
This zodiac sign is abused because they are simple and awkward

This zodiac sign is abused because they are simple and awkward

This is a new series that focuses on those failed love experiences. There are many people who often leave me messages and swear that "xx zodiac signs are dogs", but there are really many people who talk about it again next time. If you carefully inventory the zodiac signs around you, and you have a good relationship with each other, there will be many of the same, we will indeed be attracted to the same type of zodiac signs, willing to be close to them, desperately attract your zodiac sign, you want to fall in love with him zodiac sign is not necessarily so suitable, but it is not so simple to simply divide, and then sadistic things will come. The "Zodiac Signs Planting Heads" series is about people who always attract you inexplicably, but always come to abuse you. There is no meaning to say which zodiac sign is bad, simply that you two can't talk together. And I don't want to be like before, always by myself to make a long speech, but I want everyone to talk more about their feelings in the comments, and everyone will increase the love experience value together.

The Taurus in this issue. Although the impression of Taurus in love is clearly labeled as an earth sign - slow, prudent, woody, and rational, you may think that the earth sign probably does not need love much, at least not as an important part of life. But Taurus is not, although Taurus looks similar to the other two earth elephants, but they want to fall in love very much, and the number of movements in the daily center is not less, but they can't see it very much. Taurus is actually a deeply hidden, emotionally supreme constellation.

Today's talk about the topic of planting and heading, I think in most cases, Taurus is unlikely to encounter, because although Taurus may be "in love brain", but it is limited to thinking about themselves, when they want to act, they will slowly investigate, screen well, and impulsively with very inappropriate people are relatively rare. But you can't guarantee that after careful comparison and confirmation, this choice can be 100% correct, sometimes it backfires, once the goal is set wrong, Taurus is not easy to get out, may bring a long pain, 95% of Taurus is pinched to death, either because they don't see it clearly, or staring at the target unwilling to give up. Or unwilling to accept their investment can only be wasted, like gamblers, thinking that if I invest a little more, there will always be a little turnaround, maybe my previous efforts will not be in vain, and then one day I will be able to receive a return. In fact, the only way out is to leave the scene quickly.

· The run-in time is very long·

Representative zodiac sign: Aquarius

Why does Taurus like water bottles, I think because both parties are more suitable for stable relationships, and even marriage objects. Taurus needless to say, emotionally has always been the pursuit of a move is better than a quiet, as long as the choice is good, it is best to be unchanged. Aquarius and Taurus are actually the same in love mode, but the manifestations are different, don't be confused. Although it seems to be a very jumpy zodiac sign, they may not know what they are thinking most of the time, but they just set this threshold for being together very high, once they enter their world, the water bottle is the same pattern, pursuing stability, and even repeatedly and constantly enduring each other's nots.

But Taurus really doesn't understand what is going on with the water bottle, and the day before he was tired of digging with you, and the next day no one could find it. Especially when you are just with the water bottle, his insecure repeated temptations will be particularly frequent, until he really wants to stabilize with you, he will be more convergent, but this state may not be able to be done for a year or two.

Taurus is a very possessive sign, but they find that the other party needs themselves, relies on themselves, and actively clings to themselves, they will feel more secure and invest more feelings. I think that no matter what the zodiac sign is, when you find that you are very important to the other person, you feel warm and joyful. But the problem with Taurus is that their ability to express emotions is very weak, what they want to say, they can't understand, they can only choose silence, thousands of words in their hearts, and only a few words to their lips. Then the person is very strong, and while wanting to get, he retreats. The more you can't get it, the more you want, the more you want it, the more you doubt that you may not get it, and then retreat. It's a very bad negative cycle.

Taurus love will very want to enter and possess your other world, and Aquarius rarely takes the initiative to give people a feeling of dependence, they are always independent of their own world, if you happen to meet a relatively immature Aquarius, or simply a person who does not respect feelings, is to give a little sweetness, and then run away again, Taurus will always be hung by this carrot in front of you. I saw a funny post two days ago that when your brain starts driving autonomously, you do something ridiculous, and some people say that they go out to walk their dogs without taking them. When the Taurus gets used to it, it is probably this state of automatic driving. They just habitually knew that I was going to be with this person, couldn't give up, and didn't realize that their "dog" was gone.

Of course, from the standpoint of the water bottle, their feelings are not good, it is not that they want to unilaterally abuse the Taurus. They may also have difficulty gaining understanding and security from Taurus. If the relationship is deep enough, then everyone can support it and complete this run-in, it is not completely impossible, but if you want to survive the first few years.

· Inability to take care of each other's mood ·

Representative zodiac sign: Gemini

The problem of Taurus and Gemini is actually very different from Aquarius, but the object is the opposite, Taurus does not understand Aquarius, and Gemini does not understand Taurus. Unfortunately, the final result is that Taurus is abused, because Taurus does not understand water bottles, he will run after water bottles, feel anxious, and want to be at the same frequency. But Gemini doesn't understand Taurus, Gemini cares about you, they just think you're inexplicable.

Speaking of Taurus is a little pitiful, they will be attracted by the changes and actions of Gemini, in daily life, Gemini may want to do one thing, they will rarely live a unchanged life for a long time, will constantly look for some changes and freshness, at least will try to make real life more fulfilling, looking for some beauty in life. These Taurus are not excluded, and everyone can agree on the aspect of finding the joy of life. And Taurus is indeed very easy to be impressed by outgoing and active people, after all, they are too passive, and they have more opportunities to be together, or they have to rely on each other's initiative. But after really being together, this personality brings not only vitality and charm to Taurus, but also makes Taurus feel that Gemini is a person who cannot be controlled.

Will you have too many friends? Will you have too many activities? Will you give too much time to others? Why do you keep chatting with others on WeChat when you are with me? At this time, the "stinginess" of the Taurus may explode. They will think a lot, while Gemini pays little attention. They only feel that this is their normal life, and even take the initiative to share with Taurus, Gemini simply and directly said that the person has no intention, but Taurus's heart is about to turn a thousand times, and this sense of crisis will always surround Taurus. They look blunt on the outside, but they are too sensitive on the inside. Or they are so angry that they say it and the quarrel ends, but Taurus can't quarrel with Gemini. Either Taurus holds himself to internal wounds, and if Gemini thinks he is right, he will not come to coax you, and Taurus will fall into a bigger emo.

· It's hard to align emotionally ·

Representative zodiac sign: Capricorn

In terms of the degree of constellation adaptation, Taurus and Capricorn are actually suitable, both are more cautious about feelings, so the decision to be together is basically not impulsive, both sides have considered, which is equivalent to saying that double insurance, can come together, the probability of separation is relatively small. Everyone is a self-motivated and strong person, and it can be regarded as a strong combination, and living together will basically get better and better. But this is a stable situation where I put aside my feelings.

If these two earth elephants are allowed to talk about feelings, everyone's progress may not be very consistent. Especially when Taurus moves emotions first, who in this world can hold back more and be more quiet than Taurus, it must be Capricorn. And the indifference in the early stage of Capricorn is really cold, the generation of Capricorn feelings is a very slow process, and Taurus just looks cold, Taurus is will "love brain", will be headed, their early hearts are simply enthusiastic like a fake earth elephant, eager to stick together every day. The worst thing is that the enthusiasm of the Taurus has been exhausted, and Capricorn has just warmed up a little, and then the Taurus looks like a little hopeful, and does not want to turn around and leave, continuing to work hard while suffering.

Usually after Capricorn fully enters the state, Taurus will feel that I can finally breathe a long sigh of relief, take a break, we enter a gentle mode of an old husband and wife, Capricorn is probably just on the head, began to exert his very strong desire to control, there will also be all kinds of dissatisfaction, the early good talk, even good handling (fake) may disappear, they will only demand more and more from the other half as the relationship heats up. Taurus only has a matching portion.

The horoscopes mentioned above are not all the most inappropriate with Taurus - water bottles are indeed quite inappropriate. But there are quite a few Taurus I know who chase water bottles. This uncontrollability is probably the charm. I hope Taurus will comment and actively share what other fending charms you have, and you can't escape, but they abuse you to death.

This zodiac sign is abused because they are simple and awkward

Written by| Alex

Weibo|@Alex is an uncle


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