
To fall in love with this zodiac sign, you just need to learn to coax people

To fall in love with this zodiac sign, you just need to learn to coax people

In this series, we intend to discuss what are the most difficult difficulties to overcome when falling in love with the zodiac signs, that is, the problems they are most likely to show in love, since we take it out to discuss, it must be through everyone's communication and running-in There are methods to solve the problem, or not fatal problems, I hope to also provide you with some practical operational reference.

Then let's first exclude - the question "xx zodiac signs are scumbags / women, dogs do not talk about it". It is what I have repeatedly emphasized, whether it is a good love object, in fact, has little to do with the zodiac sign, there are indeed some zodiac signs that are not stable in love, or are easily tempted, or hesitate in the relationship, but maybe in your relationship, he abused you, and in another relationship he was abused. As for those people in everyone's complaints who deliberately love to split their legs and PUA objects, I really have no way, and I will only advise everyone to run quickly. So the premise of this series is to talk about everything, and you can also say some small complaints in the mood.

If you often read my articles, you should probably feel that I think Leo is a very good love object, and I basically praise them every time I write about Leo relationships. It's not that Leo is exceptionally good compared to other zodiac signs, but I think the problems that Leo shows when they are in love are easier to solve, you have some skills when you get along with lions, and when you master this trick, you can solve 90% of the problems between you and Leo. I think the key to solving is that this initiative is in your hands, you can learn, unlike some constellations, in fact, no matter what you do, it doesn't work, you have to wait for him to figure it out, he to change, it is very headache. If you really can't adapt to Leo's personality, or really can't master the skills in getting along, then you will indeed be angry with Leo to the point of headache, and you will probably hate them very much. Once you have this skill, Leo should be one of the most adorable objects in the zodiac sign.

Pros of being in love with Leo

o No matter how cool and domineering the appearance is, such as few words, difficult to approach, very majestic, and when it comes to falling in love, he is a super sweet bean, very coquettish and clingy.

o A model of hard mouth and soft heart, always soft-hearted, can't bear to really do things that hurt others, won't do some selfish planning behind his back, and is especially easy to coax.

o If you like a person, basically take out your heart and lungs to be good to you, I can't wait to be better than your parents are to you, so generous that it is even a little too much, and it is not accounting whether you pay more than yourself or the other party pays more.

o If you ask Leo for help or show weakness, there is basically no reason for them to refuse, even if sometimes this help is beyond their ability, they will still do it desperately.

o You can feel a very obvious almost double standard favoritism, there is always a feeling of being loved and taken care of, Leo will not hide his kindness to you, they can't wait for the whole world to know. Similarly, when a Leo doesn't love you so much, it's easy to feel and not so hard to guess.

o The ability to act is quite strong, most things are not just lip service, and there will always be more action to you than to say.

o Most of the time it is still quite positive, very energetic, and very infectious, which will make the people around you extra powerful.

o Very generous to share everything about themselves with you, whether it is good or bad things, you ask them what they will say, it will make people feel very emotionally connected and make people feel very secure.

Well, this is the end of the praise, and now I will ruthlessly expose the very headache of Leo - the front spit warning, when you do not learn the skills to get along with Leo, you have to endure

Never bow your head and admit your mistakes

How hard it is to make Leo bow his head, I think it is better to cut off their head. In love, this is almost the biggest obstacle for Leo, they always feel that the truth is on their side, even if they are not so sure in their hearts, but they must feel that they are reasonable. If at work, or when you are friends, you still have the opportunity to reason with Leo, but in love, you have almost no way to reason with Leo, in Leo's view, you count me, you oppose me, you have to reason with me when I am angry, just don't love me, but I love you so much, I am really wronged. This kind of grievance will turn into anger, and it is absolutely impossible to say anything that can be said well, and it is absolutely impossible to admit a mistake in his heart. Obviously want to find you to reconcile, if you ignore me, then we will continue the cold war forever. Grievances are the norm for Leo in love.

Although most Leos think that they are fair and reasonable, but to be honest, Leo's judgment logic is almost completely unobjective, they may be the top double standard in the twelve zodiac signs, such as A and B happen to find Leo to judge, I just guaranteed that the judgment made by Leo must be based on who he has a better relationship with, and the person with a poor relationship is definitely the wrong person. This is the jealousy of Leo, the people I hate are bad people, bad people must do bad things, and prejudice against bad people must be completely right. A set of logical and strict justice combination punches.

Then when you have a conflict with Leo, let the lion himself judge, of course, the lion has a better relationship with himself than with you, then at the moment he must be helping himself. I'll give you an example, if you go out and play with friends until you come home late, Leo gets angry and accuses you. You raised the other day why it's okay for Leo to also play late with friends and come home late. Leo will think that of course I am okay, because I think about you when I play outside, and I can guarantee that if you still want to accuse me, then I will be aggrieved, I will make trouble. But I don't know what you think when you're playing outside, shouldn't I be angry? Many times they are unreasonable, very authoritarian, and in the end you can only listen to them.

If you don't use magic attacks, you'll never be able to defeat Leo's magic. And the magic attack against Leo is only one thing, that is, to coax them. When you need Leo to admit mistakes, you follow their words, you turn to their shoes for their sake, and you have many techniques to express your dissatisfaction with their late return: are you tired when you come back so late, will you be out of energy tomorrow at work? I'm really missing you when you're not home." A's boyfriend actually came back at three o'clock, I didn't expect you to come back at twelve o'clock when you went out to play. Anyway, absolutely not, you are not allowed to go out next time, or simply tomorrow you also go out to play to let him taste the taste of anger.

Leos are less able to face frustration, especially if denial in intimate relationships can hit them hard. So if they are repeatedly affirmed in the relationship, and what they do is encouraged, they will do more and better. If you point out their mistakes head-on, in order to avoid this denial, they will die and refuse to admit it, either avoid telling perfunctory lies, or become angry. Basically, if you can smooth the lions, they will become sweeter and sweeter, and they can follow your guidance to slowly become what you want. If it doesn't go well, it's basically getting worse, and you're going to face the lion's temper that is easy to lose control.

A quarrel that infuriates to the point of myocardial infarction

I have a friend who belongs to love and only talks about Leo, she said that the lion man is the most perfect silly white sweet representative in her mind, very easy to understand, in addition to usually often speaking wild words, making some angry "straight man" remarks, making some jokes that they think are funny, but are not funny. If you are a person who has a lot of thoughts and will repeatedly ponder and think about other people's words for a long time, it may not be really suitable to get along with Leo, because the better the relationship, the less Leo may know how to say nice things. If you guys quarrel, Leo will really say something really nasty. They often have some hard-necked, soft-hearted words that don't reach the point. Obviously he wants to express his grievances, but he is very arrogant, unable to say weak words, and easy to get emotional, and finally evolves into an ugly choking.

Lions and Aries are actually a little different, they can't do it without revenge after quarrelling, specifically manifested in the fact that the reason why Leo and you quarrel is usually not the real reason. They will add your old accounts to their hearts. Their big hearts are often superficial, and Leo is very sensitive when it comes to self-esteem. It's easy for them to feel aggrieved, so I recommend that you minimize your fight with Leo, or at least not get everyone into a big fight.

You need to understand some of Leo's brain circuits in advance, maybe everyone's inherent impression will think that fire signs will not care about details, more rough, but the points that make Leo angry are often points that ordinary people don't care about - for example, I have a friend who takes a Leo boyfriend home for the first time, maybe their family is not the kind of social cow people, get along more restrained, not so enthusiastic, Leo feels looked down upon, so quarrels plus cold war almost broke up. For example, I have a Leo girl friend, who travels thousands of miles to find a boyfriend in a long-distance relationship, obviously happy, and then goes to eat together, and the dishes ordered by her boyfriend are all she doesn't like to eat, and she is so angry on the spot that she never talks to him again. All of them are very sensitive to the reactions of others, feel that they are not given the attention they deserve, and it is easy to rebound.

If you don't want to be angry in a quarrel, you need to have high emotional intelligence, a sweet mouth, and give Leo a lot of self-esteem face, and find out before they feel wronged. When faced with multiple-choice questions, remember to make them feel like they're making the idea, not that you want to control them. Other than that, there should be nothing wrong with Leo.

Writing about other zodiac signs is a headache, I wrote three points, Leo I only wrote two points, no more, just by this point of eccentricity, what bad things about Leo said earlier they should have forgotten. Say your likes about Leo out loud and dislike as quietly as possible. The way to make Leo a cute Leo is basically that simple effort.

To fall in love with this zodiac sign, you just need to learn to coax people

Written by| Alex

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