
Are these zodiac signs ambiguous and unintentional?

Are these zodiac signs ambiguous and unintentional?
Are these zodiac signs ambiguous and unintentional?

Are these zodiac signs ambiguous and unintentional?

In the eyes of ordinary people

Gemini Libra water bottles are the most ambiguous

Actually, as far as the wind elephant itself is concerned

Most of them are unintentional


Gemini has been on the road to finding love

He didn't know what he liked

There is nothing special about it when you think about it

Then it's only by feeling

Who can bring him comfortable and happy feelings in love

Who will be closer to the noun object

The intention of departure is good

But when you encounter a better choice than the present

Gemini will choose the latter

"He looks a little more interesting"

Gemini patted his ass and left


Libra's attitude towards people is entirely determined by the attitude of the other party

When faced with some suitors

The scales in my heart are also constantly swaying

"Which one should I choose?"

"I feel that both of them are not bad, so let's find out again?"

"A has been a little apathetic lately, B has been very enthusiastic lately"

"A's advantages B does not, but A's disadvantages are also many, so tangled"

Such thinking will give Libra steps down

In the eyes of others, it feels that Libra is very good with anyone

Talk to anyone

In fact, a large part of it is still out of Libra's inner politeness


The water bottle is also not very clear on the demarcation between friendship and love

He was warm and nice to his friends

Even sometimes better than a lover

It often makes the object jealous

But you just have to be careful

You can feel a little difference

There are only a few that have a good relationship with water bottles

And the only ones who often make phone calls to share their lives are the objects

So it behaves like a central air conditioner

It's just a way of doing things with water bottles

Important people still have a unique place in their hearts

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