
When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

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When people are old, their children and grandchildren are full, and it is a special happiness and pride to be able to enjoy their old age with their partners. But the world is uncertain, everyone has a time of "life, old age, illness and death", the most feared is disease and death, especially once his wife is gone, his old age life will lose the happiness of the past.

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

Even, in the old age, only oneself is left, the children cannot accompany, and the body is no longer as miserable as in the past, perhaps, this is the old age of many old people.

I have to admit that as we get older, we should indeed be prepared in advance, otherwise the future days are really difficult to say, just in case!

In real life, some doors need to be opened, some doors need to be closed forever, and when you are young, you have to open some doors that should not be opened in order to live and work.

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

But what about people getting old? Don't easily open doors that shouldn't be opened, or the blessings around you will dissipate, ruining not only the efforts of the first half of your life, but also the rest of your life.

So, when you're old, no matter how capable you are, don't open the "door" below.

When you are young, you may encounter setbacks and contradictions, choose to complain, and open the door of "complaining" for yourself, but youth means unlimited possibilities, even if you complain for a while, you can quickly come out.

But people are not the same when they are old, once the prison door is opened, it will not only affect the mentality, but also affect the body and life, especially the people around you, who will be sad because of your complaints, and the whole family will fall into a gray darkness.

Besides, when a person is old, what else is there to complain about? Enjoy the rest of your life, maintain an optimistic attitude, no matter what the situation, as an old man, you should take these things very lightly, as long as you are happy, there is no need to complain about others, there is no need to complain about anything.

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

As an old man, there is nothing more joyful than an optimistic mindset, and once you lose optimism, then no matter how much wealth and ability you have, what is the point? Because it's hard to live happily.

Therefore, when you are old, don't "complain" anymore, and maintain an optimistic attitude to make your old age better.

He had lived for so many years, had seen too many people, and his heart had long been cold, and only in his own small home could he be at ease.

What's the use of old calculations? Be confused, don't think too much about everything, be sober in your heart, on the surface you must learn to "pretend to be stupid", only hope that the years will be quiet, there is no dispute with the world, a flower and a grass, leisurely.

When you are young, many people like to make friends and feel that multiple friends have more than one way, but gradually, friends are just a false name, and there are not many people who can really rely on them, and in the end they still have to rely on themselves.

When people are old, they will have a sense of isolation from the world, which is a wrong idea, after all, people in this era are not simply for profit, but to make more friends, so as to pass the time. This couple, a lifetime of fate, when young, fight back and forth, when they are old, there is no point in arguing again.

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

Husbands and wives should be the people in the world who know each other best, and it is not an easy task to want to live a lifetime.

Decades of ups and downs, in the blink of an eye, we are all old, experienced so many ups and downs, there is no longer the gentleness and romance of the past, some are just gentle, some are just gentle, some are just considerate, and finally can lead their children to go down together.

In the old age, if people often stay at home alone, life will become more and more boring, which will have an impact on the body and spirit, after all, if the elderly do not often go out and walk, it will be trouble.

Therefore, when people are old, they must turn off "loneliness", do not shut themselves at home, and must insist on socializing and make their later life colorful, so that they can enjoy the fun of their later years.

Although everyone says that money is not omnipotent, combined with this society, "no money is impossible", especially after people are old, the old age without money will be very painful.

If you are young, have the ability to make money, and have the ability to support yourself, but what about when you are old? With neither a pension nor a pension, the wisest option is to leave enough pension.

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

Some elderly people may feel that "raising children and preventing the elderly", leaving the only remaining savings to their children, and then reaching out when they have money, but this practice is obviously not feasible, not to mention whether the children are filial piety, they also have their own lives and jobs, maybe even their own lives can not be determined, where there is time and money to support you.

Having money is more reliable than anything, at least you can talk to yourself, you don't need to look at anyone's face, so that you can live happily in your old age.

Most relatives cut the grass and remove the roots, leaving only a small part. When you are old, it is not ruthless, but helpless, and you must cut off contact with relatives who are not friendly on the surface or in the dark. Although the words of relatives are good, it is a very embarrassing thing to do things.

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

If you can't bear it, you can recall the injuries you have suffered, and the things that make you extremely painful and tangled are often obstructed by relatives. It is difficult for outsiders to hurt you, but your relatives are invincible, in the final analysis, you still can't let go of your affection.

Therefore, only by staying away from relatives can we avoid future troubles, can we cut off what has happened, can we mercilessly cut off the affection based on interests, and we must distance relatives as much as possible for the sake of interests, even if they never contact, they will not feel sorry. There are also some relatives who, when you are living well, will say all kinds of good things to you, but when you are not living a good life, relatives will say all kinds of bad things.

Relatives are good to you, and sometimes they will be speechless, neither liking you nor wishing you to be ugly. Hypocritical relatives, if you can't alienate them in time, they will cause you trouble.

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

When people are old, the most feared thing is to lose their health, lose their health, no matter how rich and powerful you are, you can't change anything.

In fact, people's life should be health-oriented, develop good living habits, control themselves in diet and exercise, especially in old age, pay more attention to physical health, otherwise it is easy to fall into the situation of fighting against diseases.

Young people are better, some diseases can survive, but with age, physical function will become worse and worse, so we should manage the "disease", exercise regularly, and develop good eating habits in order to enjoy the old age and not be plagued by diseases.

Many times, the elderly can close the "disease", not only to let them enjoy life, but also to make their children feel happy.

You are old, your wife is gone, you are alone, even if you have enough money to retire, you have to take care of your children.

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

Some old people do not pay attention to the relationship between their children, feel that they are right when they are old, and even cut off relations with their children, which is obviously not a wise move, after all, the children have grown up, and you are alone, if even your dearest children are frozen, then your future life will not be good.

In fact, the happiness of the elderly is not reflected in the material, but in the family affection, they are waiting for their children at home to retire, but also care for their children, which is a kind of happiness.

Only by having a good relationship with your children can you feel the happiness brought by family affection in your old age, if you always rely on the old and sell the old, you can't handle the relationship between your children, even if you live a rich life, you can't feel the happiness of your children and grandchildren.

As the saying goes, the sun rises in the east and rains in the west.

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

Lovers nag, nagged fireworks in the world, nagged about half a lifelong marriage, nagged about the shortness of parents, and nagged about a lifetime of grievances.

People are old, and they can't help but lament how difficult life is! At least, I spent all my time with you, and I vaguely remember that when we were young, we stopped at the lights...

Nagging just nag, the left ear in and out of the right ear, there are thousands of ways to love, one is that the mouth can not say, but the heart is thinking, love and hate a lifetime, love and hate a lifetime, in exchange for the other half, no complaints and no regrets!

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

When people reach old age, the most important thing is the health of the body, which cannot be exchanged for anything, and once lost, it means that the happiness of old age is lost.

People should put health first before they are old, develop a healthy lifestyle, so that they can experience the happiness of old age, especially after the pension money, deal with the relationship between children, coupled with physical health, it is difficult to be unhappy in the old age!

In the old age, the more fragile the body is, and if you are not careful, you may get sick, so you must develop good living habits and eat more grains and other things that are good for the body.

Don't say don't listen to the elders, it's yourself who suffers! Everyone has their own life, everyone has their own life, children grow up, will have their own dreams, then let them fly, when they miss home, naturally will come back.

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

Especially the feelings between young people, it is best not to mix in, when you did everything for love, when you understand, naturally you know how to live.

When people are old, they should respect their children, not restraints, and respect their feelings, choices, ideals, and lives.

Some old people are too controlling, everything must be managed, things must be reversed, if it is really good for the child, then silent support, can help to help, some things, can not be managed, rather pretend not to manage, so that the child will mature!

When people are old, it doesn't matter what they do, they don't mention new hatreds and old hatreds, they don't talk about people's feelings and sophistication, they are happy when they see relatives, they let go of their grievances and entanglements, and they learn to be "calm."

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

The indifference of family affection may be an inevitability, but I don't know when it began, the distance between two people is getting farther and farther, perhaps, they already have their own family, have their own children, have their own lives...

Some relatives tear their faces because of a little interest, but quarrels and quarrels, after all, they still can't give up the fate of family affection, and at a certain age, they have to admit that some relatives will become very weak, not who has changed, but we have all changed.

As soon as some relatives meet, they will compare themselves with each other, no longer talk about family affection, only say who has money, eat much better than when they were young, but eat it without taste, just like the family affection that has long deteriorated.

Some relatives have been thinking about the money in your pocket all their lives, if you don't give it to them, they will feel indebted to you, just ask, when your life is at a low point, which relative will be so good to you?

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

When people are old, when they meet relatives, they would rather pretend to be poor than show their posture, do not let their relatives be jealous, do not let their relatives "think" of them, and exchange courtesies and exchanges, if they feel bored, it is better to go their own way!

When people are old, everything must be looked down upon, the surface is confused, and the mind must be transparent.

When people reach old age, they will also see through and will not expose those messy things.

When people are old, they don't bother others, they don't bother, and they live their old age in peace.

When people are old, they should pretend when they should be dressed, smile, do not ask about the world, and be a leisurely old fairy!

In this life, people have to go through countless "doors", no matter how they look at these "doors" when they are young, they hope that they can close these three doors when they are old.

When people are old, if only you are left, you must leave the following three ways to retreat

In countless times of opening and closing doors, we can learn a lot of life truths and truths, I was a clueless child when I was young, but as I grew older, I believe you have learned a lot of life principles, know what can not be opened, what can not be opened.

As for your choice, it is your own choice, I hope you can think twice and don't leave too many regrets in your life!

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