
After retirement, take the initiative to break off relations with 4 kinds of people, and the heart is no longer tired


After retirement, take the initiative to break off relations with 4 kinds of people, and the heart is no longer tired

If people live one life, they will not be able to live in the world, and they also need to cope with some relationships that they have to deal with.

This coping, for you, may be completely reluctant. You don't really want to do it, but you still have to make a decision or please someone for real reasons.

In this world, there are not many people who can really live as they want.

Because anyone, in the end, still has to live in the overall environment, but also live in the human world, when it should be acted, it needs to be acted, and it must be dressed when it should be dressed.

But as we gradually grow older, when we move from the way of life to the road of life, many times you can no longer have all kinds of scruples and look forward to the future. Of course, I don't mean that you can break the jar at this time, but you can make your life easier and better under certain premises, and some things can not be so concerned.

For example, after retirement, there are actually 4 kinds of people you can choose to break off relations, which will make your heart less tired and your life more hopeful.

After retirement, take the initiative to break off relations with 4 kinds of people, and the heart is no longer tired

01. People who have pit you;

It is true that in our inherent thinking, most people think that if a person pits you, it is best not to interact, so as not to bring more trouble to themselves in the future.

But how many people can really do it? Most people in their daily lives, there will still be some common concerns, if not really helpless, in line with the principle of being kind to people, more is better than less, and they are not willing to tear their faces, and will continue to retain the dignity of this relationship for various reasons.

In fact, there is no need for this at all.

One of the facts you need to understand is that most people in your life, in fact, you can afford to offend, not to mention that this person has also taken the initiative to pit you, sometimes it is just some of your own inner concerns, so you dare not really make a decision. As long as you take this step, you will find that your life has not changed fundamentally because of the departure of someone, but your own mood will certainly be much better.

At a certain age, in fact, this false relationship does not need to be maintained at all, so as not to add to the inner blockage, it is not painful to think about, but it is better to do things by your own heart.

After retirement, take the initiative to break off relations with 4 kinds of people, and the heart is no longer tired

02. People who make your heart unhappy;

In this world, people who make you unhappy can be roughly divided into two types, the first is the person who has more intersection with you, but you don't like it; the other is the person who doesn't have much intersection, but you inexplicably want to stay away.

The magnetic field between people is very strange, some people you may have a particularly cordial and familiar feeling as soon as you meet, very much look forward to the exchange with each other, this feeling becomes stronger after knowing; but at the same time, there are some people, you may not speculate more than half a sentence, a little two sentences, you can feel the conflict and discord between each other.

After retirement, take the initiative to break off relations with 4 kinds of people, and the heart is no longer tired

Either way, in short, the person is already uncomfortable with you because of some aspect of the situation.

Of course, this is not to say that the other party is necessarily bad, maybe he is also very popular with other people, that is, you can't get along with him, and you don't like to have any intersection with him.

Really, you don't have to force yourself, especially at a certain age, you don't need to use the way you wronged yourself to please someone you don't like, you can be yourself. Who makes you unhappy, you stay away from this person, then your happiness will come back a little more, this is the simplest kind of logic, people who can really do it, life will undoubtedly be much easier.

After retirement, take the initiative to break off relations with 4 kinds of people, and the heart is no longer tired

03. People with moral problems;

The so-called character problems are actually a very wide range, such as selfishness, lack of empathy, arrogance and so on.

Of course, human nature is multi-faceted and three-dimensional, and if you use an absolutely pure standard to require someone to do well in all aspects, then you may find that there is no good person in this world.

Therefore, sometimes the standard of measuring people really does not have to be too harsh. But at the same time, you must also understand that people who are really worth interacting with all the time are definitely positive in the general direction and are in line with universal values. They may do something innocuous that you don't approve of, but the character is absolutely fine.

At a certain age, about those who have moral problems, it is best not to continue to communicate, when they are young, everyone may be hindered by reality, some people are obviously very annoying, or they still have to smile and say something against their hearts.

If you want to stay away from all this after retirement, it is often simpler, and it is actually a good thing for yourself to reduce the inappropriate connections, at least your mood is much happier, and your concentration will be stronger.

After retirement, take the initiative to break off relations with 4 kinds of people, and the heart is no longer tired

04. People who are always looking for your stubble in daily life;

Speaking of which, some people may ask: Is there such a person? There must be, and rooted in my observations, such people tend to exist more between their friends and family.

That's why I'll take this out into my own right. Because in the system generally recognized by society, the relationship between the two of you is more intimate, such as the relationship between the other party is your relative, or even a brother and sister, so you will unconsciously be more tolerant, and you will not be able to make up your mind to really do a double cut.

In fact, good relatives should be cherished by everyone, but if the other party is a bad relative, your contradictions are already very deep, and the other party has already kicked their noses in the face, so you don't have to hold that so-called family friendship. Maybe people don't regard you as a relative, otherwise they wouldn't treat you like this, and you are alone there thinking about all kinds of drama, and you think how great you are.

Some relatives, far away is good for everyone.

Any relationship needs to be screened to a certain extent.

The more determined you are in the screening, the more pure and relaxed your emotions are under this condition, and when your mood is better, the state of the whole person will be better, and you will live a longer life.


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