be a wife who makes men obsessed forever."

Trait 1: Focus on appearance.

Many women hear this and feel very dismissive" Do you still use this point? Men don't all look at faces", yes, men care about appearance, and good-looking women do have a great advantage.

However, ordinary-looking women are not good-looking women, you at least dress up cleanly, don't be sloppy, so that you will not make the other party disgusted, nor will you make the other party disgusted.

Characteristic two: know how to make small fights, but also know the measure.

Don't be a woman who is too well-behaved and obedient, after marriage, such a woman is very plain and boring in the eyes of men.

Small fights are like the regulator of life, so that men feel challenged, but they will not be disgusted, but some people feel that this is a kind of fun.

Men like the feeling of conquest, and women who know how to master small things and make small troubles are very attractive to men. When she was angry, she coaxed a little, and the two of them happily hugged and kissed me again.

What kind of women fascinate men the most? The wife has 7 qualities, and there is a lover or something

Characteristic three: have their own opinions and thoughts.

When there are problems in life, women who have their own ideas will make it easy to attract men, they think it will be very interesting to chat with you, not monotonous and not boring, can produce a lot of sparks, give him more views and perspectives.

At the same time, this kind of woman can not be too strong, know how to listen to men, two people are discussed.

In fact, most people can do it when in love, but they can enter marriage and face the real problems in life, and it is easy for two people to ignore the importance of this.

Women with their own opinions are guiding for men, but the premise is that such women do not look down on their husbands.

When you both respect him and guide him, such a woman is very tall in the heart of her husband.

Feature four: no taboo for bedroom exercise.

Husband and wife have been married for too long, and two people are not looking forward to bedroom life, and even feel bored, especially when the other party does not cooperate, the other person feels even more bored.

After getting married, you have to change your posture from time to time, discuss with each other what he likes, there is a wife who thinks that it is very immodest to think about this kind of thing, you know, this is everyone's needs, you do not meet him, he feels depressed, he will go outside to find.

What kind of women fascinate men the most? The wife has 7 qualities, and there is a lover or something

Characteristic five: Women should be motivated and spurred on men.

After marriage, life will easily enter the comfort zone, and if there is no development and no growth in the marriage of two people, it is very dangerous. Therefore, a woman should always hold a small whip in her hand. Knock on him from time to time and he will feel motivated and purposeful.

But pay attention to the degree of this beating, too hard is strong, not more than one percent.

Characteristic six: Women should provide emotional value.

Those women with high emotional intelligence are particularly happy to live, she is not using flattering means, but with the way of understanding him to heal him, so that the two people get along very comfortably, such a woman, men cherish it is too late.

Such a woman knows how to respect her husband, which will make her husband feel that he is valued, cared for, and understood, and he can get a sense of security and belonging from his wife.

So, wives can understand a little bit of psychology, a little bit of communication skills, so that when you communicate, he can completely open his heart to you, talk to you about troubles, talk to you about stress and pain. In this way, your hearts are together.

What kind of women fascinate men the most? The wife has 7 qualities, and there is a lover or something

Feature Seven: Smart women know how to iteratively upgrade.

Some people's marriages are stagnant, some people's marriages are getting better and better, what is the difference? It's an iterative escalation mindset.

Once married, you can try to understand each other's work, and you can learn something new from time to time to keep your abilities at the same stage.

I tutored some women who had a good hand when they were young and stubbornly ruined their marriages. This kind of person is characterized by eating old books, unwilling to grow, and completely dependent on men to live.

To sum up, if a woman wants to get the love of her husband for a lifetime, she must know how to cultivate herself and have the above 7 characteristics, so that a man's mind will not run outside.

Author: Zhu Shenyong, Fudan MBA, founder of the School of Marriage Management, author of the best-selling book "Governance of Extramarital Affairs"

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