
12 Horoscope Analysis for Next Week (February 27 - March 5)

12 Horoscope Analysis for Next Week (February 27 - March 5)

01 Aries

Emotional fortunes: Aries' emotional fortunes this week are more mundane. Single Aries is to observe and learn the advantages of others, but to know the difference between learning and imitation, blindly copying words can not help you find someone who really loves you, we must have our own independent style! Aries with a fixed partner are easy to ignore everything around them this week, and may not be able to take care of each other's emotions, and prefer cold treatment if they have problems, but when they encounter misunderstandings, they must explain clearly in time to avoid estrangement in the relationship.

Work fortune: Aries this week in the work performance is more ordinary, want to tell Aries is that we have to look at the problem rationally, you may encounter problems, but may also be able to get help from others, maybe your superior or colleagues, and the interpersonal relationship around Aries is still very harmonious.

Financial luck: Although financial luck is average, it can be very solid. Aries with relatively high financial pressure should pay what should be bought at the beginning of the month, and it is good to pass the middle of the month. It is recommended not to buy lottery tickets or invest heavily this week, the return is not large. Remember not to expect sudden good luck, but only to hope that the effort will eventually pay off.

Compound: The good news is that the white sheep who want to get back together can come naturally, and you who are obsessed with it will usher in the sweetness of effort, and the other party has his own opinions on your relationship problems, and will not be swayed by the words of others. 

Lucky colors: royal blue, green.

02 Taurus

Emotional fortunes: Overall, Taurus hasn't had smooth sailing on everything this week. Taurus with a fixed partner may be under pressure due to work or family factors in the near future, and need to adjust your mentality, otherwise there will be a temper on each other, affecting your relationship. Single Taurus will work hard towards their goals, but may feel more lonely, no one to accompany you, in fact, it is good to focus on your own career, we are independent and do not rely on others.

Work fortunes: Congratulations to Taurus for coming to an end this week, and your state will be more relaxed, but you still need to be careful not to feel too good about yourself and slack. Some Taurus weekends may be a little disappointed because you have to work overtime, so that your originally planned holiday will be lost.

Financial luck: Taurus' financial luck this week is still relatively good, you can get the support of your family, harvest a holiday arrears, can help improve your financial situation, you will also want to try to participate in some investments, but afraid of your own investment failure, the mentality is still very contradictory, it is difficult to resist the temptation of money.

Compound: Everything seems more confusing, although the heart is exciting, but in the face of change Taurus will be worried and afraid, you may still choose to stay in your comfort zone and think about your future.

Lucky colors: pink, light gray.

03 Gemini

Emotional fortune: single twin friends, your charm is still the same this week, you can take this opportunity to participate in more social activities, especially after work on Wednesday, you have a better chance of meeting objects with good feelings Oh, and some friends, on social media or platforms, have the opportunity to meet objects that make you feel very interesting, try to contact it. Gemini with a regular partner may put marriage on the agenda this week, and are communicating with both parents, which is also enviable.

Work fortunes: Gemini may participate in some club activities or company organization team building in your spare time this week, and you will meet people with similar interests in the process, and you will also gain some more like-minded partners, which is more meaningful. The new twins in the workplace are under pressure from all over the world this week, forcing themselves to grow hard, and Tai Foxi is easy to make you lose your way or become inactive.

Financial luck: The financial fortune of the twins this week is quite good, and the positive wealth brought by the career is steadily improving, in addition to some of the financial luck brought by the circle of people. The female twins have some small pockets around noon Wednesday that are worth celebrating.

Compounding: Congratulations Gemini, the reunion went smoothly!! Everything will go in the desired direction, and there will not be too much trouble for you to worry about.

Lucky color: red, white.

04 Cancer

Emotional fortune: Relatively speaking, single cancers can maintain a peaceful attitude this week, treating everything around them more Buddhist, but they will also face some interference from emotional temptations and need to have good concentration. Cancer with a fixed partner tends to drill into things that are not important to two people, and you may be very stubborn to distinguish between right and wrong, or look away, and don't always be preoccupied.

Work fortune: Cancer will be in a state of motivation in terms of work this week, what you want to do you will do without dragging the mud, bold attempts have also brought you a series of good luck, so you may wish to take advantage of the east wind of luck to put enthusiasm on the work you love, there will be good benefits!

Financial luck: Financial luck is generally average, and most cancers are the kind of people who love face, so they often rush to pay when they go out with friends. In fact, he does not have that ability, he is completely a fat person, so that he will appear very passive later.

Compounding: Cancer may get tangled in things between compounds, because you will look at things very rationally, so this matter will make it difficult for you to make decisions and be very hesitant to make some decisions.

Lucky colors: dark purple, dark gray.

05 Leo

Emotional fortunes: Single lions may have some peach blossoms in the workplace this week, and even this part of the lion may develop an office romance Oh, this person may be your leader or subordinate, you will give each other companionship and support at work, sweet and exciting. There are also some single children who may not be focused on their feelings this week, so they may not notice the concern of some people around you. The lion with a regular partner can be regarded as calm this week, automatically entering the mode of old husband and wife.

Work fortune: The lion's work ability this week can be recognized, but it can not be very rational to look at the problem, so this week we must try to find a suitable solution, easy to have jealousy and comparison, will be red in the results of others, in the face of opportunities will be more hesitant, and dare not take the initiative for themselves. A small number of lions should worry about stabbing from sharp objects, so be extra careful.

Financial luck: As with the previous week, lions are less likely to spend money and are prone to recklessness, so overspending is likely. On the other hand, it is recommended that lions should also sting, family members should maintain a certain sense of vigilance against strangers, especially when it comes to financial issues, to avoid being deceived.

Compounding: Lions may be a little emotional when looking at compounding, so it is easy to ignore some realistic things, or need to think according to the surrounding environment.

Lucky colors: orange, black.

06 Virgo

Relationship fortunes: Virgins with regular partners will win some development in the relationship this week with personal efforts, and on Monday morning you will feel pressure from your significant other, but fortunately you are responsible and will have positive communication with your partner. You will get along better with your partner. Single virgins are likely to meet the opposite sex this week under the impetus of their friends, thus speeding up the progress of getting rid of singles!

Work Horoscope: Virgin has a great job fortune this week! You may receive a gift this week, or you may have the help of colleagues and friends at work, and you will be very productive and able to complete the task at hand quickly. However, interpersonal problems are not as simple as virgins think, and they may be more complicated, difficult to deal with, and require more energy to deal with by themselves.

Financial luck: This week, the financial fortune of virgins mainly depends on their own work, which belongs to one step at a time, more work and more gain, virgins engaged in education, medical care, tourism, logistics industry are likely to get a bonus. Some virgins may consume for their partner, children, or family.

Compound : The virgin who just broke up may be a little immersed in fantasy this week and unwilling to face reality, maybe not very fond of change, unknown elements make you very uneasy, but being content with the status quo can also bring you stress.

Lucky color: cream yellow, silver.

07 Libra

Emotional luck: From Monday to Friday, the peach blossom luck of the Libras is relatively strong. Single Libra should pay attention to issues such as three-way relationships and underground romances, and also distinguish whether the other party is a rotten peach blossom, beware of being deceived! Some Libras may accidentally learn some secrets of the other party, so they have to re-evaluate the relationship between the two people. On Friday nights, some people dream of fantasy people or their ex.

Work fortune: Libra may not be used to the way some people behave at work this week, but you can't express it, so you may feel a little depressed and feel more negative. The new Libra may be a bit overwhelmed by work, and you may not be able to concentrate on doing something well because there are too many things on hand at hand.

Financial luck: Libra's entertainment activities and gatherings have increased this week, and your personal expenses will also increase, fortunately, some Libras have better financial luck and are suitable for investment and financial management.

Compound: Single Libra will be a little impetuous this week and don't know what you want, and in the face of this relationship, you won't get any conclusions in a short time, so it's still recommended to wait and see.

Lucky color: orange, milk tea.

08 Scorpio

Emotional fortune: Scorpio who has a fixed partner this week can get along with each other very happily, the two sides have a heart-to-heart exchange, as small as what to eat today to the arrangement of the weekend can be very coordinated, you will feel that the other party is your soul mate single Scorpio is more emo, this week will have a feeling of loneliness, so as to urgently want to start a relationship, some Scorpio in an ambiguous relationship will feel the gain and loss, there is a sense of unease, may quickly and ambiguous object to determine the relationship.

Work fortune: Scorpio's work this week will be relatively relaxed, and there will not be a lot of work pressure, but you will still take the work at hand seriously and steadfastly, and in addition to completing your own work, you will also take the initiative to help colleagues. Student Party Scorpio's job search luck is relatively ordinary, although there are many job opportunities, but there may be few suitable for you, Scorpio need to consider comprehensively and choose a job that best meets your current needs.

Financial luck: Scorpio's main source of finance this week comes from their own work, some Scorpio's financial pressure is somewhat large, and there is even the possibility of debt, and some Scorpio spends money lavishly, but don't worry, family is your strong backing, you will get financial support from your family.

Compounding: The compound things that Scorpios are looking forward to are likely to happen or even come true this week, which is very suitable for expressing their emotions.

Lucky color: dark gray, caramel color.

09 Sagittarius

Emotional fortunes: Single shooters may want to run away under the pressure of their families, or they may go out and walk alone, shooters can go to climb mountains or go to high places to relax, maybe there will be a good encounter Oh, at least the mood will be more comfortable. Shooters with a regular partner may not easily make promises or commitments to each other, and when you are asked to make a commitment, I know that shooters will want to avoid responsibility, but the advice still needs to be done.

Work fortunes: The shooter's work progress this week is not ideal, maybe you are used to it, so you will become a little Buddhist at the beginning, may not be much interested in many things, more freewheeling, unwilling to force. A small number of shooters will be limited by the external environment, so they have to make some decisions, which may be more troublesome for you, but there will be gains and gains. The shooters' good days are yet to come!

Fortune: This week's shooters have a stronger drive and desire to make money than before, but this week's socializing will bring you some ruin. But the shooter who is busy with entertainment will also receive a gift prepared for you, or there is another sum of money on the account, and many things have begun to have a new beginning, which is a positive state.

Compounding: In terms of compounding, your own mind will be clearer and will clearly know what can and cannot be done, so you can solve some important things at this time to give yourself peace of mind.

Lucky color: cream white, chocolate.

10 Capricorn

Emotional fortunes: The single Capricorn state is simply good enough to explode! You are very satisfied with the current situation and atmosphere, and you will have more to choose from, so Capricorn may be more focused on enjoying one's time at the moment. Capricorns with partners will feel the intimacy and warmth of a long-lost family when they are with their lovers this week, and this closeness is very healing for you. You're more convinced that the other person is the person you're looking for.

Work fortunes: In terms of work this week, Capricorn may have to go back and modify your plan due to some external factors, which will be very unhappy but unable to change. Student Party Capricorn will have some exams or other assessments this week, so spend a lot of time and energy on studying, you need more knowledge to enrich yourself and improve yourself, so that you can better face some problems to solve.

Financial luck: This week, your financial luck is mainly through the positive financial luck obtained through work, in addition to a small partial financial luck, you can do some investment projects, some Capricorn eloquence and thinking skills are better, you can get income through writing, lecturing, etc.

Compounding: Compounding this thing did not meet your expectations, so that Capricorns feel a little unpleasant in their hearts, maybe this is the gap between ideal and reality, people always have to learn to grow up by themselves.

Lucky color: Refreshing and bright color~

11 Aquarius

Emotional fortunes: This week may be a good time for a water bottle with a crush. It is more suitable for interacting and chatting with each other, and after getting to know something, you can also hang out with mutual friends, and your understanding of each other will be deeper after each contact. Water bottles with a fixed partner may be driven by the other party to do certain things, and they will be more irritable, and it is easy to disrupt their original plans, and even some panic.

Work fortune: This week in the career work of the water bottle has achieved certain achievements, in life also has a stable material foundation, you can enjoy what you currently have after work. Some of the water bottles who are engaged in finance, education, photography, animal breeding, and self-employment will avoid some of the existing problems, maybe you are not ready to face them, or these things are more challenging for you to deal with.

Financial luck: The water bottle does not make much money this week, but the output is not small, most water bottles will choose to release their pressure by spending money, and after buying and buying, they will bear the consequences of "eating soil". It is recommended to choose the AA system consumption method as much as possible for dinner, so as not to bring pressure to yourself, and also do a good job in personal finance.

Compound: No matter how noisy the outside world is, the water bottle will ignore it, and after experiencing some things, you will pay more attention to your own feelings, not be disturbed by others, and have your own firm plan.

Lucky colors: mint green, apricot.

12 Pisces

Emotional fortunes: Pisces is a little emotionally naïve this week, and you always act awkward. For example, there are fixed other half of Pisces, always hope that the partner can care more about you, when you encounter problems can understand and tolerate you, two people can consider for you first when friction occurs, but you can not take all this for granted, once personal emotions are amplified, it is easy to affect the relationship between you, usually communicate more. Single Pisces may be overwhelmed by rotten peach blossoms this week, and perhaps you really need to reflect on why you are sucking scumbags or attracting non-quality peach blossoms.

Job fortunes: Pisces who have recently worked with a partner may encounter some unreasonable requirements from partner companies at work, which will force you to reformulate your plan, but you still need to maintain a certain degree of patience. Pisces who work in R&D or design may spend more time delving into the problems that have been bothering you, and perhaps you are looking for an answer or truth, which will require energy.

Financial luck: Pisces will have some expenses for personal hobbies this week, such as game recharge, equipment upgrades, so it is recommended not to open new interest pits, which are easy to bring impulse consumption, which will lead to a great increase in daily expenses.

Compounding: In terms of compounding, Pisces will be less willing to examine what you really think in your heart, maybe the challenge of self-restraint is too great for you, and you may feel that you can't get through it.

Lucky colors: denim, brown.

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