
In love with this zodiac sign, you must take the initiative at every moment

In love with this zodiac sign, you must take the initiative at every moment

In this series, we intend to discuss what are the most difficult difficulties to overcome when falling in love with the zodiac signs, that is, the problems they are most likely to show in love, since we take it out to discuss, it must be through everyone's communication and running-in There are methods to solve the problem, or not fatal problems, I hope to also provide you with some practical operational reference.

Then let's first exclude - the question "xx zodiac signs are scumbags / women, dogs do not talk about it". It is what I have repeatedly emphasized, whether it is a good love object, in fact, has little to do with the zodiac sign, there are indeed some zodiac signs that are not stable in love, or are easily tempted, or hesitate in the relationship, but maybe in your relationship, he abused you, and in another relationship he was abused. As for those people in everyone's complaints who deliberately love to split their legs and PUA objects, I really have no way, and I will only advise everyone to run quickly. So the premise of this series is to talk about everything, and you can also say some small complaints in the mood.

Look at the title to guess today's zodiac sign, everyone thinks which zodiac sign is the most passive in love, passive to passive no matter what stage the relationship progresses, passive to the point that no matter how much you like it, you may give up. My answer is Virgo. There may be other zodiac signs that are also emotionally passive, but when they like it enough, they can't help but take the initiative, and Virgo can endure it. If you do not take the initiative to show favor to Virgo, do not take the initiative to express your firm choice of TA, do not take the initiative to show your need for TA, quarrel and do not take the initiative to reconcile, no matter how much Virgo loves you, the result you will get will only be the loss of Virgo. Virgo is not a sign where feelings come and go quickly, nor is it greedy for freshness, today like this and tomorrow like that sign, but I dare say that the relationship with Virgo can be talked about for a long time, the most important necessary condition is the other party's initiative and persistence.

Virgos have a logic of thinking that they can't get around - they actually want the development of their relationship to be in their own hands, because they have a huge fear of life being out of control and disorder. When they see each other's problems, or problems between two people, they let this problem grow infinitely in their hearts, so as to see the state when this problem is out of control, see their own futility, and directly choose to give up in order to avoid less pain. Later, they may regret it a lot, miss it infinitely, and repeat it repeatedly, but in the moment, they will just give up. It seems to be in control, but in fact it escaped. What can really be controlled is the other party, and whether or not to fall in love with Virgo, whether it is good or not, depends on how the other half faces and deals with the problem, or is angry with Virgo to give up the same.

I have many friends around me who have been in love with Virgo, and their comments on Virgo are basically after the breakup, not what was dumped, so angry to say bad things about the ex, is when you and Virgo start to have conflicts, is really angry with them, I will talk about this in detail later. But when you have no problem with Virgo, it still feels good to be in love with them. Even the zodiac signs are at the top, I will list the advantages first.

Advantages of being in love with Virgo

o If you want to really be a handshaker, with Virgo, the quality of life will steadily rise without their own efforts, such as most Virgos love to clean, very love to clean up, love Zhang Luo, they are willing to help you arrange everything, you have to help, they are not at ease.

o You will have a motivated partner, strong in action, and will also push you, Virgo will always want the life of two people to be one plus one is greater than two. So you can move forward steadily together and create a better future.

o Be nice to him and return it to you twice, and even if you don't have to be nice to him, just praise them for being good to you with your heart, you will also get twice as good.

o If you don't understand something, leave it to Virgo to study, they can become a life encyclopedia, life master. For those things that are not your own, I am also willing to help you study the strategy thoroughly.

o Always give more than you take for the people around you, and Virgo's giving is very thoughtful, will really take care of your heart, really pay attention to your needs, and are not afraid of trouble.

o Attention to detail and good taste, so there is no shortage of romance in life.

o Always plan ahead, don't be afraid of accidents in life and be unprepared, Virgos will always be a solid and reliable backing, they will be ready for both.

o In front of your friends, you will always be the person with the most outstanding temperament and the most decent manners, and you will be a person who takes out to earn face.

o Have compassionate, kindness and a sense of justice, and usually high loyalty.

In terms of getting along, I think Virgo is a very suitable sign, they are willing to take care of the emotions of those around them, and they rarely make people feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately, compared to their invincible ability to deal with other problems in life, Virgos can be said to be useless in dealing with emotional conflicts. ——The front spit warning, when Virgo escapes, it is the moment when it can give people a cry.

He hardly expresses his dissatisfaction

As I mentioned earlier, after most people break up with Virgos, their evaluation of Virgos will turn 180 degrees. Because most Virgos are in love, no matter what sign they are with, they basically have the same attitude - obedience. The degree of their obedience is obvious to friends around them, and some Virgos are even unprincipled and have no bottom line in a relationship, as long as they still want to continue the relationship. They will take care of you so much that many people never notice Virgo's dissatisfaction with them until they break up.

They may have already made up their minds to break up, or they will take care of you, and when they propose to break up, they will not look back immediately. No one can stand this, and everyone will suspect that Virgo's previous kindness to you and love for you are all feigned. Many people are angry, feeling as if they have been mocked, if the past is not deceptive, why can they turn their faces and not recognize people. Sorry, Virgo just can. A change in Virgo's attitude towards a person may not be a change in their love for that person, but a change in their choice of relationship. Unlike other zodiac signs, you can't judge the concentration of their feelings for you from how good Virgo is to you, they may have accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts, and they still tolerate you on the surface, or they still have deep feelings for you, but they have to break up, or even completely break off contact.

I think when many people quarrel with Virgos, the most annoying question is probably here, why don't you say it, or why don't you say it earlier. Or you often find that Virgos don't know why they sulk, but they don't admit it, they have to say that they are not angry, you don't want to please, you don't pay attention, and even the more you apologize, the worse. To be honest, Virgo is actually a fragile person, but also really sensitive and picky, and will be unhappy about very small things. But reason told them no. For example, if you are at work, Virgo sends you a message, you do not reply in time, and afterwards explain to TA, intellectually Virgo must accept, but emotionally they will still be angry, angry at the same time they will feel that they are not so much, why should they be angry, and even ashamed to let the other party know, do not want the other party to feel that they are petty or vexatious. They don't need each other to apologize, they don't need each other's commitment, they just need a period of their own time and space to digest this emotion.

This is the reason why in most cases Virgos do not talk about problems or unhappy things, or even deny them. In fact, they are essentially confronting their own sensitivities, not with each other. I put this point at the top because this is Virgo passive, the main manifestation, but I think this is not actually a serious problem, the first is that this pain you probably only need to bear when you break up, of course, it is also huge, and even makes people doubt themselves. Second, I don't think these small emotions and dissatisfaction accumulated by Virgo actually shake the foundation of your relationship. The reason why Virgos end up backing off is probably because they feel that the relationship has no future.

Every now and then, back off

You don't simply think that Virgo is a very picky person, they get along with you every day, take a small book every day, record your not, and then deduct points for you, but don't tell you, the equal points are deducted, pat the ass and leave, so cold and difficult. Virgos do feel like they want to cold a relationship from time to time. Including before their relationship began, they were obviously ambiguous and ended without a problem, and they talked for a few days after the relationship began, and they felt that their state did not seem to be good when they were not in love, and they did not want to continue. Everyone is obviously in love, he feels that he is too high, and silently takes a step back and becomes cold... Because I myself am a Virgo, I also often laugh at myself that our Virgos are destined to be lonely and do not deserve love, because Virgos do have a fear of feelings, and when they can't solve the problem, they solve the relationship and break it at every turn. But here I want to emphasize that what makes Virgo want to break is certainly not a trivial matter in everyday life.

What makes Virgo go must be a very huge fundamental problem, they feel that there is no future with you, maybe this problem is what they feel from small things and foresee the big with small eyes. Of course, everyone feels that the core of no future is different, and this needs to be discussed between you specifically. Maybe TA feels that you have not firmly chosen TA and does not feel your need for TA. Maybe they feel that the future you are pursuing is far from the same. Maybe TA feels that because of living with you, TA's life has become worse, and you are not getting better together...

At this time, you can only rely on the other party to take the initiative to give Virgo this reassuring pill. I'll admit it's hard because it's really easy to misunderstand Virgo's expressions. Sometimes you feel that communicating with Virgo is always futile, and the more you communicate, the more contradictions seem to be, most likely because you don't feel where the core is, you think that Virgo is just picking on small things, and then constantly explaining. Virgo is a sign that has a hard time living in the present, and their worries are all in the future. In fact, Virgos can be tired in relationships, but they cannot be meaningless. Do you believe that a Virgo is counting you this is not that it is not, their subtext is not that I want to break up with you, I hate you, but to express that you are not all I put up with, how much I love you, you are not quick to give me the love I want.

Use reason to solve the feelings

I have a friend who is in love with a Virgo who told me that she is actually not very sure how much her boyfriend loves herself, and he has nothing bad about himself, he will do everything she says, always ask her if this is good, whether that is okay, even give a gift, and give her three options to let her choose the one she likes. So thoughtful, if you regenerate qi, you really don't understand things. But what she wants may be the kind of stronger and more direct love, I think this is good, I will buy it for you right away, I love you I want to do it for you, not wait for me to bring it up, you go and carry it out seriously. As if I were your leader.

Virgos usually express their love sensibly, even when they break up. I've been talking about Virgos avoiding problems, that is, they find the problem, retreat directly, and you catch up. So when they avoid really doing to solve emotional problems, in fact, they are not smart, they are giving you reason, so when you want Virgo to help you solve the problem, it is very smooth, and the reason is feasible. But if you want to settle your relationship with Virgo, reason may not work, then Virgo will directly solve your relationship.

Two reasonable people, or people who are not so emotionally demanding, can talk clearly if they have problems together, and it is okay, a very adult solution. The problem, however, is that Virgo is a double standard. They themselves are calm, they hope that the other party is not calm. Virgos actually need to be in love, and feel deeply dependent and needed by the other person. This is also the third level of the initiative I said, maybe you will not feel Virgo's strong love for you, but they are eager to feel your strong love, have some emotional cleanliness, and do not want to be the result of each other's measurement, choice, and rational calculation. If so, they will settle your feelings again. It can even be a vicious circle, the more you arm yourself with sobriety, the more you don't get the enthusiastic feedback from the other party, the more Virgo is afraid to express his love, and then in turn needs more love.

The relationship with Virgo can probably be summed up like this: you and I have no chance, it all depends on your efforts.

Written by| Alex

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