
Hair shows your character and luck

Hair shows your character and luck

Hair mainly includes hair, beard, sweat hair, eyebrows, etc., the amount of hair, soft and hard, shape can reflect a person's personality and luck, summarize the impact of hair on people's personality and luck, for friends to learn.

1. The hair is coarse and hard, and it is strong and healthy

Rough hair, strong, upright, is a manifestation of stout health, such a person, physically strong, has a good physique and strength, the personality is impatient and impulsive, to friends can be two ribs into the knife, go to the soup fire, but the mind is simple, love impulsive, to deal with such a person only with soft Ke Gang. For example, Li Kui in the Water Margin, meeting Song Jiang is the example of Rou Kegang.

2, the hair is fine and soft, and people are kind

People with fine hair and soft hair have a soft temperament, such people are more rational, more careful in doing things, and have the characteristics of gentleness and gentleness, kindness and timidity. The man's hair is too soft, indicating that the person is too careful, hesitant to do things, greedy for life and afraid of death, is a negative performance, if the woman's hair is too soft, it is the characteristics of a good wife and mother, and it is a good woman who can teach her husband and children.

Hair shows your character and luck

3. Sparse hair and superior wisdom

The brain gate hair is sparse and the brain gate is shiny, which is a symbol of wisdom. There is a saying that "smart heads do not grow hair" is this truth, but if you are bald in middle age, you are too careful, cautious, and too principled, and you will make yourself hesitate and stagnate. And use the brain too much, think too much, so it will make yourself poor.

4, hair crushed eyebrows, early luck is not good

Forehead hair bun is low, close to the eyebrows, is not able to get the blessings of parents and family in the early years, the home conditions are not good, the operation is difficult, often this kind of appearance of their own conditions are not good, including economic conditions, learning talent, more general, to rely on their own acquired efforts, in order to achieve a more ideal effect, this kind of person is more practical, pragmatic, is a candidate who can come out of the bottom.

5, thick and soft, lovely

Thick and soft hair, good elasticity, is a symbol of good health, vitality, such people, most of them have a warm and open personality, full of vitality, integrity can be good. If it is a woman, it must be a gentle and virtuous wife and mother, if it is a man, it is also a standard man who is tolerant and generous, beautiful and dashing, most of these people have deep blessings, good personal relations, and there are not many ups and downs in life, and there are fewer villains.

Hair shows your character and luck

6, women are heavy hair, easy to annoy and irritable

Women are the main yin, not easy to hair too black and heavy, especially the face beard is obvious, the body sweat hair is too heavy, these are reflective of unstable temperament, more impetuous, do things more extremely, good time is particularly good, bad time is particularly bad, easy because of their own personality problems, affect their marriage, most of these people marriage is unstable, changeable, will suffer a lot for their feelings, marriage.

7, white hair and blood deficiency, dependent on the heart

White hair is a symbol of the elderly, if the middle and young white hair, is the phenomenon of premature aging. Mainly because of the blood deficiency and let the hair white early, this is also one of the signals of bad health, and then one is that white hair will blunt your personality, let you be particularly careful, especially dependent, do anything, will hesitate, no self-confidence, no dare to dare to do the spirit, it is difficult to have great achievements, so how many white heads are willing to dye black hair, may be to avoid this defect.

Hair shows your character and luck

8, hair wavy, open temperament

Many friends' hair is rolled up, that is, natural wavy, and rare perms will save a lot of money. Such hair texture, unstable temperament, easy to like the new and tired of the old, there are many changes and open characteristics, many women make big waves, small waves, in fact, in his subconscious contains this kind of psychological characteristics of hunting new curiosity.

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