
Psychology: When getting along with the opposite sex, boys prefer "cat women"

He Suohuan, a writer of sexual affective psychology, writes love stories, interesting strangers, and material knowledge.

Psychology: When getting along with the opposite sex, boys prefer "cat women"

What kind of girls are most attractive?

Saw a set of data online: What is the plus for mate selection?

For the post-90s, the advantages of the other party are:

Considerate personality, stable work, mature person.

And for the 95s, the plus is:

High emotional intelligence, interesting soul, good family.

In the process of getting along with the opposite sex, the biggest attraction of boys to girls is actually "economic conditions".

And the biggest attraction of girls to boys is personality.

Among them, it is the character of "cat girls", which is the most attractive to boys.

Psychology: When getting along with the opposite sex, boys prefer "cat women"


What are the characteristics of cat girls?

First: full of mystery

The so-called cat girl is in the girl's body, with some cat characteristics.

If you have ever owned a cat, you should know that mystery is the most obvious characteristic of cats.

For cat girls, they also have mysterious qualities.

The specific manifestations are:

In them, you can find a lot of "unexpected" things.

She can sing, dance, cook, and earn money; The more he digged into, the more the boy discovered that this girl was simply a "treasure girl".

In the mode of getting along:

Girls full of mystery, they are "very good at provoking".

Let the boy feel that she is close at hand, but getting along with the cat girl will make the boy feel a sense of crisis.

It's hard to guess the character of a cat girl, and it's hard to guess her thoughts.

But getting along with such a girl can bring a lot of freshness and surprises to your life.

Psychology: When getting along with the opposite sex, boys prefer "cat women"

Second: they are independent and clingy

Someone will be confused:

"Independent and clingy", isn't this the opposite character?

It is indeed opposite, but in cat girls, these two personalities coexist.

They are independent in personality and financially independent.

"I love you, but I don't lose myself because I love you".

When you fell in love, she became clingy again.

In other words:

When she is with you, the cat girl loses her strength, her strength, her solitude and the appearance of a strong woman; Instead, it's like a cat, always tired of being by your side.

When you have your own work and life to be busy, she will never disturb you, but immerse herself in her own business.

When getting along with cat girls, boys will not feel pressure.

They have a sense of proportion, they know where they are going or how to make trade-offs.

Psychology: When getting along with the opposite sex, boys prefer "cat women"

Third: cat girls, gentle and kind

There is a data ranking on the Internet: what is the personality of the girl that boys like?

Among the top ones are:

People should be kind, empathetic, gentle and lovely.

Cat girls are probably the best praise for women.

In her, you can feel her good side; She treats everyone equally.

You can also feel her tenderness, she is not high and unreachable, but can convey happiness and positive emotions to those around her.

She is also empathetic and able to put herself in your shoes.

When I met such a cat girl, which man could not love it?

Psychology: When getting along with the opposite sex, boys prefer "cat women"


What should men pay attention to when getting along with cat girls?

First of all, be sure not to force her.

A cat girl has her own life and career, and when she needs you, she will appear in front of you for the first time.

When she loves you, you can feel her tenderness as water and warm as fire;

But when she wants to have her own small space, you must not force her.

Interfere too much with the personal will and decisions of a cat girl, and you can easily lose her.

Psychologically speaking, emotional things are the most afraid of reluctance.

The more reluctant you are, the easier it is to cause the other party's "rebellious psychology".

People don't like the feeling of being bound, controlled, and restrained.

Mutual respect, mutual understanding, and giving each other space are the best state to get along with cat girls.

Psychology: When getting along with the opposite sex, boys prefer "cat women"

Secondly, get along with a cat girl and respect her choice.

What is the most important thing for couples?

It's respect, it's understanding, it's inclusion.

For example:

She has her own pursuits and ideas, her own ideals and persistence, and what you should do at this time is encourage, support or appreciation.

If you really disapprove of her thoughts in your heart, then don't stop her.

You just need to give her some advice and experience of yours, and in the end how she chooses, is her business.

In the same way, boys don't want to do anything and be disciplined everywhere by girls, right?

Learning to respect is a necessary means for adults to manage their relationships.

Psychology: When getting along with the opposite sex, boys prefer "cat women"

Today's Topic:

Do you like cat girls?

What characteristics of the other person attract you when you are with the opposite sex?

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