
What are the deep secrets hidden in Aquarius relationships?

What are the deep secrets hidden in Aquarius relationships?

The constellation of Aquarius always feels particularly dashing, does not care about anything, is it orcitary, just go, is this really the case?

In fact, if you contact Aquarius more, you will find that Aquarius has too many unknown places, which is more obvious, Aquarius is an extremely easy to fall into depression sign, looks dashing, freewheeling, but in fact, Aquarius is really easy to fall into depression because of an unresolved contradiction, or someone who him off, and the same is true in relationships.

Aquarius' depression is definitely not because of who loves whom more, who loves who less, these trivial emotional trivia, but because of the various unsatisfactory performances of the other party in the relationship, igniting the negative emotions he has accumulated during this period of time, and then Aquarius will suddenly feel that there is no light in life. This is the cause of Aquarius depression.

What are the deep secrets hidden in Aquarius relationships?

This will lead to a phenomenon, maybe Aquarius and you yesterday chatted quite enthusiastically, chat in seconds, today suddenly ignore people, and then send messages for three days without replying. This is the direct disaster brought to the relationship after the depression of the water bottle. In this mode of getting along, it is not surprising that you will find it difficult to get along with a problem with the water bottle brain.

So in the face of this sudden depression of Aquarius, is there any good way to deal with it? Some friends may feel that Aquarius feels that where I behave badly, I can change it, and if I can't change it, I will give him the logic to make it clear and it will be fine.

I can tell you responsibly that for a person like Aquarius, it really doesn't make much sense for you to talk to him about logic, because in the world of Aquarius, logic is always his own logic, what does it mean? There is no logic of right and wrong in the mind of an Aquarius, only logic to make yourself happy.

What are the deep secrets hidden in Aquarius relationships?

I'll give you a very simple example, you are ready to confess with Aquarius, want to engage in fanfare, and then you find a group of people to watch, what kind of flower balloon microphone this set, wait until the water bottle comes and feel very embarrassed, so you did not promise your confession, and you find that not only did not promise you, your relationship is getting farther and farther away, you think your starting point is good, the water bottle is not like this? But what you don't know is that Aquarius doesn't care about your starting point, as long as you make yourself feel embarrassed, uncomfortable, and depressed, he will feel a bondage, and then he will stay away.

You have to know that Aquarius is a truly free person, his own life can be very happy and casual, that once the new life with you is unhappy, Aquarius's first reaction is to accuse you in his heart.

So you can know that with the water bottle, don't always deliberately care about what he thinks, what he says, what kind of thinking logic he has, and then be suspicious, and his life is a mess. You just have to remember that all the logic of Aquarius is based on your own happiness, so what you have to do is nothing more than keep up with the rhythm of Aquarius and play with him, so that Aquarius will be happy, as long as he is happy his logic will be smooth, as long as his logic is smooth he can fall in love with you.

Remember a core, don't think about controlling Aquarius, don't think about commanding Aquarius, attract him to accompany him while also living his own life, such a soul is interesting for Aquarius.

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