
The "most special" achievement in the astrolabe! When this planet is well used, you are unique

If you ask, what is your unique talent?

Don't miss Uranus in your chart.

His horoscope, house and phase configuration are your most special insights.

Like the renewal and chaos it represents, Uranus' mythical archetype is also impressive. He is Ouranos, the god who rules the sky, and he has been creating; He is also Prometheus, who steals fire for mankind and sows civilization to the world.

But in the end, the gods were castrated by Saturn and Prometheus was banished. Genius and madman are separated by a line, but the world often sees only madmen, but few wisdom receives genius.

This is Uranus' pain.

For business astrologer Georgia Stasis, Uranus has a strong influence on individuals and businesses – it is a powerful catalyst.

On the one hand, it reveals how we will turn the collective around as individuals, what we have the ability to break through old structures, and where we are most distinctive and forward-thinking. But on the other hand, we need to learn to harness this impulse to "want to inspire lasting change, but don't want to be part of it."

Through Uranus, you will know what you can do, whether professional or otherwise, to turn the mainstream and disrupt the norm and bring real awakening to those around you.

So today, let's follow Georgia and see this "most special" achievement in your chart.    

Uranus is the god who rules the sky in mythology.

It is the origin of everything and appears in every creation story.

In Greek legend, it was called Ouranos.

Ouranos conceived an heir with Gaia, the mother of the earth, but left abruptly without warning. Such a picture depicts the process of creation, where energy merges with each other and then separates.

Uranus' position in the natal chart indicates where we will experience incongruous, abrupt changes. Even if we held that part in our hands, we could not escape the fate of eventual departure.

Yes, Uranus' place in the personal natal chart, or corporate natal chart, also shows the most distinctive and creative aspects of individuals and businesses. In this field where Uranus operates, people can break through traditional constraints and think in more advanced and advanced ways.

In modern astrology, Uranus is the primary star of Aquarius, which symbolizes community and global consciousness. The opposite zodiac sign of Aquarius is Leo, and Leo is more focused on personal performance. Thus, Uranus symbolizes the will of the group, communication networks, friends of friends, and the ability to get jobs from recommendations.

The "most special" achievement in the astrolabe! When this planet is well used, you are unique

However, even though Uranus is in charge of the group, its energy does not want to be part of the group.

What Uranus has is the ability to guide a team. It is able to give a workable solution to the problem, and when the task is completed, it will suddenly leave as if it had suddenly appeared.

Like actors who pioneered sexual energy, like James Dean. James showed the public his new and unique acting style, but died unexpectedly before he could create a new genre of acting.

This is very similar to the story of Uranus' union with Gaia.

Quickly create offspring, and then quickly separate.

The realm of Uranus in the natal chart can prompt us to become leaders in this realm, to awaken the sleeping people. It's like a treasure trove of your knowledge, where you can easily break the shackles.

Uranus can be shocking and transformative, and in addition to its charismatic appeal, it can influence and persuade others to believe in the new perspectives and insights it brings.

Everyone, including businesses, can feel the energy of Uranus in the natal chart.

The development model of Uranus is especially suitable for the following situations:

Uranus is located in the 10th house of business;

Aquarius guards the head of the 10th house;

Uranus falls near the head of the 10th house;


All this shows that you will be seen by the world as an era forwarder.

Challenge without engaging all the time  

You challenge authority, bosses, and parents (the 10th house), think differently, and yet, you don't get involved all the time.


Because your work as a catalyst is done. Another possibility is that you get bored and feel from the bottom of your heart that you've achieved a challenge.

The "most special" achievement in the astrolabe! When this planet is well used, you are unique

Your energy will bring challenges to people. If you have a like-minded partner or organization ready to make a difference, there's bound to be room for your maverick ideas.

However, if your idea is far ahead of the team, then it is likely that you will not be able to continue the work you have now. Uranus catches those people off guard and unpleasantly, after all, it is always challenging conventional ways of thinking and working.

Uranus has the same effect in any position, or with precise phases with other planets. You know, the essence of Uranus is to shake the foundation and question tradition and authority.

I have a young client whose Uranus falls in the first house and she is studying facial and skin care in Paris. Recently she said to me, "They never opened my major!" ”

You will find that for those who are mavericks, Uranus is the most prominent planet on their chart. They are usually visionary, future-oriented, and able to unleash new trends and create new ideas.

Uranians are natural innovators.

The "most special" achievement in the astrolabe! When this planet is well used, you are unique

Work looking for them, not them looking for work   

Since it takes about seven years for Uranus to travel through a constellation, it seems that the career of Uranians also seems to be in a seven-year cycle.

These people may choose a career path that excites and inspires them, but then, because they learn quickly, they get bored easily and may suddenly desire to move in another direction.

When thoughts that want to change arise, they signal mentally. Engage groups, acquaintances or friends and help offer them new possibilities, new roles and new experiences. And this new direction is very different and very strange from their previous lives.

But if their interest is sparked and their personality is revealed, then this new role is a good fit for them, and they can quickly fit in.

The Uranians, like the celestial god Ouranos, oscillate between blending in with the masses and maintaining individualism. The truth is that they can never fit in unless they accept that they are different.

The "most special" achievement in the astrolabe! When this planet is well used, you are unique

Uranians may have developed such awareness for the first time in their early twenties. However, it is only when Uranus and Natal Uranus are in opposite phase (basically at the age of 42, and two years before or after) that they can truly awaken and realize the goal of imprinting in the depths of their souls.

So, it's usually jobs looking for them, not them looking for jobs.

When they can give up trying or fighting and accept new things that motivate them, they will find that opportunities are hidden in them, and the direction of their struggle will be clear. Many entrepreneurs have a strong Uranus in their chart.

In addition, when there is a sudden departure, or a sudden change in the direction of development, there is likely to be the influence of Uranus behind it.

Prometheus: Another prototype of the Uranusians  

Mythologically, the figure associated with Uranus/Aquarius is Prometheus, whose name means "prescient".

Prometheus stole the fire of creation from the gods and gave it to mankind. This god believed that fire could bring comfort to people and provide a wide range of uses, but he himself was punished.

He was tied to a rock on a cliff, and during the day his liver was pecked at by an eagle symbolizing enlightenment, and at night, the liver grew again.

From this myth, I found that people who have problems with vision and creativity sometimes experience liver problems as well. The process of enlightenment and awakening can also be accompanied by physical and even mental illness.

The "most special" achievement in the astrolabe! When this planet is well used, you are unique

Those who have Uranus in conjunction with major planets, such as the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, are likely to have epilepsy or high blood pressure. This is mainly because their minds travel too fast in another dimensional world.

Throughout history, many geniuses have had this Uranus phase, and they have all struggled with bipolar disorder and cyclical behavior.

Uranus Challenge: Find your place in the group 

The Uranians share the same entanglement and challenge as those with the stronger Chiron in the chart—neither wants to be part of a formal action, but wants to inspire lasting change.

For Uranusians, one of the spiritual issues they need to face is to learn to find their own neutral ground in the team while driving change, and moderate their extremist tendencies.

To solve this problem, Uranians may need to work on several different types of work at the same time.

Some of these jobs may be more traditional, while others are more creative and free. People who are strongly influenced by Uranus do everything a little differently than everyone else, and if they are good at planning and strategizing, they can even launch a cross-era product, service, or new direction.

The "most special" achievement in the astrolabe! When this planet is well used, you are unique

On the day of the king, the star enters the enterprise: giving birth to leapfrog and rebirth   

For a Uranusian, full empowerment is their best reward.

Their vision allowed them to open a door that was not easily opened.

When the leaders of an organization recognize the need for change and are able to engage with those who facilitate it, the rebirth and leap forward of a business is highly likely.

A Uranus strong employee can catalyze long-term and lasting change within the enterprise until he becomes a leader who, like Prometheus, angers the "gods" at the top of the enterprise and is forced to leave the enterprise.

In the legend of Prometheus, the gods finally realized their mistake and freed Prometheus to be replaced by Charon (the prototype of the star Chron).

Therefore, any change in individuals or enterprises will inevitably have some casualties, whether it is business or traditional habits, they may be forced to sacrifice for the greater good.

Promethean employees, after lying down and tasting the courage, may gain a stronger ability to "digest" and digest things that were previously intolerable.

When Neptune passed through Capricorn, companies laid off employees, scaled down, and old-world business models were forced to innovate. More and more people are leaving their jobs to start businesses or engage in independent contracting work, and the form and structure of business have changed dramatically.

Subsequently, with the birth of concepts such as Tom Peters' chaos management theory, a new business model called "team management and team leadership" began to be introduced, which is a democratic way of working -

With Neptune's entry into Aquarius in the millennium, a business had to unite individual contractors if it wanted to be successful. This is actually a temporary enterprise, formed at a specific time for a specific task.

Under this management system, the entire team is temporary, and they hire employees who can not only navigate chaos and creativity, but ironically, they must also have the reality of Saturn.

Saturn rules structure, law and order.

Establish order in the chaos of Uranus, a plea of Mother Earth to her child Saturn. Saturn shapes a space that makes Uranusian innovations possible.

The "most special" achievement in the astrolabe! When this planet is well used, you are unique

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