
China's first pair of Dink is 60 years old, once said "take the money to raise children to pension", the status quo is painful

Hello everyone, I take the time out of my busy schedule today to bring you the following article, welcome to taste it together!

A thousand readers have a thousand Hamlets.

Everyone's thinking is different:

Some people are afraid of having 4 children in 5 years alone in old age;

Some people think that the family is noisy and only wants only children;

Someone chose Dink in order to enjoy the world of two people and have more freedom.

China's first pair of Dink is 60 years old, once said "take the money to raise children to pension", the status quo is painful

The so-called Dink, that is, do not have children, couples for decades only live a good married life.

Nowadays, more and more families choose Dink, who believe that they can have a lot of free time without children;

Without children, you don't have to carry so much pressure in life, bending your waist for five buckets of rice every day;

Without children, when you are old, you do not need to bring grandchildren, and you can enjoy the old age to the fullest.

Did the couple who chose Dink live their best in their later years? Have they ever regretted it?

They once said, "Take the money to raise children to retire."

The concept of "Dink" originated in Europe and flourished in the 1980s. In our country, one of the first couples to choose Dink is 60 years old.

They were Uncle Sun and Aunt Sun, when the two went to the big city to work hard, after suffering a lot of hardships, they also had savings, and they had a car and a house.

China's first pair of Dink is 60 years old, once said "take the money to raise children to pension", the status quo is painful

Perhaps they feel that life is relatively bitter and do not want their children to suffer together, so they choose Dink. When friends asked, they laughed and said, "We are ready to take the money to raise children to retire!" "

Nowadays, the two mouths are getting older, their bodies are not as tough as before, and there are often problems, but fortunately, there is a wife who can take care of them.

During a trip, Uncle Sun suddenly fell ill, and Aunt Sun could only run before and after the hospital. However, the 60-year-old's body is no longer tough after all, and he said that he had more than enough heart and insufficient strength.

Until the uncle was cured and discharged from the hospital, both of them lost a lot of weight. Looking at the elderly people lying on the hospital bed, all of them have children busy, the two people can't help but sigh, which makes people feel painful. However, the reality still has to be faced.

"Mom had a little regret when she left, but the body didn't allow it"

The famous host Kang Hui, we all know. Through introduction and blind dates, he and his wife sparked their feelings and started a family.

The couple, who have always lived frugally and dedicated to their work, chose Dink.

China's first pair of Dink is 60 years old, once said "take the money to raise children to pension", the status quo is painful

Neither of them regretted this decision. They dedicate more time to work and to a life of self-discipline.

However, Kang Hui's mother always said that she wanted a grandchild, and it was not until her mother became seriously ill that he suddenly began to reflect on whether he was too filial piety.

But at this time, his wife was already elderly, and in order not to put her in danger, he still did not choose to have children.

Later, in an interview, he also said that he did regret it, and if he could do it again, he might choose to have a child.

There are still many couples in life who have chosen Dink, and most people think that their later life will be relatively elegant without worrying about children, bringing grandchildren, etc.

Will the Dink couple really be free in their later years?

Economic pressures are different

Raising children for decades does require a lot of money, and parents with children at home needless to say.

But the Dinks were free to dispose of their property, and they didn't have to save money to build a house, or even buy a house, or marry their children.

Timing is different

Many people say that since having children, they feel that they have no time of their own, and they circle around their children every day. Many mothers, in order to concentrate on their babies, even have to give up their jobs.

Mr. and Mrs. Dink have more time to experience life, improve themselves, and everyone envies the tour, they can say that they can go.

The state of mind is different

No matter how old a child is and where he goes, he is the concern and hope of his parents. Many people reach old age, and their wives take a step forward because they are unwell, but with the care and companionship of their children, they will not be too lonely.

China's first pair of Dink is 60 years old, once said "take the money to raise children to pension", the status quo is painful

But Dink is different, they don't have children, and if their wives have an accident and they don't have siblings, they may feel very lonely.

People say that in their old age, their temperament will be like that of a child, and they often need to be coaxed and accompanied. When they live alone every day, their hearts will inevitably be sad. Perhaps, I will also regret that I did not have children.

Everything is not a generalization, and some couples, although Dink, are still able to reasonably control their lives, and may move to a nursing home in old age.

Although some families have several children, partners do not have the feeling of "old age and dependence" when they are old, and there are too many practical examples of selfish children who only know how to take but never return.

There are also many partners and children who are very good, and they do not have to worry about the sluggish life of their children in old age, nor do they have to take their grandchildren at an old age.

China's first pair of Dink is 60 years old, once said "take the money to raise children to pension", the status quo is painful

Just like the last episode of the documentary "The First Time in Life", the uncles and aunts go to the university for the elderly, live a healthy life, and have a positive attitude, and they really realize the ideal state of old age without dragging down their children and their children are not oppressed by life.

Dink is a choice, but life is an attitude.

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