
Business astrology|How to succeed in a business? These 2 planets reveal all the secrets of your business

How to succeed in your career?

You must not ignore Jupiter and Saturn in the natal chart.

In traditional astrology, Jupiter is the "great luck star," which is vast, full of opportunity, expansion, generosity, and good luck, so when discussing career-related topics, Jupiter points us to a possible future.

However, Saturn, traditionally identified as the "big killer star," is no less associated with career success than Jupiter. Saturn represents contraction, obstacle, sadness, and responsibility, and on the surface, their meanings seem to be completely different.

But countless facts show that even if Jupiter's luck falls from the sky, if we are not careful, we will not be able to catch it well;

And when we work hard in Saturn's long, lonely realm, not taking anything for granted, we will eventually find that Jupiter's good fortune meets us.

So for individuals, rather than letting these two planets become rulers of two distant and very different kingdoms, each of them is an indispensable wheel on our path to success.    

In Greek, the word Cronos can be interpreted both as "time" and as "old man of time."

Business astrology|How to succeed in a business? These 2 planets reveal all the secrets of your business

In Greek mythology, Kronos was the ruler of the world's gods, and mythology prophesied that he would one day be overthrown by his own children. When Kronos learned of this, he ordered his wife Rhea to feed all the children to his mouth.

Rhea obediently fed the children to him one by one until she could no longer bear the grief, so she secretly hid their son Zeus in a cave. Instead, she fed Kronos a stone wrapped in a blanket.

Meanwhile, Zeus thrives in the cave where the goat Amalthea feeds milk and honey. When he grew up, Zeus fulfilled his prophecy and competed for the position of supreme ruler from his father.

Today, we refer to Saturn (Kronos) and Jupiter (Zeus) as titans. They are the two largest planets in the solar system. As recorded in mythology, the two gods have been vying for power ever since.

Jupiter represents expansion and growth, while Saturn represents limitation and conservatism.

The powerful Jupiter in the astrolabe means ease or protection, like Zeus in the story. However, strong Jupiterian energies can be overindulged or addictive. At the same time, extravagance and waste are also one of its negative connotations. That's why balancing energy between Saturn and Jupiter is so important.

If you want to study business-related issues, the two main planets to investigate are Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter is about the principles of expansion and openness, while Saturn is about the principles of limitation, contraction, and structure.

Business astrology|How to succeed in a business? These 2 planets reveal all the secrets of your business

If you draw the symbols of Jupiter and Saturn and turn them upside down, you'll see that their shapes are almost identical:

Saturn's energy is limited, bound by the crosses at the top. This may also indicate the influence of your father on you in the astrological chart. Saturn shows concrete reality.

The opening at the top of the Jupiter symbol, as well as the opposite symbol shape to Saturn, represents the potential expansiveness of consciousness in the structure (Saturn). It is a container that is always open to bigger dreams and possibilities.

Business astrology|How to succeed in a business? These 2 planets reveal all the secrets of your business

Compared to Jupiter's richer nature, Saturn is dull.

Saturn's position in the chart means great stress and hard work, and because of this, it is difficult for most people to welcome Saturn into their lives.

Instead, Jupiter represents the principle of expansion, luck and fortune. The position of Jupiter in the birth chart shows the stage for its victory.

Attaining happiness is what Jupiter is all about.

The key here, and one that most people don't realize, is that Jupiter's potential cannot be unleashed unless you face Saturn's challenge!

To use the metaphor of the mythological gods, it is necessary to pay homage to the father Saturn before Jupiter can occupy Saturn in equal partnership. That said, Jupiter's challenge is to learn what structure is and think about the feasibility of things. The combination of the two reflects a successful and delicate balance of cooperation.

Therefore, we must delve into Saturn, because Saturn builds a new foundation, one that requires patience. Liz Green writes in her book Saturn: A New Look at the Old Devil:

Perhaps what Saturn and our souls really ask of us is that when we know that Parsifal has found himself in the enchanted castle, we can try to ask why. Every delay, disappointment, or fear can be used as a means to gain deeper insight into the mysterious workings of our own souls. And, through these experiences, we can gradually learn to perceive the meaning of our own lives.

Business astrology|How to succeed in a business? These 2 planets reveal all the secrets of your business

No matter where Saturn is in your chart, you need to look deeply. It's the work you really need to do, even if it may not be what the outside world thinks you're doing. You can't really handle your work until you have dealt with Saturn.

Saturn represents restraint, control, discipline, prudence, and wisdom. By analyzing the house it is in, the house it governs, its relationship to Jupiter, and its influence on the chart as a whole, we can form a clearer picture of the type of work that person is suited for.

Jupiter represents affluence, optimism, sales, expansion, good luck, and a positive philosophy. If Jupiter on the birth chart is in the challenge phase, then it may also represent overindulgence.

They can work together seamlessly in the business world. You'll find that successful people usually have the wood-earth phase in their charts, or when people start a new business or a new adventure, the connection between Jupiter and Saturn usually occurs – it may be a wheel, it may be a wheel. The harmonious phase of the two planets in the birth chart means ease and ease.

However, the battle between the Titans never ends. Just like throughout our lives, we all encounter expansion and contraction. As titans chase each other through the sky, our career or business cycle will have its ups and downs.

Business astrology|How to succeed in a business? These 2 planets reveal all the secrets of your business

In business or career development, the problem of control and expansion always accompanies each other. This is not a linear process, but a cyclical cycle. Here, Jupiter and Saturn are key indicators of a person's ability to work and do business.

Jupiter's position in your chart is the most likely to expand, and at the same time, it is your luck, the part of your chart that needs to find light and enlightenment. And, every 12 years, Jupiter returns to its place in your natal chart, giving you insight into your creativity and purpose.

You must always be cautious so that you do not become overindulgent or lazy in your pursuit of happiness. A laissez-faire attitude can cause you to miss out on opportunities around you that you could have seized, which is why the earth-earth relationship should be examined at the beginning of astrolabe analysis.

In addition, in addition to the sign of Jupiter in the natal chart at birth, it is also necessary to check the house position, where you can find your innate opportunities, as well as possible "problems".

Jupiter is in the first house

Jupiter's presence in the first house indicates that the person's personal expression is basically somewhat presumptuous and opportunistic, and it may also mean that Tata is very active or good at sports, which Jupiter governs. On the negative side, they may also be overindulged in some way—through food or other excesses.

Jupiter is in the second house

People in Jupiter's second house have easy access to money and resources, as well as attract those who can help with their resources. On the negative side, the person may become too dependent on other people's resources.

Jupiter is in the third house

The greatest talent of these people may be the ability to speak! Day-to-day sales, presentation, and teaching skills are all part of their personality. They may also have a wide range of reading, excellent essay or writing skills.

Jupiter is in the 4th house

People who are in the 4th house of Jupiter may be lucky with real estate, possessions, or family-related items. At the very least, they can easily experience great joy with their families, and they are happy simply staying at home. But they may also overindulge their families by not setting restrictions.

Jupiter is in the 5th house

People in Jupiter's 5th house like to be hedonistic, adventurous, and creative, especially when working or communicating with young people. They basically enjoy games and some leisure sports, and they are also people who love children. On the negative side, they may play too much or overindulge their children.

Jupiter is in the 6th house

Jupiter's people in the 6th house may be the main organizers, problem solvers, and agents, and their love of detail and efficiency will be of great benefit to them. They may be good at system operations, time management, healthcare, and health information. But it is also possible to spend too much time on the details and not enough time on the big picture.

Jupiter is in the 7th house

Jupiter in the 7th house may attract lucky and successful partners and do better in the partnership than they would alone. On the negative side, they may give too much in the relationship and not get enough in return.

Jupiter is in the 8th house

When Jupiter is in the 8th house, these people use other people's resources to work behind the scenes and thus gain access to their own. They may be naturally adept at handling estates, litigation, and investments. On the negative side, they may be hedonists or use sex to gain security.

Jupiter is in the 9th house

Jupiter's best gifts in the ninth house may come from philosophy, writing, marketing, or sales. Jupiter can also represent some dramatic genres here, for example, they may find their own expression in theater, politics, or religion. They are excellent teachers and lecturers. On the negative side, these people may talk too much or preach too much when trying to convert skeptics into their own believers.

Jupiter is in the 10th house

People in Jupiter's 10th house are generally wealthy, and the public has a positive attitude towards their profession, so this may lead them to work in teaching, selling, traveling, proselyzing, or selling a certain idea. On the negative side, they may only talk about their plans and never act on them.

Jupiter is in the eleventh house

Jupiter's fall into the eleventh house has to do with our ability to experience rich friendships and achieve goals. Friends and acquaintances can be the greatest resource in our business: they help and support our efforts. It may also mean that the person can be a good advisor. On the negative side, they may overindulge their friends or, conversely, they may go astray with overly ambitious goals.

Jupiter is in the twelfth house

Jupiter in the twelfth house can bring great peace and security of mind. Intuition is a huge resource for these people. Jupiter provides protection in this position, as if the guardian angel was sitting on their shoulders. They can enter an extremely vast inner world or fantasy life. On the negative side, it can be a bit difficult to separate fantasy from reality.

The following is an overview of Saturn's influence on each house in the birth chart, which can also be used as a rough framework for explaining Saturn's orbit.

Saturn is in the first house

Saturn in the first house may mean a long and dreary birth process, or the person may have enormous responsibilities at a very young age—perhaps due to the loss of both parents at a young age, or feeling that they are not well nourished.

Saturn is in the second house

Saturn's biggest fear in the second house may be insecurity, so these people will compensate themselves by overworking or focusing only on what they lack instead of what they already have. As a result, they may become very wealthy and may also work in managing finances.

Saturn is in the 3rd house

Saturn's people in the third house may be concerned about their lack of knowledge, so these people either choose not to study or overcompensate to develop their writing, listening, and communication skills and develop an effective way of communicating. Working on publishing or online bookkeeping services is an excellent way to channel Saturn's stress in this location. In addition, excessive involvement in family issues, especially relationships with siblings, can also occur to these people.

Saturn is in the 4th house

People with Saturn in the 4th house may feel that they have the main responsibility at home. They worry that their families won't get enough satisfaction from them, so they put a lot of energy into it, sometimes out of guilt or fear that their family will be hurt. Another way to develop this position of Saturn is to establish a family business so that family and work can be balanced without guilt. Many real estate or land developers have such Saturn locations.

Saturn is in the 5th house

Saturn here represents the great creativity of the person, and in order to recognize this, they must feel that they are worth doing it, or that the creation has some value. Many times, the Saturn in this position means that the person may turn a hobby into a career, successfully combining the idea of work with play. Love may continue to disappoint them until they can successfully integrate creativity into tangible things, and relationships will become easy.

Saturn is in the 6th house

People with Saturn in the 6th house may experience overcompensation in terms of health or time management. These people may be workaholics. On the positive side, it usually marks a person who is proficient in efficiency and organization. For example, someone who works on time and motion may find themselves able to balance Saturn's stress energy in this particular area.

Saturn is in the 7th house

People in Saturn's 7th house need to learn from relationships. During the first half of life, it seems that these people must always serve their partner. The problem is not that they are meant to serve others, but that they should be aware that potential partners may unconsciously push them to serve selflessly. Boosting self-esteem can greatly improve how this Saturn position works. And vice versa – people with this configuration may be selfish and must learn to give to others. Once they begin to share unconditional love, they feel liberated from it.

Saturn is in the 8th house

Saturn in the 8th house may herald a lesson in sexuality, and these people may have a fear of intimacy and a fear of acknowledging their vulnerability. People with this configuration have deep desires, and it turns out that these people often face challenges in balancing the body with a higher spirit. Sex therapists, as well as working in life-and-death-related industries and investment industries, may be the choice of this configuration population. Once they become aware of their ability to transform on different levels, their fear of vulnerability and sexual intimacy lessens.

Saturn is in the 9th house

Saturn in the ninth house represents the interruption of education (Saturn may also have this meaning in the third house). It means that the person's biggest challenge is to focus on the learning process. People with this configuration can unleash this energy through writing, speaking, all forms of communication, PR, and marketing efforts.

Saturn is in the 10th house

Saturn is like coming home to the 10th house, but people with this configuration may not feel very comfortable until middle age. No matter where Saturn is located in the chart, this person will be a late bloomer in this field, because they will always dutifully look for "What am I here for?" and discover the answer later than your peers. Saturn in the 10th house indicates that a person needs structure very much. Management, contractual, and constructive work can bring out the talents of this Saturn.

Saturn is in the eleventh house

Saturn people in the 11th house often ask themselves "What is my goal and who are my friends?" And these people have few friends, or are far away from friends, and the friends are older. Trying to find personal satisfaction is always a challenge for the 11 people. It is only when they finally succumb to individual needs that they will be favored by Saturn. These people can find great satisfaction by helping others achieve their goals and ambitions. Therefore, they must constantly contribute to friends and organizations, and also have the ability to excel in social organizations.

Saturn is in the twelfth house

Saturn in the zodiac house hides itself so that ideas or souls can be studied and developed. This is actually a very comfortable location for Saturn; But for individuals, there may be unexplained fears. This fear stems from a difficult childhood, the absence of a father in memory, or other emotionally unconnected authority figures. These people must solve unknown problems for both conscious and unconscious minds. Once they face the unknown, a treasure trove of wisdom and knowledge emerges, which can be channeled through writing, spiritual or therapeutic work. The veil of fear must be lifted in order to harness this energy.

The planets in the corporate astrolabe also illustrate a lot of other information, such as the rise and fall of stock prices, the company's income and expenditure, and so on. This April, we will invite Georgia teachers to give a business astrology elective!

If you wish to engage in astrology consulting in connection with the company; If you are preparing a business plan, investment arrangement; Or maybe you want to better run your current company and business...

Don't miss it, business astrology tells you the answer!

 Commercial astrology 

Elective at London Astrology Institute


Georgia Stasith

Georgia is known for her 45 years of consulting experience in business astrology, with a multi-year background in investment and real estate. In 2019, she published her own author, Business Astrology 101, Through Time: Planetary Cycles and Their Stages, and she regularly updates her annual list of planetary cycles on her website. Her articles have appeared in FAA Magazine, NCGR Magazine ANS and many other journals, and she is one of the contributors to the 2016 OPA Professional Astrologers Association book Professional Astrologers. She teaches online courses for AstroSummit and NCGR (American Geocentric Space Review Research Academic Council). She is also a regular guest at major astrological conferences around the world and has spoken at conferences organized by the International Association of Astrologers, the Global Congress of Astrologers, the Northwest Astrology Association, and the Academic Council for Geocentric Cosmic Research. She is also president of the newly formed Alexandria iBase Project, which aims to preserve astrological literature for future peers and serve the future.

Content scheduling

Teaching time: April 20-May 25, 2023 Every Thursday evening 20-22 pm (closed on May 4); June 3 - June 17, 2023 Every Saturday from 10-12 am

Content format: webcast, English teaching, Chinese translation, video playback after class

Credit system: 8 courses, 16 class hours, passing the exam can obtain 2 elective credits

Lecturer: Georgia Stasis

Suitable for the crowd

1. Astrology practitioners who understand the constellations, planets, house positions and phases, as well as the interpretation of natal charts and prediction techniques

2. Astrologers who are proficient in astrology and want to add as a consulting service tool for enterprises

3. Help their own company operation and find answers from the company's astrological chart with astrological knowledge

Teaching objectives

In this business astrology course, the teacher will lead you to analyze various company astrolabes, the first transaction horoscope, and the birth horoscope of the company founder.

We will look at the commercial or corporate astrolabe through a slightly different perspective that is similar, but not identical, to the analysis of the natal astrolabe.


Section 1: Introduce the meaning of each house position of the company's astrolabe

The houses of company chart

Section 2: Introducing the meaning of planets in the company's astrolabe

The planet of company chart

Session 3: Generate a company astrolabe and introduce basic concepts

Electing a company chart-concepts

Session 4: Company Astrolabe Case Study

Electing a company chart - some examples 

Session 5: Introducing the different types of company astrolabes

The different shapes of Company chart 

Section 6: Prepare a moon phase schedule in conjunction with the company's astrolabe

The forecasting of company chart-lunar eclipses

Session 7: Comparison of the founder's astrolabe with the company's founding (group establishment) astrolabe

The creator/founder of company chart VS company chart (Team building)

Session 8: Setting Goals for the Company (Seizing Financial Opportunities)

Goal Setting for a company (Financial opportunities)

How to register

Early bird price: 5800 yuan (as of April 14, 2023)

Standard price: 6900 yuan

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