
Moon Gemini's attitude towards life: Interest, never give in

Moon Gemini's attitude towards life: Interest, never give in

In fact, the moon setting in Gemini is really good.

First of all, I have to say that the Moon Gemini is very smart. This cleverness is reflected in the fact that he is not bound by too many rules, and no matter what kind of environment he is in, it will not make him submissive. Because there is a strong desire for self-exploration, the environment during the growth process does not have a great impact on the moon twins.

Once he enters the environment where he can live freely, he feels like he has returned to the mountains. Even if he was taught to abide by the rules since he was a child, he showed great well-behaved around his parents, but as long as those who disciplined him could not control it, he would immediately dig out his own interests and hobbies, find his own strengths, and point out all kinds of fun skills.

You can observe that most of the moon twins around you are "stunts". Guitar, skateboarding, yo-yo, Rubik's Cube, hip-hop, magic, etc. will make them feel cool skills, as long as they become interested in a certain moment, the Moon Gemini will be addicted for a while until they master this skill.

And Moon Gemini's learning talent in this area is because he never cares whether the time and energy spent is proportional to the return. As long as he likes it, as long as he wants to, it is worth it. If he doesn't like it and doesn't want to, no matter who forces him, he can't learn it.

Interest, never give in. This is the attitude of the Moon Gemini to life.

Moon Gemini's attitude towards life: Interest, never give in

I think it's really good that the moon falls on Gemini, not because they're smart, but because they're always doing interesting things with people they like. The problem is also here, when the person he once liked is now not so liked, when a thing can no longer give the moon twins satisfaction and happiness, what will he choose?

I don't know how to face it, run away, find new people, find new interests, and change new environments.

And that month, Gemini's own mentality suffered a serious blow, the emotional ups and downs were very strong, no matter who he got along with for a period of time, he felt irritable, no matter what he did, he couldn't concentrate, no matter what environment he didn't have a sense of belonging, what would he choose?

I'm sure any Moon Gemini who has experienced this state will no longer want to remember what choices they made at that time. In fact, it can also be said that in this state, the moon twins even lose the ability to choose.

As soon as the evening begins to be negative, I start to think about the meaning of life, and I can't help but want to give up everything in the present, just to make myself easier. During the day, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say, I don't know where to start changing.

I feel that the things of the moment are not important, because sooner or later I will have to leave. And I feel very sad when I am lonely. I can't help but think about the people and things that left before, whether I want to keep changing like this.

This intense sense of loneliness will become the Moon Gemini's worst enemy.

In the end, constantly looking for interesting people, constantly trying new challenges, constantly exploring yourself and exploring the world, and constantly keeping yourself from stopping, all to combat this loneliness.

Because for Moon Gemini, interest can only be found in practice. Thinking about nothing means that doing nothing is not interesting, and the mentality directly determines how much happiness Moon Gemini can feel from life.

Happiness is the motivation for Moon Gemini to live.

Because I can't bear the negative side, I force myself to be positive. It's also a self-driving approach.

Ultimately, I think it's really good that the moon falls in Gemini, because for the moon Gemini, it doesn't seem like there's really a need to reach self-reconciliation.

He does not need to find a regular method by reflecting on past mistakes, does not need to summarize the reasons for failure to find a shortcut to success, and will not review inappropriate feelings to find the true meaning of love. He will attribute all the reasons for all this, what is wrong is wrong, and it will be enough to avoid the point in the future. He only judges whether the consequences of his mistakes are something he can bear. If you can't bear it, then definitely don't touch it.

As he grew up, he was able to constantly find his weaknesses through this method and hide them so that he would never get hurt again. Don't say, this trick really works.

In front of the mature Moon Twins, you can't see any of his emotional changes at all, what he cares about, what he doesn't care about, if you think it's true, it's all true, if you think it's fake, it can also be fake. He only focuses on his feelings.

This is the wisdom of Moon Gemini's life.

When he sighs at the vastness of the world and his own insignificance, he realizes that if he wants to live a meaningful life, he can only explore what he wants to explore, and block out the voices that will disturb him.

Interest, never give in.

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