
Dear little child: One misstep leads to the tragedy of four families. Xiao Lu's price this time was too heavy

Yesterday's dear child finale, Xiao Lu knelt in front of everyone and cried and begged everyone for forgiveness, and agreed to his divorce from Dong Fan, agreed to Yinuo's divorce from Xie Tianhua, and let him and Yinuo have another child to save Hehe.

Qin Hao's excellent acting skills vividly interpreted Xiao Lu's inner monologue, and the audience not only stopped scolding him scum, but could feel the protagonist's explosive emotions.

Dear little child: One misstep leads to the tragedy of four families. Xiao Lu's price this time was too heavy

The mentality of helplessness, fear, sadness, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they want to open up their lives to grasp it, which makes people look at it with a hard heart.

Xiao Lu and Yinuo's marriage

Xiao Lu and Yinuo's child, Hehe, was diagnosed with leukemia when he was five years old.

At this time, it had been almost four years since Xiao Lu and Yinuo divorced.

At the first birthday party, "Little Third" Zhu Zhu made a big fuss at the venue, telling Yinuo about her relationship with Xiao Lu and the recording after the incident that night.

Qiang Yinuo could not stand Xiao Lu's "cheating", picked up the child on the spot, and left the table with his mother and mother in anger.

After that, Yinuo and Xiao Lu quickly divorced.

In fact, all of Yinuo's behavior at this point in the story is normal, she is because she cares too much about her feelings with Xiao Lu, she will have similar emotional purity, even if she has not yet confirmed whether what Zhu Zhu said is true, she is overwhelmed by anger.

All she had at the time was that the marriage was dirty and she needed to get out of it quickly. In addition, Xiao Lu is very busy at work, and Yinuo basically did not help much after giving birth, and yinuo was taking children.

Dear little child: One misstep leads to the tragedy of four families. Xiao Lu's price this time was too heavy

At night, The baby cried, and Yinuo kicked Xiao Lu hard, and he still slept soundly. The girl has just given birth to a baby, her spirit is relatively fragile, and she will think about the west; the changes in life brought about after giving birth also make the two physically and mentally exhausted.

At this time, Xiao Lu had a problem, Xiao Lu had a problem, and it was not surprising that Yinuo wanted to quickly end this widowed marriage.

But if you look further back, you will find that this is a misjudgment made by an anxious mother. After giving birth to the baby, Yinuo put all the focus on the child.

There is also a lack of normal communication between Xiao Lu and Xiao Lu, in addition to accusing Xiao Lu of not taking children and not caring, the other two have almost zero communication. Not to mention that Xiao Lu wanted to be close to Yinuo.

Therefore, at that time, Yinuo was much more confused in mentality than before marriage, which was probably because of the anxiety of the new mother.

In fact, they just have to get through that period

When the child is a little older, maybe everything will turn around.

To say that the culprit of their marriage is that "little three" Zhu Zhu.

Dear little child: One misstep leads to the tragedy of four families. Xiao Lu's price this time was too heavy

Before Xiao Lu met Zhu Zhu, at most, he only had a lot of socializing, couldn't take care of his home, and slept to death at night because he was too tired. But after meeting Zhu Zhu, Xiao Lu was put on a hat like "cheating" and "scumbag".

Zhu Zhu's intervention

Zhu Zhu is the daughter of Xiaolu's client, Zhu Zong. Because Zhu zong was abandoned by her husband and raised her daughter alone, she was focused on her career, doing things a little extremely and a little unkind.

In order to win the order, Xiao Lu, who was full of vitality, started from Zhu Zhu, the daughter of Zhu Zong. He approached Zhu Zhu with all his might and became friends with Zhu Zhu. He also took her to eat street stalls and attend friends' parties on the big night.

Zhu Zhu, who is strictly guarded by Zhu Mu, who is twisted by her personality because of her abandonment, suddenly tastes the relaxed sweetness of being with Xiao Lu and relies on Xiao Lu.

After Xiao Lu was drunk once, Zhu Zhu took Xiao Lu back to his residence.

The next day, Xiao Lu, who got up naked, seemed to understand something instantly after seeing Zhu Zhu, who was getting dressed.

Dear little child: One misstep leads to the tragedy of four families. Xiao Lu's price this time was too heavy

Then he told Zhu Zhu that when all this was an accident, it was a misunderstanding, he had a family, he had children, and he didn't know anything after drinking. Hopefully, Zhu Zhu will forget all this.

However, what Xiao Lu did not expect was that Zhu Zhu not only failed to forget all this, but also recorded the conversation with him, took it to his daughter's birthday party, and put it in front of Yinuo.

Who let Xiao Lu investigate only half done,

Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhu superficially obeyed her mother, but in fact, the seeds of rebellion had already been planted in her heart.

Xiao Lu took a risk, and the result was really trapped.

It was obvious that the game that night was deliberately done by Zhu Zhu.

Xiao Lu's whole body was already paralyzed in bed, incapacitated.

Zhu Zhu did this in order to keep Xiao Lu, who brought her excitement and happiness. In the process of getting along with Xiao Lu, she felt Xiao Lu's positive enthusiasm and gentleness and thoughtfulness.

She would rather be tied up with Xiao Lu, who has a wife and children, than be under the excessive control of her mother.

Dear little child: One misstep leads to the tragedy of four families. Xiao Lu's price this time was too heavy

It's just that she miscalculated, Xiao Lu really loves Yinuo and the child, he really has no feelings for Zhu Zhu, and is good to her just to win the project.

However, Zhu Zhu's intervention caused Xiao Lu and Yinuo's marriage to collapse completely.

Xiao Lu's embarrassing situation: his own daughter calls other people's fathers and calls her own uncles

Parents divorce, and the most involved are children.

At the beginning, Yinuo completely severed his relationship with Xiao Lu, and after the divorce, he did not allow Xiao's family to come to see Hehe.

It was Xie Tianhua who, out of kindness, gave Xiao Lu several opportunities to play with Hehe.

But they agreed that they could not let Hehe know, let alone let Yinuo know. Therefore, although Xiao Lu played with Hehe, he never revealed his identity.

He only let Hehe call himself uncle.

Dear little child: One misstep leads to the tragedy of four families. Xiao Lu's price this time was too heavy

Looking at her daughter calling herself Uncle Xiao and Calling Xie Tianhua's father at the same time, I didn't know what Xiao Lu felt in his heart.

What is even more guilty is that Hehe has leukemia and has waited for a long time without a suitable match. Watching the body gradually collapse.

The doctor said there was another way to save Hehe. It is to let the parents of Hehe have another child and save the child with umbilical cord blood.

How does this make two people who have already remarried good?

On the one hand is the life of the daughter, on the other hand is the betrayal of friends, and the loss of morality and ethics.

But xiao lu and Yinuo finally couldn't hold back after seeing the death of the child who had played with Hehe, and wanted to quietly open a room to give birth.

In the end, I gave up because of various struggles.

In the depths of their hearts, they must have deduced countless times to save Hehe in this way. But now the identities of Xiao Lu and Yinuo are really embarrassing.

Dear little child: One misstep leads to the tragedy of four families. Xiao Lu's price this time was too heavy

Therefore, there was also a big finale, the scene where Xiao Lu knelt down and begged everyone.

Write at the end:

Even if Xiao Lu 'derailed' it was framed by Zhu Zhu.

But the reason is that Xiao Lu recklessly took a dangerous step in the workplace, coupled with the lack of concern for his wife Yinuo, who had just given birth. Just focus on your own desires.

If Xiao Lu is a little more responsible for the family, does not ignore his wife for work, and cares more about taking care of his wife who has just given birth, then Zhu Zhu will not have the opportunity to make such a scene.

Xiao Lukou said that he was working hard outside, working overtime to give happiness to his wife and daughter, but let them suffer the most.

All this is because Xiao Lu does not really care about their needs, he is just to satisfy his sense of accomplishment, his desire to work hard.

Dear little child: One misstep leads to the tragedy of four families. Xiao Lu's price this time was too heavy

Xiao Lu, who grew up with a poor family and relied on his own efforts to go to college, and used knowledge to change his fate did not want to get ahead for a moment.

Therefore, once fame and fortune conflict with his wife and daughter, Xiao Lu did not hesitate to choose the former.

At the end of the story, Xiao Lu also grew up in another marriage. He knew that people don't have jobs. There are some things that careers simply cannot replace.

But maybe it was too late by then. In the original film without the glorification of the TV series, the ending of Hehe is unknown.

She may have waited for the donor, for the opportunity to recover; but perhaps she could not wait for anything, and became a star in the sky like her friend.

Dear little child: One misstep leads to the tragedy of four families. Xiao Lu's price this time was too heavy

One misstep led to the tragedy of four families. Xiao Lu's price this time was too heavy.


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