
The 4-year-old grandson has 2,000 literate children, only because the retired grandmother used a "strange" method and was well-intentioned!

After the retirement of the special Chinese teacher, he helped to take his grandson, influenced by his profession, taught his 4-year-old grandson to read, but was said to be useless by his daughter-in-law, and after the baby went to primary school, the daughter-in-law praised her grandmother's good intentions.

Neighbor Yinuo is four years old this year. Grandma, who retired from her position as a language teacher, has been helping to carry her grandson, and after the child was four years old, grandma began to teach her grandson to read.

The daughter-in-law was critical of this because she had read some books on children's psychology and believed that children should not be literate before school age, which would destroy the child's imagination. But I have not been embarrassed to stop my mother-in-law.

Until one day, Yinuo's mother saw her mother-in-law take a book full of words and let the 4-year-old child read it.

She finally couldn't help it: Mom, four-year-old children don't need to read. Children still have two years to go to school, so early literacy, imagination has not been stifled, don't become nerds later.

The mother-in-law saw her daughter-in-law say this and said her thoughts.

The mother-in-law said: Of course, I know that if I teach children to read, it will indeed destroy children's imagination, but we promise that it is a sensitive period of literacy, and we must seize it.

Besides, I've been a Chinese teacher for more than thirty years, and what kind of children have never seen it. Those who are admitted to key universities are almost all children who are literate early, literate, read a lot, and read fast.

Moreover, I use game literacy methods that conform to the laws of brain development and the characteristics of children's development, rather than letting children memorize by rote.

Yinuo's mother listened to her mother-in-law say this, and she felt that it really made sense.

The mother-in-law added: Now is the golden age of brain development, the child's memory is good, now more literate, wait for school, it does not have to be so laborious, wait until then, you know I did the right thing.

Sure enough, after waiting for Yinuo to go to the first grade, due to the large amount of literacy, there is no need to wait for the teacher to finish reading the questions before doing it, so that the speed of answering questions and writing homework is particularly fast, and parents do not have to worry about learning at all.

Yinuo's mother was very grateful to meet such a good mother-in-law, and with the method of "playing middle school", Nono knew more than 2,000 words at the age of four. Five or six years old are in a lot of independent reading.

Seize the child's "literacy sensitive period", baby literacy is faster and easier

Before the child is 6 years old, there are many different sensitive periods, the literacy sensitive period is the child's literacy window opens, if you can grasp it, the child can read efficiently, and there is no pain.

Children's literacy sensitive period generally occurs before the age of 2-7 years old, if you find that your child is suddenly interested in words, or encounter strange words and want to know how to read the word, it is likely that the child's literacy sensitive period has arrived.

Literacy is necessary for preschoolers

First: Improve children's reading ability

Some parents may be like Yinuo's mother, thinking that their children can read prematurely, and reading books will read words, thus destroying their children's imagination.

This is not the case.

It is the nature of children to like colorful pictures. Even literate children will look at the picture first, and then look at the text to check whether the information they get from the picture is correct.

The information of pictures and text complements each other and can improve children's reading ability.

After Yinuo began to read independently, he added a hobby, that is, to supplement the pictures on the book, and he would draw the information obtained from the text, which is a manifestation of the improvement of reading ability.

Second: After going to school, learning makes parents worry less

First-grade children, due to the limited amount of literacy, cannot remember homework, cannot read the problem, and do not know the teacher's board book.

Some children do not keep up with the questions when they take the exam, and they do not know it, which leads to unsatisfactory test scores.

And these, for children with high literacy, are not a problem at all.

Therefore, children who are very good in the first grade are often children with a large amount of literacy. This also helps them maintain self-confidence in learning and develop good study habits.

Like Yinuo, who knew 2,000 words at the age of 4, did not encounter these problems at all after going to school, and mothers hardly worried about their children's learning.

Third: strong language skills

A child with strong language skills can clearly express his needs at a younger level, and his social skills will not be too bad when he is older.

Due to the early reading of independent reading, they have already accumulated a large number of good words and sentences, famous quotes, historical allusions and so on in their brains.

Just like Yinuo, he began to read on his own at the age of four, the bibliography is very wide, in addition to picture books, he also read a lot of traditional stories, idioms stories, celebrity role model stories, and small mouth talk are all set in a set.

A way to get a 4-year-old child to read more than 2,000

Grandma Yinuo is a retired special language teacher, knows the characteristics of children's brain and psychological development, she does not hold a word card, or use reading only boring to teach children to read.

Instead, let the child play in the middle school, use his own small hands, eyes, ears, mouth, and fully mobilize all parts of the child's body.

There are many studies that show that children learn better if they use all parts of their own body at the same time in learning, which is the "multi-sensory learning method".

J's mother also mentioned this learning method to fans and friends for the first time in Baijia, and now it has been quoted in many places.

Grandma Yinuo teaches Yinuo literacy, that is, to use this "multi-sensory literacy method", let the child press with his hand, let the relevant parts of the brain be active first, and then look at it with his eyes, remember the appearance of the word, and then listen with his ears, change from visual to auditory, avoid boring children, and finally use a small mouth to read, complete the closed loop from input to output.

It is this method that makes Yinuo's literacy increase by leaps and bounds, exceeding 2,000 in a short period of time.

Grandma Yinuo uses the "Finger Reading Sound Book", and the design concept of this set of books is also to let children "use sensory literacy" to read efficiently.

First: finger reading sound

This set of books is a point reading sound book, but it does not require any point reading pen, and the child can make a sound by pressing it with a small hand.

Just like a toy, by pressing a switch, the child can find a sense of control.

Every word and related group word can be pronounced.

Second: test children's literacy

Every page of the book has a detect button. It can automatically examine the child's literacy effect.

Third: It can play automatically

The book can also be seen as an MP3 player, which can automatically play the entire page of content, allowing children to read along with the book.

Fourth: repeated charging

This set of books does not need a battery, but comes with a charging cable, and the battery is used for a long time, I charged it once, and I still have electricity for a month.

For parents in need, click on the link below to get it.

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