
Maria_Tarot Horoscope from 9 to 15 May 2022

Aries: Lover

You may face a big decision this week! This situation can put you in a moral bind, and the Lover's Card represents that you need to be more aware of what your values and beliefs are before deciding how to proceed. Are you forced to go in a certain direction because of fear or guilt? Don't let these things get in the way. Instead, try to understand that every action has a reaction, and a decision like this is never easy. Be true to yourself – you can't go wrong.

Taurus: Star Coin 3

StarCoin Three wants to admit that you are on the right track! Are you now working towards a new goal? This card encourages you to persevere. No matter how grand the idea is, you have the ability to make it happen. This week is your time to do your homework and prepare, and if you don't already have a comprehensive plan, create a comprehensive plan. Don't be afraid to ask others for help – teamwork can allow you to go further than you expect.

Gemini: Wheel of Fortune

The wheel of fate reminds you that life is full of ups and downs. If you are going through a problem period in your life, this card may mark the end of this difficult period. If you're going through a period of prosperity, things may soon be back to normal. Don't be sorry for this change – it's a natural part of growing up and living. Each of your experiences contributes to your understanding of yourself and your situation. Let this card serve as a reminder to embrace the ups and downs of life.

Cancer: Sun

This week, the sun is shining on you! This card represents the warmth of abundance, optimism, success and the happy times of your life. Maybe you're going through a turbulent time in your life and it feels like there's no end in sight. Well, it's always the darkest before dawn – and dawn has arrived! Through these obstacles, you learn more about yourself and gain confidence in knowing that you can withstand any storm. Enjoy this positive time because you deserve it.

Leo: Scepter III

Now the possibilities are really limitless for you! Scepter Three marks that you will have plenty of opportunities to expand your horizons in some way. Take a long-term view and think about your future. What are your visions of yourself? Now is not the time to think about the little things. Your potential is limitless, so when these opportunities come to you, take advantage of them.

Virgo: Holy Grail Five

The Holy Grail Five shows that you have been allowing yourself to struggle in a sea of regret and disappointment. While the pain you feel is very real and shouldn't be minimized, it's not a free pass to stay in this mode forever. If you focus on the failures or mistakes you perceive, you don't see what's positive in front of you and you can't move toward a better future. Hope is still there, and it's important this week that you find where hope lies and turn your attention to hope.

Libra: Scepter Seven

The Scepter Seven urge you to hold your ground this week. Receiving this card indicates that you are experiencing some kind of opposition or obstacle in your life. Your initial instinct may be to retreat, to succumb to the challenges that stand in your way. However, it is important to stick to your faith. Setbacks are inevitable, but giving up is not. Put on your emotional armor and use your courage and inner strength to overcome this obstacle so that you can finally overcome it.

Scorpio: Star Coin Attendant

The StarCoin Attendant represents a passion for new beginnings and new adventures. This week, you're encouraged to express your creative talents in some way. Have you ever thought about starting to do something, but haven't taken the first step yet? This card wants you to put into practice the imaginative ideas you've been playing with. By staying focused and applying a strong work ethic, you give yourself the ability to turn your dreams into reality.

Sagittarius: Knight of the Sword

Nothing can stop you this week. But is that a good thing? The Knight of the Sword is a card that warns players not to pursue what they want at all costs. Yes, it's good to be ambitious, but only when you first consider all the challenges and consequences. Check all variables before taking action. What will you get? What will you lose? Do you neglect the people around you in your pursuit of your goals? Understanding the delicate boundaries between determination and attachment can prevent your potential problems in the future.

Capricorn: The Holy Grail King

Your theme this week is the successful use of power. More specifically, it's emotional tenacity. The Grail King is an insightful man who is very emotionally balanced and controlling. Receiving this card is a reminder to use your emotional maturity when you face the troubles that life throws at you. Your initial instinct may be to suppress any emotions you have about the situation. Instead, you can let your emotions control you. This card is urging you to navigate this personal challenge with your heart and your mind.

Aquarius: Holy Grail III

Let the good times flow! The Holy Grail III is a card of celebration and friendship, so you'll find yourself in "party mode". Spend an evening in town with friends. Host a dinner for your family. Gather a few colleagues for a happy hour. What matters is not what you do, but your friendship. Life isn't all about responsibility and commitment, so relax and enjoy life now!

Pisces: The Holy Grail Ace

This week you will ride the tide of good atmosphere! The Holy Grail Ace marks a moment of positive energy: love, happiness, creativity and compassion. It also means strengthening the ability to strengthen existing relationships – maybe meet a new friend or lover! If you've been feeling closed lately, it's time to open your heart and give you the love and peace you deserve.

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