
The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously


In the era of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, many admirable heroes emerged on the turbulent battlefield. However, where there is light, there is shadow, and in this magnificent history, some despicable villains have also emerged. They use all their scheming to frame Zhongliang and do whatever it takes for their own interests. In real life, such people still exist. Today, let's reveal the 5 villains who must not be associated in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, take this as a lesson, please stay away consciously.

The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously

The first villain is Cao Cao's strategist - Jia Xu. He is resourceful, but he is not right-minded. For the sake of his own glory and wealth, he repeatedly offered poison schemes and framed Zhongliang. He once offered a plan under Cao Cao, which led to the defeat of Cao Cao in the Battle of Chibi, and hundreds of thousands of troops were killed in the fire. After the war, he prospered because of Cao Cao's favor.

The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously

The second villain is the famous general of Eastern Wu - Zhou Yu. He is brilliant and personable, but he is narrow-minded and difficult to tolerate. He was jealous of Zhuge Liang's talent, framed him many times, and tried to put him to death. In the Battle of Chibi, he even secretly colluded with the enemy army and tried to kill people with a knife. However, his plan was finally seen through by Zhuge Liang, and he suffered from it.

The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously

The third villain is the traitor of Shu Han - Wei Yan. He is brave and good at fighting, but he has bad intentions. He had made many military exploits under Liu Bei, but because of selfishness, he betrayed Liu Bei and surrendered to Cao Cao. In order to please the new master, he even offered plans to attack his old master, which can be described as ungrateful.

The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously

The fourth villain is Lu Su, the powerful minister of Eastern Wu. He is loyal and honest on the surface, but in fact he is scheming. He is good at taking advantage of others, sacrificing the lives of others for his own benefit. He once took advantage of Guan Yu's benevolence and righteousness to sow discord through the affairs of Jingzhou, which eventually led to Guan Yu's defeat in Maicheng and his death in Huangquan.

The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously

The fifth villain is Cao Wei's eunuch - Huang Hao. He was in the court, but he secretly interfered in court politics and framed Zhongliang. For the sake of his power, he did not hesitate to betray national interests and collude with enemy countries. His crimes eventually led to the downfall of Cao Wei.

The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously

Although these five villains have their own characteristics, what they all have in common is that they will do whatever it takes to frame others for their own interests. In real life, such people still exist. They could be your colleagues, friends, or even your loved ones. They are nice to you on the surface, but in fact they are calculating and taking advantage of you at every turn. Therefore, we must always be vigilant, recognize the true colors of these villains, and consciously stay away from them.

The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously

In interpersonal communication, we must learn to distinguish between right and wrong and establish correct values. We must be in the company of those who are honest and kind, and make progress together. At the same time, we must always reflect on ourselves and avoid becoming such a villain. Only in this way can we go further and further on the road of life, and walk more and more steadily.

The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously
The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously
The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously
The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously
The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously
The 5 villains who must not be socialized in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are also such people in reality, please stay away consciously