
"Half-Acquainted Lovers 2" "Mu Ran Looking Back" CP: The best love is nothing more than this

"Half-Acquainted Lovers 2" "Mu Ran Looking Back" CP: The best love is nothing more than this

I originally thought that I wouldn't like "Half-Acquainted Lovers 2" too much, but I didn't expect that after watching it, it was actually on the head, "Mu Ran looked back" CP is really good, making people yearn for beautiful love.

When the male and female guests first met, Lao Yu was left alone, he arrived at the cabin alone, and he could only watch other people enter and exit the pair, but the attractive person could not be stopped, and he won Lao Sun's heart with practical actions.

In fact, Lao Yu was not Lao Sun's first choice, but in several contacts, she slowly firmed her choice, and the two became two-way rushing, which is also an unexpected result.

From their pair, you can also see the beauty of love again, the heartbeat of love, these qualities are very valuable.

"Half-Acquainted Lovers 2" "Mu Ran Looking Back" CP: The best love is nothing more than this!

"Half-Acquainted Lovers 2" "Mu Ran Looking Back" CP: The best love is nothing more than this

Reject other members of the opposite sex and identify the other as alone

It stands to reason that male and female guests are also new to contact, in addition to basic information, there is no other more understanding, or need to date more to see clearly, the other party is not the person you want.

But Lao Sun and Lao Yu did not do this, and after they chose to date each other at the beginning, they firmed their choice and did not choose anyone else.

The two of them also talked about this topic, and they felt that if they wanted to have contact with other guests, they would not object, after all, contact is more possible, in order to know whether the other party is suitable for them.

Compared with other guests, these two people are very popular candidates, such as Lao Yu, and the two female guests have dates, although it is a passive choice, but it can also show that this is a very popular guest.

Lao Sun said that it was okay, but there would be a little loss in his heart, but fortunately, Lao Yu is a firm person, he will reject other members of the opposite sex for Lao Sun, and will also report to her in advance, which is enough for Lao Sun to identify him.

Maybe at first, neither of them is the best choice, but after contact, they have a certain understanding of each other, and they are willing to continue to try with each other, such a relationship is beautiful enough.

"Half-Acquainted Lovers 2" "Mu Ran Looking Back" CP: The best love is nothing more than this

The best love is to go both ways

The reason why this pair of "Mu Ran looking back" CPs was attractive enough from the beginning was because of their two-way rush and decided that there was nothing else for each other.

The two did not have much contact, but after choosing each other at the beginning, they never changed their hearts, even if other guests were invited, they just got along as friends, and they didn't think about having a start with each other.

At the same time, every contact makes people find that they are such a tacit understanding of two people, Lao Yu looks honest, but he will also remember Lao Sun's preferences, buy a coconut for her every day, Lao Sun will also bring a gift to Lao Yu when he goes out, this simple and peaceful love is exactly what people want to see.

In this era of scarcity of true love, it is not easy to see a two-way love, and it is even more attractive to see them willing to work hard for each other.

According to the current situation, it is likely that you will already know who is with whom without the finale, although there are many fewer surprises, but if it can really be from the beginning, it is also the best ending.

"Half-Acquainted Lovers 2" "Mu Ran Looking Back" CP: The best love is nothing more than this

What does the best love look like?

Some people think that it is vigorous and shocking, some people think that it is plain is true, no matter which one, as long as it suits you, it is the best choice.

The most important thing between people is sincerity, and Lao Sun and Lao Yu delivered the most sincere heart at the beginning, hoping to give each other the best love, which is the best love.

In this life, the happiest thing is to meet a person who understands himself, to meet a person who is willing to join hands with him, if he is lucky enough to meet, he must cherish it.

When you meet a white head, choose a city to grow old, the best love is this, may you get your wish!

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