
Lunita 3.6–3.12 horoscope of the week

Important horoscope of the week

Author: Lunita Astrology Journey

Solar hexagram Uranus

Full Moon & Saturn in Virgo enters the northern node of Pisces & Mercury

Venus hexagram Mars

Mercury, hexaconjunction, Uranus & Chron, conjunction with Jupiter

Lunita 3.6–3.12 horoscope of the week

This week has been a time of warmth, attention to detail, and confusion.

Lunita 3.6–3.12 horoscope of the week
Lunita 3.6–3.12 horoscope of the week

Meet you at your best in spring

This week we'll break through the status quo, experience new things, make fun, and add salt to ordinary life. We may also have some wild ideas. For example, visiting art galleries, museums, and science museums with family, friends, or children is a good choice. These can help us get out of the boring state and experience a lot of new things.

This week we are also suitable for using different techniques in work and study to achieve better results. If the old path doesn't work, try new possibilities and improve your skills with new things. For example, employees may consider training or hands-on approaches to improve their problem-solving skills; Investors need to know more about investment strategies and consider adjusting risk criteria according to different market conditions. So the beginning of the week is a good time for us to innovate ourselves and find new ways.

On Tuesday, we will welcome the Full Moon in Virgo. This full moon in Virgo is like the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, and because it is a full moon before Saturn changes signs, we will feel a different energy. It's going to be a tumultuous week that leaves us uncertain whether we'll succeed or take a clear route, so it's crucial to stay calm and sane.

This week we will feel a chaos in real life, and may generate some vague or confusing ideas. We will see some details that were overlooked in the past emerge in reality. This Virgo Full Moon will calm us down and make clear judgments to help us clear our minds. Through thinking, let the mind become clear; Logic and reason help us organize these scattered thoughts into pieces of information to distinguish potential possibilities and story lines. But under the influence of the full moon, most people will experience emotional and intellectual pulls, confused but eager to sort out their thoughts.

Many people find themselves at a crossroads, or a dilemma. But this week is not the right week for decision-making. When we find ourselves disoriented and immersed in all kinds of imagination, please calmly accept the status quo and wait for the time to be arranged. Only in this way can you rethink the problems you encounter in your life and make wise choices. We may also feel the need to compromise and sacrifice something for someone, but the impact of the full moon will make us start thinking about what is worth paying for. Avoid situations where you are too harsh and demanding and lack empathy for those around you.

The most important astrological sign this week is Saturn changing from Pisces. The change of planets will bring a new round of reshuffle, which also means that the old things will withdraw from the historical stage, and the new things will also kick off. Everyone will go through such a transition point of times. After Saturn changes signs, we will feel subconscious confusion, which may not be so obvious, but it will quietly affect our work, family, school, and even various decisions.

In life, we may encounter some confusion or difficulties, and these problems often come from deep down. For example, a person wants to lose weight, but finds that he cannot control his diet correctly and always eats chocolate uncontrollably; Or although you know that others have malice towards you, you still can't refuse them and continue to consume in such a relationship. These are the inner feelings that occur when Saturn enters Pisces, freeing people from impotence. If we don't face these feelings, we may be susceptible to chaotic states that lead to bad decisions or attitudes.

After Saturn enters Pisces, we will feel that some troublesome problems will not find the exit for a while. Not knowing how to solve a problem is one of the biggest problems most people face, which can create some sense of powerlessness, and can also be rotten and evasive. But these feelings of powerlessness stem from not being able to properly perceive oneself and the things around oneself. This can lead us to make bad decisions or take irrational actions to solve problems.

If a person finds it difficult to control negative emotions such as repressed anger or depression in their hearts, then there is a high chance that they will be dominated by emotions and make some unfavorable choices during the time of Saturn Pisces. Subconscious confusion can also trigger some feelings of anxiety and panic. For example, fear of losing a relationship or fear of missing out on an opportunity. In such cases, frustration, anxiety, and difficulty getting out of trouble are common. Many people also develop some "sense of fate", such as feeling that nothing is worth trying for, and everything is in vain. This is actually a way of venting emotions about dissatisfaction or boredom with reality, but it will increase the feeling of frustration, and negative reactions will also reduce our feasibility of improving reality.

With Saturn Pisces in the next two years, we need to find what we really want to pursue, relax, and not take everything too seriously. Leaving it to fate to choose may produce a good state of mind more than forcing oneself. Valuing the process rather than the outcome is something that everyone needs to practice in the next two years. We need to rebuild our inner order, sort out and let go of our inner knots, and explore the true light of hope and faith in our hearts in the process of confusion.

On weekends, due to the pattern of Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Uranus, we feel enthusiastic and creative. It's a pleasant and busy weekend and there will be plenty of things to keep us happy. Companions will communicate and get along more smoothly in relationships. Don't forget to express your thoughts and emotions so you can get a better response. If you can make the most of this weekend, you can improve the quality of your relationship and make both sides satisfied.

This is also the peak period for single Wang suitable for gathering, socializing, and falling in love. Participate in more activities to meet more friends of the opposite sex and become more active. Or take the initiative, dating, confessing, and taking off the list, we will feel good feedback coming and going.

Daily horoscopes:

Monday: ★★★★★ Change the status quo day

Tuesday: ★★★ Day of attention to detail

Wednesday: ★★★ Busy day for body and mind

Thursday: ★★★★ Focus on Relationship Day

Friday: ★★★★ Social Busy Day

Saturday: ★★★★★ Affectionate Day

Sunday: ★★★★★ A day full of creativity

This week's Red List:

Pressure relief: Aquarius

Interpersonal Better: Leo

Emotional passion: Libra

This week's Fortune Blacklist:

Dealing with the knot: Aries

Relationship contradiction: Virgo

Emotional opposite: Pisces

Reference Sun & Ascendant Signs:


Career: There may be some things that you have to face at work, and there may be some closures. Some people may straighten up, change jobs, and be aware of potential villains and conflicts in the workplace. Suitable for introspection, or take a break to adjust some work and work schedule. Some people want to temporarily withdraw from tedious things.

Emotional: Emotionally charming, this week is suitable for you to actively socialize, communicate, and express your ideas. Some people will have a good fate, and the relationship is progressing rapidly.

Financial luck: There will be a witty idea on the financial luck, or a new item that you want to buy. A good week with good fortune and good for checking out new products.

Studies: Academic mediocrity, easy to wander, or invested by some emotional influence.

Rating: ★★★


Career: Next, you need to pay attention to the interpersonal circle, which may usher in the reshuffle of the interpersonal circle, and some friends, customers, and contacts may be replaced and gradually fade out of the circle. There may be face-to-heart discord in social aspects, and problems with past problems are exposed. Be aware that some relationships may have differences in values and beliefs with oneself.

Feelings: Emotionally passionate, but not enough to act. Some people may buy and buy for peach blossoms, and there are some impulse consumption. This week you will have some rational thinking in terms of feelings, but avoid being too harsh and lacking in human consideration.

Financial luck: A good week of financial luck may have some potential impulse spending.

Studies: There is special inspiration and creativity in learning, especially suitable for exchanging ideas with others.

Rating: ★★★★


Career: This week you will feel the pressure to start a family. Self-standards in career become higher. I can no longer be Buddhist and comfortable at work, but I feel that I can't adapt to the fierce environment without hard work, and I need to consolidate my career position. You will be more grounded and pragmatic about career planning, and you will gradually see some difficulties and obstacles in your career.

Affection: Social aspects are very enthusiastic and help to meet some friends. This week you need to be motivated, participate in team activities, and communicate to help maintain emotional relationships.

Financial luck: A week suitable for teamwork, financial luck.

Academic: Academically imaginative, but not very suitable for subjects with outstanding logical thinking.

Rating: ★★★★


Career: Although the career opportunities are good, you will feel that the spiritual world is a little confused, and you can't see the direction of the road ahead for the time being. Avoid being complacent, as some ideas may affect your judgment and choices.

Feelings: Feelings seem to be casual, but in fact there are some actions that secretly push the relationship forward. This week you'll be passionate about the relationship and suitable for each other's future.

Financial luck: financial luck is very prosperous, and there is good financial luck during the peak period of business.

Studies: Although the academic curiosity is very strong and the learning is very inspiring, there may be some resistance in the process of the next study procedures, and you need to deal with it patiently. Avoid delays in progress due to lack of clarity.

Rating: ★★★★


Career: This week you'll find that your relationships and collaborations that have been plaguing you for a long time are about to improve, and your interpersonal work will go more smoothly in the future. Some people will find that there is a shuffle in the interpersonal phenomenon. Job prospects remain the same.

Feelings: What follows will be a new relationship situation. This week you are passionate about relationships and suitable for active social participation. This week you will care if the three views of each other are aligned. Talking about it will bring out a spiritual spark. Some people have long-distance or online fate.

Financial luck: The pressure of financial fortune may gradually appear, and you may feel that the next partial financial income will gradually decrease. Some career projects require you to pay more, and some people will have debt, financial pressure. Avoid speculative and risky projects.

Studies: I am very savvy academically and enjoy learning.

Rating: ★★★★★


Career: Then there will be some sense of crisis in interpersonal and cooperation, and you will feel that you need to strengthen the ability to integrate in the workplace. But this week you are busy with work and will enjoy the busy state of generating money.

Feelings: This week you care a lot about relationships and relationships, but the hidden problems in the relationship may be exposed this week, and you will be more aware of the essence of a relationship. Next, you have to face the choice of feelings, and it takes to grind in each other's feelings. Under the influence of this week's Full Moon, avoid being too nitpicky, which can bring emotional and relationship damage.

Financial luck: Partial financial luck, there may be some partial wealth after work. In particular, there may be some relationships and relationships that bring financial luck.

Academics: Academics are easily influenced by emotions and interpersonal relationships, and lack logical organization.

Rating: ★★★


Career: There will be some pressure to go ahead, but you will also try to do your part well this week. For example, you may need to face the competition of many solutions, or there are some important responsibilities at work that you need to face.

Feelings: The sweet period of feelings, suitable for strengthening mutual communication, easy to find the fun and passion in mutual interaction. Some people are suitable for traveling with their other half.

Financial luck: Cooperation brings financial luck, and there may be a feeling of more work and less work at work.

Studies: Academic mediocrity, and you need to take care of your physical and mental health this week. There may be emotional ups and downs that affect academic engagement.

Rating: ★★★★★


Career: Good interpersonal interaction at work, this week there will be a happy interaction with colleagues and teams. The work was progressing well, especially in terms of people, and projects related to people would be carried out efficiently.

Feelings: Some people need to face the reality of problems in their relationships, which may stimulate you to feel negative and confused, and you can't see where the future direction is. In terms of love, you may gradually have a heavy feeling in the future, unable to let go of your body and mind and fall in love.

Financial luck: Good financial luck, this week is suitable for bold investment, and there may be partial financial luck brought by work.

Academics: Good academics, imaginative and creative week this week.

Rating: ★★★★


Career: This week you'll have pressure and thinking from family and work. Some people think about starting a family or feel a sense of family responsibility. Some people will then need to deal with some family matters, take care of the family, or deal with the house.

Feelings: Next, your focus will shift to your family, you may long for family stability, but you may also feel insecure and confused. You need to pay attention to the health of your family and the financial situation of your family. Single Wang has a passionate emotional experience, suitable for getting off the single, expressing, and accomplishing it in one go.

Financial luck: Good financial luck, partial financial luck.

Studies: Academics are not the current focus, they are suitable for on-the-go learning.

Rating: ★★★★


Career: Some people may have travel. At work, you'll feel like you'll need to improve your social and communication skills or upgrade your knowledge base. Because then you will feel that the knowledge is not enough, or there is still room for improvement in expression and communication skills.

Emotional: Family life is lively and active, suitable for spending time with family members or improving the quality of life at home.

Financial luck: A time period suitable for saving money, or increasing family wealth.

Studies: There may be pressure on academics, and then you will feel that inspiration cannot keep up with the needs of the environment, and there will be learning bottlenecks. You need to explore more possibilities to generate more ideas.

Rating: ★★★★


Career: There will be a feeling of becoming more open at work. Workers in many fields can let go of some of the original self-requirements and constraints, try the needs of different fields, or stretch their limbs further.

Feelings: Feelings are full of passion, enjoy the passion of love and the joy of chatting. Some people have online or spiritual relationships.

Financial luck: You may feel that the next money is getting harder and harder to earn. Some people will experience financial stress, and their financial situation is significantly less relaxed than before. That's why you need to be creative and integrated into collective needs. Avoid important financial decisions this week.

Studies: Enthusiasm for learning, especially subjects that exert subjective initiative, will most stimulate your interest and creativity.

Rating: ★★★★★


Career: Next, you will value your sense of personal worth and aspire to achieve something or prove it to those around you. You need to improve your workplace survival, but there's a lot to do next. You may start the week feeling frustrated, confused, not knowing where the future lies, or questioning whether your abilities and dreams match.

Feelings: Emotionally unable to face easily, it is easy to have some personal dreams and emotional baggage, and it is also easy to have a peak of mood swings in the relationship this week. Companions, family life is busy, suitable for improving material life.

Financial luck: financial luck is very strong, suitable for the peak period of gold fishing, but also suitable for consumption self-satisfaction.

Studies: There are many creative ideas in learning, and you can draw inferences from one case and find another way.

Rating: ★★★

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