
Psychology: What kind of eyebrows you are, what kind of personality you are

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"The world is bustling with people for profit", we like to use various skills in interpersonal communication to distinguish which people are suitable for dealing with us. However, identifying people is a technology that needs to be accumulated, and it requires a lot of communication with people, thinking and verifying conclusions in each exchange.

If you don't have that much time or experience to cultivate this technique in the early stages, you can use shortcuts, such as distinguishing your eyebrows, to distinguish what kind of person you are dealing with.

Eyebrows are a very important part of the human face, with the help of eyebrows people can accurately express emotions.

The stillness and movement of the eyebrows all imply the individual's mentality and state of mind, which is often mentioned in psychology. Of course, this requires you to have keen observation.

Psychology: What kind of eyebrows you are, what kind of personality you are

Observing a person's disposition through eyebrows is not only psychological, but also medically based. From a medical point of view, the sparse shape of the eyebrows reflects the state of the endocrine system and the liver and kidney system, and these two will have a great impact on people's emotional state and personality.

People with thick hairs such as eyebrows and hair have sufficient qi and blood, relatively superior physical health, and are outward-looking; on the contrary, people with sparse hairs such as eyebrows and hair and irregular growth are usually relatively weak in qi and blood, and they are more likely to get sick, and their disposition is introverted.

Professor Mark of Columbia University in the United States once did a study on adult eyebrows, he collected 3,000 photos of adult eyebrows, classified them by criteria such as length, thickness, thickness, shape, etc., and conducted a close visit to the owners of these eyebrows.

Psychology: What kind of eyebrows you are, what kind of personality you are

Through continuous research and research, Professor Mark has come to the following conclusions:

1. Take the thickness as the classification standard

People with thick eyebrows usually have a strong sense of self, they are motivated and energetic, they know exactly what they want, and they are active in fighting for it. But there is an obvious flaw in this kind of person, who does not know how to be modest, and sometimes falls behind because of overconfidence.

People with light eyebrows usually have a relatively flat temperament and a relatively simple mind. Although it is not like a person with thick eyebrows, it is better to be down-to-earth, and many repetitions can also do a certain range of things.

2. Take the thickness as the classification standard

Psychology: What kind of eyebrows you are, what kind of personality you are

People with thin eyebrows tend to be calm and introverted, and they are more rational when making life choices, but there will be more small emotions in their hearts, and they do not have a strong self-motivation, eager to do something in a certain field.

People with thick eyebrows tend to be lively and extroverted, and once they decide to do something, they will spare no effort to pay, and keep trying until they achieve the goal they want to achieve.

3. Take the length as the classification standard

Those whose eyebrows are longer than the eyes are long eyebrows, and those who are shorter than the eyes are short eyebrows.

People with long eyebrows have a mild temperament and do not lose their temper at will. In the process of interacting with it, if there is a disagreement, it is easier to discuss, but it is easy to be sentimental, and emotional problems often cause greater internal friction, requiring individuals and people around them to spend a lot of time to solve.

Psychology: What kind of eyebrows you are, what kind of personality you are

People with short eyebrows are also relatively mild-tempered, but their sense of self is easily too strong, usually for personal purposes, completely ignoring the rights and interests of others, typical egoists. This kind of person is easy to fall behind in interpersonal relationships, and interpersonal relationships are barren.

4. Take the shape as the classification standard

Willow leaf eyebrows: This type of eyebrow shape is common in women, this type of women are very easy-going in life, and they are also very attentive in doing things, but they do not like family life very much.

Crescent Eyebrows: This type of eyebrow-shaped person has a thick and honest temperament, is decisive and resolute in doing things, and usually has a lot of work in the career.

Broom eyebrows: Broom shape eyebrows are divided into eyebrows and eyebrows and tails, people with brows are slow to do things, easy to realize hindsight, often things will end before they are put into it; and people with open eyebrows and tails are often thrown around, tiger heads and tails, it is not easy to concentrate on doing things, and it is difficult to have personal achievements in career.

Psychology: What kind of eyebrows you are, what kind of personality you are

Messy eyebrows: People with disorganized eyebrows often can't concentrate on doing things, have a reckless temperament, and are easily impulsive.

By observing the eyebrows of different types of people, we can roughly conclude that a person belongs to that type of personality, of course, this way is not absolute, not that a person with a certain eyebrow shape will necessarily be that kind of personality, the above way is only a shortcut, can assist us in judging, but when we make judgments, we must not rely on it completely.

Man is a complex and diverse animal, and it is impossible to determine his personality traits by a single classification alone. Recognizing people is an extremely profound art, which not only requires theoretical guidance, but also a lot of practice.

No matter how good the theory is, if it cannot be established in practice, it is essentially meaningless.

Psychology: What kind of eyebrows you are, what kind of personality you are

Therefore, after reading this article, you can try to pay more attention to the eyebrow shape of the people around you in the next interpersonal interaction, and use this judgment to analyze their personality characteristics. The more you repeat it, the more you will know the truth and falsity.

- The End -

Author | Tommida

Edit | Wan'an

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

Reference: Jean Piaget Biographie. (2020, January 29).

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