
You can always live the way you like, and this zodiac sign can be seen without doing anything!

Youth is not age, but state of mind; Youth is not peach face, dan lips, soft knees, but deep will, magnificent imagination, and fiery feelings.

- Samuel Ullman, "Youth"

Speaking of the zodiac sign that most represents "youth", you will definitely be the first to think of Ta-Leo.

Many people wonder, why do people with strong Leo traits always shine brightly?

It may be that they are born with a sense of honor, no matter what age and no matter what status, they can play as casually as children;

It may also be that it has unlimited vitality and keen sensibility, retaining pure and innate creativity.

They do not care about the scrutiny or even critical eyes of others, but focus on their own world, attracting everyone's attention with colorful expressions, rich ideas and passions.

This may be the way Leo expresses charm and maintains youth – create.

Leo is a fixed sign of fire, like a roaring flame, it also represents the endless creativity of human beings.

Let's follow Stellar, a first-year lecturer at the London Academy of Astrology, and step into Leo's passionate and novel soul.

In astrology, Leo is the only sign guarded by the sun, and it is like the most natural confidence and the most authentic creativity in each of our inner selves.

Like the sun, Leo longs to burn and radiate light, to be understood and noticed, and to build his inner kingdom of glory.

Leo in the glorious summer: There is only one heat

As we all know, the element of fire is warm, energetic, and rising energy, which is exciting, passionate, and direct.

In the world of Leo, the world becomes colorful through its light, and it is.

No matter how colored by other astrolabe elements and life experiences, Leo always seems to have a naïve child's part inside, like a little sun, with enough "self".

This self is not only conscious, but also actual.

I recently saw a quote: "When I was a child, I thought that becoming an adult would be able to control everything and be in every detail, but when I grow up, I find that life will only become more and more complicated, and things that you have never dealt with are waiting for you in the future." ”

In the face of this complex world, if there is not enough "self", it will inevitably fall into chaos.

And people with Leo traits have more or less the pride that "revolves around the experience of self-identity".

He shines brightly on the road of expanding his territory, whether he "was a child" or "grew up", age has never been a matter for lions to consider, and what is more important in his heart is to influence others and even change the world.

This is why Leo can delimit his territory, be his own king, and play that hot.

You can always live the way you like, and this zodiac sign can be seen without doing anything!

The lion on the stage is the king of creation

Lions cannot accept mediocrity, in other words, ordinary environments are very unsuitable for lions to grow.

Because he naturally enjoys the stage, he does not mind the eyes of everyone, and he will experience the joy of being illuminated by life because of the sense of self in the stage. I'm not even afraid of invective, I'm afraid that no one cares.

On the stage of everyone's life, at a certain stage, there will be lion-like spark moments: they will be appreciated and applauded, and some of their talents will be seen by others. Maybe it's standing on the stage to perform, maybe it's being affirmed in work and study.

Then the question is, if you are born with the treatment of the stars holding the moon, this is like a fish in water for lions, and you can play the original advantages to the limit.

But without this "dominant environment", it may be a slump to lions who were not born in Rome, or who suddenly found themselves without the capital to stand on the stage.

But at the same time, this is also the source of the lion's amazing creativity, because the chasing light of the stage is the ultimate driving force for the lion to find self-worth.

After all, the lion's mission throughout his life is to strive to develop inner self-confidence and strive to radiate light to the world around him.

In this way, I found who I was. 

You can always live the way you like, and this zodiac sign can be seen without doing anything!

I saw a quote before: "When most people are in a state of tension and self-preservation, they do not produce good creativity." ”

Many water signs may have this feeling, feeling that they are entangled in internal friction every day, making themselves physically and mentally exhausted, but entangled in some very small things, such as:

"If I don't hold back my swear words when playing games with an ambiguous object, will the other party think that I am rude and have no interest in me?"

"I don't seem to hear my colleague when he calls me today, will he think I'm not easy to get along with?"

Under such internal friction, there is always no way to drastically implement your true ideas.

In contrast, Leo's fierce creativity comes more from the innate "dullness".

As Junichi Watanabe wrote in "Blunt Sensibility": "When there is no confidence or confusion, thinking left and right is not useful at all." At this time, don't think about unnecessary things, and move forward boldly and confidently... Of course, there will probably be people who say all kinds of things to you who are hesitant. In these words, you have to believe the words that you love to hear the most and make you most happy, and move forward with determination. ”

Is there a kind of lion energy in it?

Because he does not look ahead, does not fear, and does not live according to how others see him, he will do whatever he thinks.

Similarly, it is difficult for us to see "deliberate pandering" in Leo, imagine a scene, such as: taking pictures in front of the public to concave some big action shapes, when someone looks sideways:

Other zodiac signs: "Forget it, don't shoot." ”

Leo: "He's looking at me, alas, I'm so charming." ”

This passage may be exaggerated, but it is by no means a fire in Leo.

Because popular standards are not worth mentioning in the world of lions, "I don't want you to think, I want me to feel" is the truth of life.

You can always live the way you like, and this zodiac sign can be seen without doing anything!

For example, Faye Wong of Leo shows this queen temperament clearly enough, whether it is songs or costumes, it is always unique, atmospheric, and even the peculiar shape can be held.

She is straightforward, not afraid of the eyes of others, even the album cover is directly taken with the mobile phone selfie, this kind of confident light, except for Leo, no one dares to be so "daring".

But this just shows the beauty of domineering, being yourself freely is the key to becoming an interesting soul, and it is also the "sharp beauty" awakened in this era.

This constellation that loves the spotlight and applauds has a proud energy, and their ideal life is equally elegant and confident.

"I" should be center of the stage;

"I" should be honored and respected;

In Leo's high head, "I" is always in a high position.

They seem to believe that if they are creative and active at all times, they can lead themselves to the ideal life.

And this powerful energy lurks in every corner of life, use it, boldly try more possibilities in life, and you can release your true self.

May everyone find their own stage glory.

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