
The most accurate tarot divination: the constellation that is telegraphed by Sagittarius love, very famous

The most accurate tarot divination: the constellation that is telegraphed by Sagittarius love, very famous

The most accurate tarot divination: the constellation that is telegraphed by Sagittarius love, very famous

Sagittarius advocates freedom, unrestrained, speed, optimism and enthusiasm, is a hedonist, Sagittarius's guardian star is Zeus in Greek mythology, zeus is the king of the gods. So they are divine perfectionists, masculine, generous and considerate, valuing justice and justice.

They are humorous, straightforward, philosophical in their views on life, and hope to spread their fiery vitality and happiness to others, they are usually very popular, they are outgoing, talkative, like to try, especially sports and travel.

The most accurate tarot divination: the constellation that is telegraphed by Sagittarius love, very famous

They can never be bound, refuse to compromise, are energetic and active, have lofty ideals, will never give up hopes and ideals whenever and wherever they are, and they are always pursuing a living environment that can be completely their own.

But it may be because their outlook on life is too open-minded, so they are often optimistic and wishful thinking.

Sagittarius is 100% in harmony with Aries and Leo, and it is easy to get better, but it is not a fatal attraction sign. Sagittarius will be electrocuted by Aquarius and Libra, but they are not very close to them, for the simple reason that Sagittarius is not very good at being tamed, but the opposite sex that has a fatal attraction to them may not be able to handle it.

The most accurate tarot divination: the constellation that is telegraphed by Sagittarius love, very famous

Tarot divination rules: Keep your heart at peace, meditate on the question in your mind, and then choose the one below that impresses you the most based on your first feeling.

Tarot divination method:

1. Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind

2. Look at these four tarot cards and meditate: "What will happen to the compound of our love?" ”

3. Choose one of the four pictures by feeling

The most accurate tarot divination: the constellation that is telegraphed by Sagittarius love, very famous

Lovers card

The most accurate tarot divination: the constellation that is telegraphed by Sagittarius love, very famous

Although you broke up, he still cares about you. There's still a touch of fate between you and your ex. If you can grasp the traces of this fate well, the two may have a good ending. If you don't want to waste your time and energy, you're going to be strangers, and you'll never be in touch with the kind of strangers you'll ever be in contact with again. How to choose, you should listen to your inner voice. He's still trying to make up for it now, and he may be trying to change what you don't like, make yourself better, make you love him more, and make plans that he's really ready for. In this way, your love will be happy when it is compounded.

Holy Grail Three Cards

The most accurate tarot divination: the constellation that is telegraphed by Sagittarius love, very famous

He still has you in his heart and has always wanted to see you again, which is the basis of your deep feelings. This time you broke up, he was angry, he broke up without thinking clearly, and the quarrel between lovers may be because they were very angry at the time, and they did not buy each other and did not compromise with each other. However, after the breakup, he couldn't stand it, and he missed each other very much. will find that you can't live without each other. At this time, he is very eager to apologize, and he will most likely take the initiative to come to you. He wants your love compound to be happy for the sake of love.

Holy Grail Five Cards

The most accurate tarot divination: the constellation that is telegraphed by Sagittarius love, very famous

His personality can't be let go, the obsession is too deep, he won't fall in love with someone at will, and he wants to get back together with his ex, and some things will happen frequently, reminding him of the pain he has experienced. Time also has a hard time to heal the hurt caused by the other party, and he feels that his heart will always feel extremely sad. Thinking about the past should be avoided as much as possible. Your vision should be long-term, sort out your mood, and bravely meet the new tomorrow. Maybe your right edge is waiting for you not far away. The outcome of your love compound is not optimistic.

Three stars

The most accurate tarot divination: the constellation that is telegraphed by Sagittarius love, very famous

Lovers only have intentions, even if the gamble breaks up, he will definitely come to see you again, because your emotional foundation is very deep. Your breakup is only temporary, and everyone gets angry during the argument, so the breakup thing is very casually agreed. However, after two or three days of separation, you can't stand it, and he's just as uncomfortable. you will find that you can't live without each other. At this time, you are very tempted to apologize, and he will most likely take the initiative to come to you. The teacher suggested that it is also a good idea for you to take the initiative to find him, so that the results of your love compound are full of expectations.

Milataro said that love is the left hand is inseparable, the right hand is not abandoned, love is full of hope, contented and grateful satisfaction, love is to see you laughing, accompanied by the warmth of your tears, love a person is not a temporary hand, but a lifetime of heart.

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