
Moon luck: 12 zodiac signs [2023.03] Horoscope


Saying goodbye to the relatively gentle February, March, which is kicking off, is a very important node for the coming year and even years.

On March 7, Saturn will leave Aquarius, where it has stayed for three years, for Pisces; And on March 23, Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. The good news is that the artificial intelligence, technology, Internet and other industries corresponding to Aquarius will usher in greater evolution in the next 20 years, and the epidemic corresponding to Pisces will be suppressed by Saturn.

In addition, at the beginning of this month, the two auspicious stars of Venus and Jupiter are in Aries, so that the month will start with a joyful atmosphere, and everyone will be generous and optimistic in the near future, and interpersonal and art-related matters will be smoothly advanced. On March 17, Venus enters the temple position Taurus, which also allows us to enjoy the present moment more calmly, whether it is cooking, shopping to improve the quality of life, and spending time with our other half at home, all of which allow us to be healed this month.

The Aries New Moon on March 22 represents a new beginning, a new goal, an awakening and pioneering power of self-awareness in the new year, if you have not yet thought clearly about the plan for the year, you may wish to take advantage of the energy of this new moon.

On March 25, Mars in Gemini, which has stayed in Gemini since last summer, shifted to Cancer, causing everyone to be easily irritable and out of control from the end of the month, sensitive mind, and the desire to protect becomes stronger, and this time is more prone to emotional-related friction, but it will also be a good time to deal with family affairs, to protect what you want to protect, to yourself, and to give your loved ones a sense of security.

March horoscopes

March 2 Mercury conjunction Saturn Venus conjunction Jupiter

March 3 Mercury enters Pisces

March 6 Sun hexaconjunction Uranus

March 7 Full Moon in Virgo Saturn enters Pisces

March 11 Venus Hexagonal Mars

March 12 Mercury hexaconjunction Uranus

March 15 Mars Punishment Neptune

March 16 Sun confluence with Neptune

March 17 Venus enters Taurus Sun conjunction Mercury conjunction Neptune Sun, Mercury Punishment Mars Venus Punishment Pluto

March 18 Venus hexaconjunction Saturn

March 19 Mercury enters Aries Mercury hexaconjunction Pluto

March 21 The sun enters Aries

March 21 Sun-hexaconjunction Pluto

March 22 Aries New Moon

March 23 Pluto enters the constellation Aquarius

March 25 Mars enters Cancer

March 28 Mercury Combined Jupiter

March 31 Venus conjunction


The surface is bright, the inner pull, pay attention to both internal and external repair.

Career luck


On the one hand, the gold-wood conjunction at the beginning of the month made the Aries start with a high profile at the beginning of March, the mood was exciting, the popularity was good, ushering in a variety of external opportunities that sprung up, whether it was interviewing a new company, negotiating salaries, or soliciting business to seek cooperation, luck was good, entering the birthday month at the end of the month, the home field advantage was fully displayed, and the new direction of the new project will also emerge; But on the other hand, the action of the earth also involves a lot of hidden dangers buried in the past, once "cool for a while", now it is the time to liquidate and repay debts, various matters around interpersonal relationships and social circles have become the highlight of this month, and then the aries may experience department blood changes, career changes and other big actions, the enemy in the workplace is secret, you need to spend more energy to deal with the hidden dangers behind it, to avoid the expansion of disputes.

Emotional luck


The charm index soars, whether it is a same-sex or a heterosexual relationship is a very good month, so remind the Aries not to float this month, do not hi yourself, do not go up, polish your eyes, do not have too many unrealistic expectations and fantasies about love, otherwise I am afraid that you will experience some short-term separation and integration, which cannot be long-term. For married people, watch out for resisting temptation this month and beware of jealousy of your significant other.



Strong financial strength is expected to increase revenue, attract more resources and develop new channels for money, and reduce financial pressure. This month's financial hidden dangers are mainly concentrated in the middle of the month, pay attention to PUA and various frauds, sign contracts, investment and financial management need to be cautious. This month's spending is more generous, and those who are in debt and back on loans must avoid waste. Intentional external financial or unexpected expenses at the end of the month.

Academic Movement


The performance in new fields and professional improvement is good, but you will find that the higher you explore, the more the past knowledge loopholes and weak links lag behind, so this month especially needs to be precipitated and polished repeatedly. The exam plays average. It is easy to get into conflict with classmates.

Health luck


Poor sleep quality, easy to be absent-minded, angry, pay attention to diseases caused by mental and psychological factors, and rest more. Pay attention to epidemic prevention and beware of infectious diseases.


Secretly groping, seeking development in the midst of great changes.

Career luck


This month, Taurus' career is facing a big adjustment, there are big moves, Saturn withdraws from the career palace, Pluto enters, which means that many people will have a big change in status, role, and reputation in the workplace, and may also begin to consider a complete career change, entrepreneurship, exploring potential business opportunities, etc., in short, this will not be a calm month. Many Taurus have expanded their social circle in previous years and made a lot of friends, and from this month, you will realize that sometimes "less is more" and begin to take the initiative to streamline the address book and catch the really useful. The good news is that although it is turbulent, it seems that you always have good luck in the past, and the blessings accumulated in the past will be revealed at this time, and the job search luck will improve. Finally, this month is not the time to hold high and fight high, continue the layout, put a long line, and pave the way for the second half of the year.

Emotional luck


In the first half of the month, the key word of the Taurus' feelings is "ambiguous", secret love breeds, many people are secretly poking and poking ambiguous, may fall into an underground romance, married people should pay attention to avoid unnecessary entanglement of Yingying Yanyan. A full moon at the beginning of the month can lead to relationship changes, establishment or disintegration. Later in the year, when Venus enters Taurus, your popularity increases greatly, and it is a good time to actively socialize and strengthen existing relationships.



Overall, this month is still a time to spend money, and many things are still in the paving stage, not yet the harvest period. Changes in the workplace and career have also led to obvious changes in the income structure of many Taurus, and if you want to be richer in the future, you should convince yourself this month that you should no longer continue to hold on to the idea of holding the iron rice bowl and seeking stability in everything. In the second half of the month, cooperation and business opportunities are good, and it is advisable to move around more to actively network and generate income, but it is bound to spend more on installation and transportation.

Academic Movement


The overall performance is steady and steady, and the end of the month begins to be a little impatient, but for the Taurus, who have always been slow-paced, it may be a good thing to be in a hurry, and the action will be faster, and the exam should be more meticulous.

Health luck


Pressure relief and good condition. Good for pregnancy, medical beauty, practice and so on. Pay attention to travel safety at the end of the month.


The influence has expanded, and the burden of responsibility on the shoulders has also been significantly greater.

Career luck


The month when Gemini's career is facing a test, to be precise, from this month, many Gemini will realize that some achievements before are too easy, and there will be no such easy days in the future, and begin to feel limited and tight, especially in large companies, Gemini working in the system, this month is constrained by rank, rules, systems, etc., the feeling of being bound is obvious. Seniority, strong Gemini, ushered in the promotion opportunity this month, the leader has great expectations for you, but also put more pressure, can no longer blindly act with the "part-time worker" mentality, must learn to use the power in your hands, otherwise the career path will become narrower and narrower. The twin process of job search this month is more difficult, most of the people found are drudgery, or find a job that you know you are not qualified for, but due to social luck, you can consider asking friends to push and match at the beginning of the month, it will be easier to succeed. In addition, this month, it is recommended to take some time to clarify the long-term development goals of the career and cultivate the spirit of hardship and hard work, after all, many achievements cannot be achieved overnight.

Emotional luck


The overall atmosphere is not bad, although the single twins are afraid of being urged to marry by their families, but fortunately, at the beginning of the month, the peach blossom luck is bursting, even if they go on a blind date, it will not be too embarrassing, while the married twins are facing the implementation or closure of an important family matter, and in the second half of the month, there is a possibility of rekindling old feelings and underground love being exposed.



The key to making a lot of money this month is to convince yourself to let go of the idea of "making quick money" and bite the bullet to do those tricky, large-scale work, and the good news is that more work will be rewarded. Month-end expenses surged, and improper investment was easy to break money.

Academic Movement


Obviously feel the emancipation of the mind, no longer restricted months, previously shelved and delayed study abroad plans, thesis publications, etc., can be reconsidered, many Gemini will also begin to consider interprofessional, change majors and other big moves, pay attention to because too much want to pursue depth, there may be a tendency to have extreme views and drill into the horns. Exam performance OK.

Health luck


Overall OK, pay attention to small friction and small accidents in the middle of the month.


High-profile attacks in the workplace, reading 10,000 books to improve soft power.

Career luck


In the month of moving forward on the fast track, a high starting point, full of hope, especially in the first few days of the month, the workplace luck value is super high, will be expected to meet a good boss and good leaders, more promising projects, a larger platform, more in line with your expectations of adjustment and job opportunities, etc., with a good reputation and professional endorsement, won the first round of workplace competition this year. It should be noted that Cancer that has just changed careers, changed cities or is preparing for these, I am afraid that from this month will usher in a difficult adaptation adjustment period, especially in the middle of the month, the new content that needs to be learned and adapted to is overwhelming, and some people are facing research pressure, and you will be a little skeptical of your choice. At the end of the month, Mars comes to Cancer, your style has become more proactive, communication with superiors and professionals has increased, and you may wish to use social platforms to show your expertise and market yourself.



The layout month of transition and adjustment, the reallocation of investment and financial management structures are the theme of the month, and some people are facing the reallocation of insurance, a clearer division of common property, shares, and complete repayment of debts. There is an increase in work income, and there is hope for promotions and salaries. However, speculation is general, and caution is required when entering the market.

Emotional luck


Relatively stable and sweet month, there is not much ups and downs, single cancers are still in a relatively closed state for the first 20 days, living in seclusion, and at the end of the month they begin to grasp the social initiative, social gatherings are more, and they can hope to meet new friends.

Academic Movement


Beginning to cultivate, and professional subjects are deadlocked, at the beginning of the month may face an important examination and test to receive, the overall performance is acceptable. Because working cancer may be sent or work in a foreign country, they are faced with re-learning new languages, new ideas, and accepting cultural differences, etc., and they are still a little unable to find a way out for a while. Graduate school entrance examinations, doctoral examinations, study abroad and so on are slightly twists and turns.

Health luck


It is easy to rush to the fire, skin and flesh trauma.


Emotional and financial management pressure, cutting is constantly messy.

Career luck


Career development as a whole is general, after several "violent outputs", a little lack of stamina, lack of achievement, until the second half of the workplace of the noble movement and project opportunities will be better, in fact, the best way is to give yourself some time to learn, to fully charge yourself is to find confidence and ambition, break through the status quo key, maybe you can also consider changing the city or track development. In addition, starting this month, lions are likely to see some dark events in the workplace, such as investors running away, partners punishing your money, etc., decisions involving interests, must not be too simple and generous. Be prepared for a big change of partners and partners. The two days at the end of the month may have unexpected surprises or frightening, such as airborne leadership, unexpected opportunities, and so on.

Emotional luck


Many lion intimacy relationships with existing partners face challenges, the small ones are easy to be jealous and jealous, the large ones are full of the pain of betrayal, fall into polyamorous romances, and it may be more stable to relax their attitude towards feelings. Some lions receded their passion and showed a slight coldness. Single lions may develop long-distance relationships and online relationships.



During financially stressful months, some Lions are saddled with debts or loans, some people involved in property distribution and claims have to go through a lot of ripping and robbery to make ends meet, and some people can't make ends meet due to medical expenses. People who run their own companies should pay attention to keeping money in their hands to avoid turnover difficulties. Positive finances are mediocre.

Academic Movement


Hold high and fight, often accompanied by luck, especially the exam luck at the beginning of the month, but also expected to get the tutor's recommendation, dialing, if the working lion encounters a bottleneck, you may wish to consider taking advantage of this period to learn some new skills. However, I need to remind you that some people are easy to become lazy and unwilling to think deeply because of the relative success of their studies, so pay attention to self-discipline.

Health luck


There is a risk of hidden disease outbreaks, do not ignore small problems from this month, and consider equipping yourself and your family with health insurance. Good luck at the beginning of the month.


The workplace is reorganized, the framework is reshaped, and there are many interpersonal challenges.

Career luck


This month is the workplace adjustment period for Virgos, adjust mentality, adjust working methods, sort out work processes, and reconfigure employees, equipment, etc., the daily work atmosphere will have a more obvious change, and there are quite a few Virgos who simply choose to jump jobs, of course, most of them are in the industry. It's best to take advantage of the early to mid-middle of the month, because by the end of the month, competition within the team or company intensifies, and many Virgos will shift their focus to consolidating the mass base and dealing with broader interpersonal issues. In addition, you will find that many customers who have been smooth sailing and generous in their previous cooperation have begun to become complicated, not to mention more requirements, and it is not pleasant to give money. Some may become rivals with their former partners.

Emotional luck


Saturn's presence in the marriage house of Virgo at the beginning of the month poses a challenge to a weak relationship, and you and your partner may have to start facing some serious real-world issues that affect the survival of the relationship. But if you can pass this Saturn test, the future marriage will be more unbreakable. Stay away from dangerous objects in the middle of the month and beware of falling into sadomasochistic or unromantic relationships.



Bullish financial luck, you may get bonus benefits at the beginning of the month, or considerable financial income, winning, dividends, etc., or maybe your partner's income is bullish You follow the light, or profit through marriage and divorce. Note that this wave of luck is relatively short-lived, so it is best to receive it when it is good, and it is not advisable to blindly chase up and expand.

Academic Movement


Step by step, gradually find the feel, at the end of the month may suddenly open up or whimsy, rely on a niche unique direction or new method to create a way, and achieve good results.

Health luck


The health problems that have plagued you for a long time are finally coming to a conclusion or see the light of day, and at the end of the month, start a major lifestyle adjustment to solve the work stress problem that has been plaguing you for a long time.


Everything is detailed, constantly polished, slow work can produce fine work.

Career luck


What Libra needs most in the workplace this month is "solid", difficult but also solid climb up, exercise more excellent basic skills, can no longer get by, fish and muddle through. The shift of Saturn makes the daily work of Libras more complicated and difficult, recently easy to encounter strict bosses, have to spend a lot of time to deal with complex rules and processes, are given high difficulty or a lot of hard work, you may complain or get tangled, if you can't adjust your mentality, blindly gambling and jumping jobs, it is likely to jump from one fire pit to another, you must improve your ability, enhance proficiency is also the key to squeeze out more time. At the beginning of the month, the noble people have good luck, and they seek a reliable partner to reduce the burden and increase efficiency, and it is not conducive to traveling abroad in the middle of the month, and it is easier to make mistakes in cross-border development in great strides.

Emotional luck


Married Libra gets along happily, enjoys the feeling of being pampered at the beginning of the month, and is warm and generous to each other, during this period, the problem of children's education is becoming increasingly prominent, and it is necessary to rely on the husband and wife to work together to break the money. In addition, many Libra's aesthetic or love concepts will change, and the sudden change of thought will cause some people to not want to continue the tasteless relationship, or finally decide to change the mode of getting along, and so on.



Thanks to good cooperation luck, this month's revenue is bullish, and there is an opportunity to get big orders and big projects at the beginning of the month, so we must firmly grasp the big customers who have a lot of money. Investment is more bold, desperate, pursuing huge profits, and paying attention to avoiding risks. Expenses on child support and education have increased.

Academic Movement


Learning efficiency and exam pass rate are average, belongs to normal play, the key to improving grades this month is to patiently refine the classification, find the right method and appropriate rhythm, and students who want to get high scores should pick out the details.

Health luck


Increasingly work, insufficient rest, physical dysfunction, easy to be entangled in chronic diseases, pay attention to nourishing the stomach and protecting the liver, monitor blood pressure and blood sugar.


Job opportunities have sprung up, and only by stabilizing the base camp can you work hard with peace of mind.

Career luck


At the beginning of the month, the pace of the workplace is fast, there are many opportunities, whether it is to expand the business scope of the main business or aim for a diversified side business, Kaneki Zygosang will be your active help, so that you are more competent for many jobs than others, and the road to job search is relatively smooth. In the middle and late months, the cooperation fortunes will turn around, and the previously pending cooperation cases will be substantially advanced, which is also a good time to negotiate, sign, win more customers and business partners, and you may even cooperate with unexpected people. Later this month, Scorpios will also be tempted to "run out" to develop business in different places and countries, but remember to balance career and family.

Emotional luck


The overall love atmosphere is also more serious and realistic, and the concept of love is also more conservative, and many people will wake up from sweet words and realize that something is wrong. Single Scorpios are mostly exposed to objects that are different from their age and background, and there is a large gap in all aspects, and the pressure of raising babies in Scorpios is high. In the last few days of the month, single scorpions may encounter crush lightning love.



Hard work brings bright harvests, and at the beginning of the month, the gold-wood conjunction brings more job opportunities, so that Scorpio no longer suffers from nowhere to open source to increase income, basically seize the opportunity to ensure quality and quantity on time, and the positive financial income is not bad. Speculative luck is not good, it is difficult to make a big profit, beware of losing money in the middle of the month. In addition, it is necessary to remind the Scorpios that with Pluto coming to the Tianzhai Palace, from this month, you will face major events such as house demolition, decoration, and replacement.

Academic Movement


Unstable state, easy to be disturbed by external interference such as entertainment games, lack of concentration, whether it is homework or exams, it is easy to miss the big because of small things. Especially in the middle of the month, it is recommended to lock the mobile phone to stay away from temptation, and do not be too ambitious at the end of the month.

Health luck


Be positive, have a wide heart and be fat, and beware of obesity, hyperplasia, etc.


The focus falls on the months of relationship and family, and it is not difficult to get rid of the single.

Career luck


Compared with the wonderful love life, the shooters of this month are not too big ups and downs in the workplace, with their wild inspiration and creativity, try trendy fields, and gain the attention and favor of leaders or industry professionals. Pay attention to maintaining a humble attitude, patiently listen to the opinions of all parties from an equal perspective, and explore new ways of communication and communication, in order to make the idea better land. The middle and late months are a good time to improve the office environment, repair and promote the partnership with work, do not take the opportunity to adjust the layout of the workstation, or invite colleagues and subordinates to eat and drink afternoon tea to calm down all kinds of misunderstandings caused by work, and pave the way for the future.

Emotional luck


Still at the high point, the first wave of peach blossom luck in spring at the beginning of the month ushered in the small climax, the sky was full of pink bubbles, and the chance of meeting love at social gatherings and work was great. The child's luck is also good, you can consider trying to get pregnant, or put more effort into the child. In addition, due to the shift of Saturn, shooters have a lot of family matters to worry about this month, and it is easy to bow down to "teammates" and get into disputes over trivial matters.



Income is generally stable, and at the beginning of the month, small struggles are big, and some wealth is in the pocket. This month, the main financial pressure falls on the field house, especially the shooter who rents the old house, at this time, I am afraid that he will face moving, large-scale maintenance, etc., and naturally a large amount of expenditure is indispensable. In addition, social expenses, game recharge and other expenses have increased significantly, and the money spent for love is also a lot of money. It's best to converge a little, because from the end of the month to the next month, you may have a lot of money to spend.

Academic Movement


Mindset change, not willing to superficially study for the exam, so starting this month you will put a lot of pressure on yourself, the way of thinking is slightly extremely radical, conducive to error correction and implementation of key content, for the guild will be stronger. At the beginning of the month, ideas flowed and inspiration flashed, which is conducive to hobby learning, art, design related majors, and is expected to produce representative works.

Health luck


Stability is fine, but the health of the elders in the family will worry you a little.


The financial structure is greatly adjusted, and home is the most solid backing.

Career luck


Due to the change of certain work rules or the adjustment of salary appraisal, a large number of working Capricorns have realized since this month that they need to supplement their professional knowledge, collect more fresh information to keep up with the pace of the times, strive to expand sales, and significantly increase training, negotiation, negotiation, paperwork and other related work, and be prepared to deal with negative news and negative events. At the end of the month, with Mars withdrawing from the work palace, the situation of impulsively doing useless work and hot-headed challenges to find things for themselves will be reduced, and they will be able to deal with trivial processes and transactional work with a normal mind and a more peaceful attitude, and the fierce competition in the workplace will subside.

Emotional luck


A very wonderful month of love life, singles peach blossoms, life is very moody; Capricorn, who already has a partner, regains feelings and common topics with his partner, has patience and confidence in his children, and has a happy family atmosphere. It is advisable to participate in art activities as a dating project, such as watching movies and exhibitions.



The month of financial structural adjustment leads to extreme financial fluctuations, there may be salary adjustments, assessment method adjustments, etc., resulting in changes in salaries, on the other hand, many Capricorns are also trying to tap more secret business opportunities that others have not yet noticed, and must have a sense of risk to prevent financial disputes. The field house is up, and it is beneficial to buy property, rent, decoration, etc.

Academic Movement


Need to be more pragmatic, the overall is not as easy as a while ago, recent coursework is more boring, the progress has slowed down significantly, the key to improving grades this month is to clarify the knowledge structure, consolidate the foundation, remember to eliminate outdated knowledge and information in your mind in time. Exams have slipped and are in desperate need of remedial tutoring.

Health luck


The state is slowly improving, and commuting and traveling are not smooth.


Making money is the top priority, open source to reduce expenditure, and retreat to advance.

Career luck


With the withdrawal of Saturn from Aquarius at the beginning of the month, the dilemma of two or three years of unwillingness and restrictions that Aquarius has lasted for two or three years will come to an end, and you who have completed Saturn's homework will feel relaxed, the state will return, it is time to put major plans such as job search and entrepreneurship on the agenda, and a previous work plan or career has also come to an end. At the beginning of the month, you have many opportunities to get in touch with new information, new news, which also inspires you to open new directions and open sales channels. The whole of you can't sit still, suitable for going out to run business, participate in training exchanges, etc. And Mars shift at the end of the month, most of you are full of travel, work overtime to change the state of performance, pay attention to maintain elasticity, do not cause action deformation due to too tight and tense, and have to return to the pot.

Emotional luck


Not the focus of this month, compared to love, this month's family gathering is a little more, single water bottles will be introduced by elders, family members or urged to get married. The little couples who were previously in love also began to cool down this month, and the passion receded just to see if it was true love.



Financial pressure hits, feel that it is not easy to make money, many water bottles are forced to adopt conservative strategies, reduce living expenses to learn the way to cut the door, sometimes the more you want to make money with money, the more you hit a wall, do not invest impulsively, beware of financial traps. It is also difficult to find a company that can match your worth, and you feel that your value has fallen for a while.

Academic Movement


The month that is easy to do more with half the effort is also a month that is easy to work hard, absorb knowledge quickly, and the exam is also a little lucky, especially at the beginning of the month, and perform better in language, writing, etc. So tell yourself this month not to relax, and don't be complacent because you learned that fur can be sold now.

Health luck


Generally stable, health decline in the second half of the year, prone to inflammation, fever, etc., high probability of accidental injury.


Accept the serious lessons that Saturn brings and keep a positive attitude to carry the weight.

Career luck


Saturn entering Pisces means that in the next 2 years, Pisces will have more time in a state of "everything on their own", without the beliefs and luck that once supported you, you must begin to reintegrate your life plan, hone stronger and better professional skills, cultivate mistakes and missing parts, many times, you need to silently bear these pressures yourself and transform it. Work content involving norms, rules, approval, docking with leading experts, etc. should be paid more attention. In addition, the pace of work this month seems to be out of their control, so the luck of cooperation is good, it is advisable to sell your skills to others, communicate with people in the industry, and drive yourself with a positive and clear environment.

Emotional luck


Social & peach blossom luck gradually improves, you can participate in various cultural activities, professional exchanges, or online communities and other like-minded friends. In addition, many Pisces will have a tendency to spend a lot of money to please their partner and spoil the other half.



At the beginning of the month, Kaneki Conjunction brings new projects or new cooperation and part-time opportunities to promote income increase, especially for practitioners in art, art and female related industries. But at the same time, this month is also lavish in terms of consumption, willing to invest for love, buy luxury goods, art, and the late half of the year is also very large, resulting in the final deposit figure is not ideal.

Academic Movement


The activity of thinking has improved, and the ability to seek evidence in dialectical thinking is strong, but because of the great mental pressure, I am afraid that I must learn through failure, and I must shift the focus from the pursuit of scores and external achievements to inner fullness and growth. It is easy to underestimate the enemy when taking the test.

Health luck


It is easy to have nightmares, many mental and emotional problems, easy to become dependent on drugs, tobacco and alcohol, etc., and when you really feel flustered, you may wish to go to the temple for a while.

Moon luck: 12 zodiac signs [2023.03] Horoscope

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