
Maria_ Horoscope for April 11-17, 2022

Aries: Ace of Star Coins

StarCoin Ace marks a huge number of new opportunities for your material world this week. Do you feel your career is stagnant? Is there an investment that doesn't pay off as much as you think? Have you ever had an idea to make money? Now everything could change! Keep your eyes and ears open, because a new beginning in these areas may be just around the corner. Whether you decide to take advantage of them or not is up to you, but they're there waiting for you.

Taurus: The Grail Attendant

Keep an open heart and mind this week! The Holy Grail attendant is urging you back to a more innocent, fearless, and idealistic time in life. It may be past or recent circumstances that have made you more cynical and closed, as a way to protect yourself from harm. While this approach may help you avoid more pain, it may also prevent you from experiencing the joys of life. Don't let your past dominate your future in this way. Learn to trust again.

Gemini: Star Coin Five

StarCoin Five acknowledges that you've been in trouble lately. Have you been unemployed recently? Is money not as easy to flow as you would like? This struggle will not only bring losses to your wallet, but also become an emotional and spiritual burden on you. Don't carry the whole world alone. Ask your friends and family for help. All the difficult times will eventually pass, but when you have support, they will pass easily.

Cancer: Couples

You may face a big decision this week! This situation can create a moral dilemma for you, and couples representatives need to have a clearer understanding of your values and beliefs before deciding how to proceed. Are you forced to do something out of fear or guilt? Don't let these things be motivating factors. Instead, try to understand that every action has a response, and a decision like this is never easy. Be true to yourself – you can't go wrong.

Leo: Scepter Ace

If you've been waiting for a revelation from the universe, here it is! The Scepter Ace represents a new beginning and all the potential that comes with this new adventure. This week you are encouraged to pursue a new path or project, and you are passionate about it, but have not yet acted on it. Use this time to take the first step towards achieving your goals. There's no need for a big leap forward – even a small step forward can be a big step towards success.

Virgo: Star Coin 3

StarCoin Iii wants to admit that you are on the right track! Are you trying to do something new right now? This card encourages you to keep going. No matter how grand the idea is, you have the ability to make it happen. This week is time to do your homework and prepare, and if you don't already have a comprehensive plan, make one. Don't be afraid to ask others for help – teamwork can take you farther than expected.

Libra: Scepter II

Scepter II is urging you to take the time to plan for your future. There are countless possibilities in front of you now, but now is not the time to act on impulse or intuition. This week, you're being asked to weigh all your options and carefully consider the pros and cons of each path. But that doesn't mean you should be afraid to step out of your comfort zone! If you go into uncharted territory with realistic expectations and clear plans, you can achieve long-term success.

Scorpio: Verdict

You may be about to make a far-reaching decision! You've been standing at this crossroads for a long time and don't know which way to go. The ruling card knows that the best choice comes from the perfect combination of mind and heart. This means that not only do you have to look back and learn tangible lessons from the past, but you also have to communicate with your inner self and listen to what your intuition tells you. You need to make decisions this week – you already have everything you need to make a decision.

Sagittarius: Moon

Don't let fear beat you! The moon suggests that past experiences may creep in this week, giving you some memories that you may soon forget. It could be something you're trying to cram into the subconscious, hoping that over time it will solve itself. Instead of trying to ignore the problem, choose to take it out of the shadows and heal yourself. It can be painful at first, but remember that over time, the burden you carry can also hurt you.

Capricorn: Power

This "strength card" is a hint that you have enough courage to deal with life's difficulties. It's easy to get lost in emotions like anger, sadness, fear, or shame, but this week you're going to step out of those emotions and stay calm in the face of adversity. Don't act on instinct. Instead, embrace your more compassionate and tolerant side. This allows you to become a silent warrior who can control not only yourself but also the situation.

Aquarius: StarCoin Nine

This week, StarCoin Nine invites you to taste the fruits of your labor. You've paid for your goals, sweat and tears, and now you're seeing the success your efforts deserve. Take advantage of the material pleasures you have created for yourself during this time. So, go book an expensive SPA. Take yourself on a trip. Buy a bottle of expensive wine that you've always wanted. You've won the right to splurge!

Pisces: Wheel of Fortune

The wheel of fate reminds you that life is full of ups and downs. If you are going through a difficult period, this card may herald the end of that difficult period. If you're going through a period of prosperity, things may soon be back to normal. Don't bemoan this change – it's a natural part of growing up and living. Every experience you have is meant to help you understand yourself and your situation. Let this card remind you to embrace the ebb and flow of life.

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