
Never become a green tea constellation woman, frank and sincere, not pretentious

Speaking of the type of girls that girls hate the most, it must be green tea. Use pretending to be weak and pitiful to snatch other people's boyfriends and husbands. Men, on the other hand, often don't find their tricks. This kind of woman is definitely not the little white rabbit in men's imagination, but a flower snake woman with a deep heart.

And there are some girls, they are not ignorant of green tea, but they will never become green tea, and they disdain the tricks of using green tea. They live freely, frankly, and lively. It will not pretend to be weak, and it will not be pretentious. Such girls tend to have more personality and more wind and bone.

Never become a green tea constellation woman, frank and sincere, not pretentious

Today, let's talk about what kind of astrolabe configuration from the perspective of the astrolabe, it will never become green tea.

Sun Capricorn + Rising Water Bottle

The sun determines our self-consciousness, and the ascent determines how we behave outside. When a rise falls on a water bottle, you will find that they have their own opinions on many issues, are also very playful, and are very curious. They live very freely, very casually, not so many rules.

Never become a green tea constellation woman, frank and sincere, not pretentious

Moreover, the last thing they like is pretending to be weak, because weakness has never been out of Aquarius's consideration. After all, the characteristics of Aquarius are different, and how can they be unique because they are as pretentious as other girls. Especially when paired with sun Capricorns, they disdain to be low and small.

Sun Capricorn girls are a type of girl with considerable self-esteem, and they are very strong both emotionally and professionally. Even if you let them spoil, they won't, let alone let them use weak means to deceive sympathy. But Capricorn is definitely not a person who does not understand routines and means.

Never become a green tea constellation woman, frank and sincere, not pretentious

They not only understand, but they can see clearly and clearly. Especially when paired with such a very insightful configuration as the rising water bottle, it will also give them a special ability to perceive other people's means. But they would never allow themselves to be this kind of person, because in their hearts they looked down on this kind of girl.

Using her feminine strengths to do something that hurts others is putting on an innocent face. They absolutely can't do it, and they don't want to do it.

Never become a green tea constellation woman, frank and sincere, not pretentious

Sun Taurus + Rising Lion

Girls in this position are generally better in appearance. Round, plump, very atmospheric. And this type of girl is also the type of girl who hates green tea behavior the most, and they can be said to hate green tea. Sun Taurus is a very pragmatic position, but also a position that is not particularly soft, stubborn is synonymous with them.

Let them perform weakness in front of men, sorry, they are really hard to learn. Especially when paired with a very strong ascending sign, face, dignity is quite important to them. The Sun Taurus and the Rising Lion present us with an image that looks very strong and assertive.

Never become a green tea constellation woman, frank and sincere, not pretentious

They don't even take the initiative to approach men, and even if they like a person very much, they won't say it easily. If the other party already has a master, then they will not condescend to dig the foot of the wall. Taurus is pragmatic, they care about whether the payment and return are proportional, and the rising lion is particularly concerned about face and reputation, even if the heart is sad, it must be light and breezy.

So on the whole, this kind of person is unlikely to become green tea. Of course, there are special cases, that is, the Pisces traits in the astrolabe are aggravated, so it is not certain.

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