
Cancer constellation in love

Cancer constellation in love
Cancer constellation in love

Cancer constellation in love

Today let's talk about the cancer constellation in love

Third place

You say that he is a Buddhist lineage, but in fact, he is the one who does not refuse

Hanging on to the name of the good old man

Once the scale is trapped, the lights are red and green

It's harder to control yourself + get drunk on money

Trade love on the spot only for lust and excitement

Without profit, it begins to cold and violent you

This is a typical Libra tumor hardcore scumbag I saw recently watching [Marriage Combination].

Second place

Even toxic is unique to Aquarius

At first, he may just think you're a little interesting

I picked it casually, but I didn't expect to be on my head as soon as I was excited

Although not ready,

But they will still fill the rhythm and sweetness of love in the early stage

Then one day I got tired and walked away suddenly without even saying hello

The level is the same as Libra

They are all too focused on their own feelings

When you want to be responsible, the earth is deserted

If you don't want to be responsible, just throw you out of his world

The difference is only in whether it is a day, a month, or an annual throw

This is the water bottle boyfriend of the crying girl who recently watched compound tarot

1st place

It is Cancer with super emotional needs

When you are with him, you have to take care of all aspects of his emotions

If he can't do it, he will do things and lose his temper

Make you think he has to be you

But back

Start the central air conditioning chat to deceive people and dump the pot

Ambiguous has his own set

You can't control it at all

Finally, finally

You just found out

He was with you in those days of clinging

In fact, I also raised many, many little sisters

This is the invincible Cancer Sea King developed in the [Third Party Exploration] card array

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