
Is there pure friendship between the opposite sex? (Thorough analysis)

Is there pure friendship between the opposite sex? (Thorough analysis)

Is there pure friendship between the opposite sex? Yes, but very few, and it is unattainable.

The so-called "blue face confidant, red face confidant" exists, things are rare and precious, many adult men and women, read and read love, love and love will hurt, pain will scatter. And true friends of the opposite sex, they appreciate and cherish each other, understand and care for each other, encourage and help each other. Many times, the relationship between men and women who do not love will get along for a lifetime.

When you are happy, you will be the first to think of the other person and tell the other person about your happiness. And the other party will be happier than you, and the other party will accompany you to get excited and laugh together.

When you're sad, you'll be the first to think of each other. The other party will not grieve with you, and the other party will use a unique way to give you encouragement and considerateness, so that you feel the warmth in the care of the other party, and unconsciously smooth the trauma of your heart.

When you hurt yourself because of your stubbornness, the other party will loudly discipline you, and even scold you a few times, but you will never remember hate, and even what you experience is a warm heart.

At the same time, you will also show your sincerity and true feelings for the other party, and you will also remember everything about the other party in your heart.

Is there pure friendship between the opposite sex? (Thorough analysis)

When you know that the other party is going to go out for a long trip, you will worry and bless the other party's itinerary from the bottom of your heart; when you know what discomfort the other party is, you will sincerely feel sad for the other party; when the other party's career is not smooth, you will sincerely be anxious for the other party, and offer you meager and sincere encouragement.

This kind of friend, you can make all kinds of jokes with each other, and even say: "I like you, I love you." "And don't worry that the other person will actually become your lover and let you be hurt in the slightest."

You can speak all your inner words to each other, even the secrets of your heart that cannot be expressed between husband and wife, between lovers. At this time, the other party is the best listener, the best consulting expert, to relieve the confusion and pain in your heart.

Is there pure friendship between the opposite sex? (Thorough analysis)

This kind of friend will not be like a lover, a day without seeing a lovesickness like three autumns, but it will always pull out a trace of concern from the bottom of your heart, thus warming your heart.

This kind of friend, no matter how long you haven't seen, after seeing, there will be a most intimate, recent feeling, which will make you have a warm warmth rise in your heart.

This love, not everyone will have, this love, will only collide between the good you and him. This love will further become a worldly love between men and women; one step back will become an ordinary friend, even a passerby. Measure, so it becomes the most important size between this love.

This size is difficult for too many people to grasp. If you can't stand the temptation, if you take a step out and unfortunately become his lover, if you can't be promoted to a lover, if your feelings can't enter marriage, then how many emotions can you withstand the wash of the wind, frost, snow and wind, and withstand the collision of tears and loneliness and grievances?

Often sigh that it is difficult to find the sound, in fact, it is not difficult to find, but it is difficult to grasp. A distance of one meter, you step or not, the meaning is different. Many times, long-lasting friendships are much more solid than fruitless love.

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