
With the opposite sex, girls are "emotional" to you and will send these "body signals"

He Suohuan, a writer of sexual affective psychology, writes love stories, interesting strangers, and material knowledge.

With the opposite sex, girls are "emotional" to you and will send these "body signals"

In an intimate relationship, what is the biggest difference between boys and girls?

When you have a good impression of each other, you don't behave the same.

When a boy likes a girl, his performance is positive, proactive, and courageous.

Boys prefer to go straight, like to be together, and simply refuse if they don't like it.

Girls are the opposite, when girls like boys, they are more restrained and shy.

"A thousand calls come out, holding the pipa half-covered."

This is the difference in the thinking of men and women in love.

Observing whether a girl is emotional towards you can be seen by some of her "body language" when facing you.

With the opposite sex, girls are "emotional" to you and will send these "body signals"


Girls like you, the eyes are different

The eyes are the most direct window of a person's emotions and feelings.

A person does not like you, his eyes will not look at you at all, and his attention will not be on you.

Like what:

In social situations, when you meet a nasty person, the moment you see him, you turn your head to the side and pretend not to see the other person.

Conversely, girls like you, what is the state?

First, her eyes will stay on you longer.

In a group of people, her eyes are more focused on you.

Observe your behavior, your life, and hesitate to talk to you.

Secondly, girls like you and will look at you.

Have you ever looked at a girl?

Looking at each other can actually explain a lot of problems.

If a girl doesn't like you, when she looks at you, her eyes are clear and without any emotion.

And when she likes you, her eyes are affectionate and gentle.

In the end, she can only be focused when she faces you.

Look you in the eye when chatting with you;

She is happy when she works with you;

Try anything with you and she's focused.

With the opposite sex, girls are "emotional" to you and will send these "body signals"


Girls who like you and don't resist "physical contact" with you

In psychology, "proximity" is used to measure the feelings between two people.

Also known as "safe distance".

With strangers, the safe distance will be kept within 1 meter;

With ordinary friends, the safe distance will be controlled at about 60;

Get along with your family and control it between 15-30;

With a lover, it will be less than 15 cm.

Think about it, isn't it like this?

In your social and life, do you keep a different distance from different people?

In the process of getting along with the opposite sex, girls are actually more sensitive to the "sense of distance".

Unfamiliar people, too close to girls, not only can not make girls feel good, but also cause girls' hostility.

Only if the girl's familiar friend and the boy who is secretly in love are close to her, the girl will not resist.

With the opposite sex, girls are "emotional" to you and will send these "body signals"

How to tempt?

It depends on whether she is willing to be close to you when you go out on a date with a girl, or if she deliberately keeps her distance from you.

For example: when watching a movie together, does she resist your initiative to hold hands?

Will she stay away from you when walking on the road, shoulder to shoulder?

These small details, the language on the body, are actually signals that girls have a good impression of you.

If she keeps a clear distance from you, sits across from you during meals, walks more than half a meter away from you, and does not approach you when watching movies.

This shows that she doesn't like you so much, and she still has a strong sense of vigilance against you in her heart.

With the opposite sex, girls are "emotional" to you and will send these "body signals"


Girls like you and will have subconscious "body language"

Psychological research shows:

When a girl gets along with a boy she likes, she will unconsciously make many subconscious small behaviors.

Like what:

In front of boys, constantly ruffling his hair;

When looking at the boy's Adam's apple, he will swallow saliva;

From time to time, the eyes focused on the boy's whole body;

The two hands will be a little tense and do not know where to put them;

Looking at the girl's whole posture, you can feel her struggling with relaxation and tension.

These small signals on the body all show that the girl has a good impression of the boy in front of her.

When we like a person, we can't help but "magnify the strengths of the other person", which is the "halo effect" in psychology.

Just as the so-called lover sees Xi Shi, in front of the person we like, we are nervous and cautious.

With the opposite sex, girls are "emotional" to you and will send these "body signals"

In the book "Great Body Language", it mentions this idea:

When two people love to the thick place, even if they don't say a word, as long as they are close to each other, there will be strong feelings.

In fact, whether a girl likes you or not, you can feel it after you have been together for a while.

Today's Topic:

Do you get nervous in the face of someone you like?

What other body signals do the opposite sex have good feelings?

(Article with picture source network)

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