
The fact that a woman has these physical forms shows that you are a blessed person

1. Hold water in the palm of your hand

You can do an experiment by putting your hand straight and flat on a horizontal position, then pouring the water from the cup in the center of your palm, and after a minute looking at the water that remains in the center of your palm to see how much. The amount of water represents how much wealth you have.

The fact that a woman has these physical forms shows that you are a blessed person
The fact that a woman has these physical forms shows that you are a blessed person

Is to directly use your palm, do not bend it in particular to naturally put down, completely flat without meat, the middle is not trapped, the focus is on the middle to sink down, it is best to have meat around the middle of the sink, this is the best, can not bend flat in the middle can pour water into the best, pour water can be retained, is your life treasury is weak.

2. Sunda district uplift

This part is the Sundanese position, the position of the limelight, you have money, it means that your popularity will be high, and people with high bulges will definitely have money.

You can look at the hands of your companions, and see whose place is high, and you can judge who has more money. It is possible to rank wealth with the height of this hill.

If you find yourself tall, but you don't have money, don't worry that this statement is wrong, you work hard to start a business, you will be able to push your wealth ranking to the forefront.

3. Hips and waist are plump

The ancients described the rich man as saying that he was "rich in money", the rich wives in the movie are rich and fat people, wealth does have a lot to do with the hips and waist, women with wide hips can give birth to boys, women with plump waists can wear "wanguan", so Japanese women are fat for beauty, and unlike Chinese women, a fat feels not beautiful.

Actually wrong. The proportion of women who cannot have children is now significantly higher than in the past, why? Slimming down.

4. Yintang Pinglong

This is the most important position in life, we call it the Palace of Life or the Indo between the two eyebrows, so what is the deep lock?

It is between those two eyebrows, there are a lot of stray hairs or a lot of stray lines or injuries, knife scars, these are not allowed, just this place we just called, is to represent your life's money, career, marriage smooth position, this place should be cheerful, so if there is stray hair, please pull it out immediately, fortune will come naturally.

If you have lines, you must find a way to level it, and at the same time, don't think about worrying too much, too many wrinkles will appear.

5. The foot is reticulated

The foot on our foot must have vertical and straight, but most of the vertical is very little is less straight lines, less horizontal lines, so now I am talking about this item is that he only has horizontal lines, no straight lines is not good.

This means that you have to have both, only horizontal and not straight, you may be more hard, which means running and laboring. 6, hand white meat soft

The palm color white is a fortune, and it is easy to marry a rich man. If the palm of the hand is blood red, it is a hard life, and you have to take it yourself; if it appears dark yellow, it means that there is little chance of marrying a rich person.

The palm is soft and fleshy, and the palm is as soft as cotton; if the palm is hard, it has nothing to do with wealth, and it is difficult to marry a rich man.

7. Long emotional line

The emotional line should be long and upward, which means that it is optimistic and enterprising, not selfish, knows how to win-win and common prosperity, and also means not negative, and can find ways to solve difficulties.

The end of the line should be opened into three forks, which means that there is a popularity, this is the marriage happiness line, after marriage can help the husband, so there will be wealth and happiness, the zodiac Buddha can help improve this aspect of the fortune.

8, there is a fortune line

The one that the ring finger is following is the fortune line. Also known as the success line. If there is, whatever you do goes smoothly and has money.

The vertical line under the little finger is called the Mercury line, which is long and clear, and also represents the fortune line.

9, refers to the long grasp of money 9, refers to the long grasp of money

Most people think that the thinner the fingers, the better they look. If a woman has slender and slender fingers, her fortune is usually not too bad, and she can live a good life without worrying too much.

For men, smaller hands and well-proportioned hands can bring a lot of wealth. If the skin color of the hands is slightly red, it is a symbol of great wealth.

10. Long legs

People with slender calves, very good expression ability. Being able to find excitement in others. The downside is that the popularity is not too good. Your fortunes are good, but you may be saddled with all kinds of infamy.

The fact that a woman has these physical forms shows that you are a blessed person
The fact that a woman has these physical forms shows that you are a blessed person

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