
Alex 12 Zodiac Sign March Monthly Journey: Accept unexpected changes

Alex 12 Zodiac Sign March Monthly Journey: Accept unexpected changes

Reference: Sun sign, Ascendant sign (both need reference)



From the 1st to the 5th of the month, Mercury will change positions and come to your 12th house, and Venus and Jupiter also have harmonious interaction, you may have travel arrangements at the beginning of this month, or some people will have plans to take leave at the beginning of this month, and the interaction between Venus and Jupiter brings you positive news at work and school, such as a new customer, or a cooperation is implemented, and because Mercury has changed positions, you have to officially promote a personal plan at the beginning of this month—— Some people are looking forward to but also very worried about what the outcome will be, rest assured, because the horoscope is in your favor at the beginning of the month, you may get a good result, and some people will confess and date at the beginning of this month.

From the 6th to the 10th, a full moon was ushered in, and Saturn officially changed position, and there will be sudden pressure in these days, this pressure may be the adjustment of the internal structure of the workplace, or the run-in between new colleagues and new bosses, and some people will have obstacles to cooperation in this time period, such as someone doing things unfavorably, making mistakes, or low feedback efficiency, resulting in themselves in a state of waiting, and some people will leave during this period - however, with the change of Saturn, if you want to defend your rights, Or deal with legal matters, or register a company, open a new account, then these are smooth. Pay attention to your health problems, there will be obvious discomfort in the body these days.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus interacted with Mars, and Mars and Neptune had a negative angle, and it was easy to lose control at work - such as it was easy to lose temper, or the money expenditure increased significantly during this period, and some people would be ticketed. Your relationship with your family can easily become strained, but on the positive side, the interaction between Mercury and Uranus will lead to surprises, such as good news, a gift, or arrangements for another business trip. These days, pay attention to the scale and boundaries of getting along with men, and the other party may conflict with you.

From the 16th to the 20th, you will find at this stage that whether it is yourself, or the people around you, there is a clear sense of impetuosity, and the people around you are also easy to find fault, making the interpersonal relationship at this stage unstable, there are a small number of people need to pay attention to their date, ambiguous object, or is your partner, you are prone to unhappiness, and even some people will break up at this stage, this time period is easy to lose reason, I would recommend restraining their emotions and doing a good job of emotional management. At the working level, there is the closing of the project, and there is also the settlement of the payment, and there will be feedback from some people who will fight for some rights and interests with their superiors during this period, such as a certain position, or the project budget.

From the 21st to the 25th, a new moon will bring you good luck, not only nobles, but also expand your cooperation, personal fame, and some people will bravely confess and start a new relationship. As Pluto changes positions, your social circle will gradually change, and you begin to get closer to some people who can interact with each other - you also begin to value mutual benefit more, so at this stage, talk about cooperation, partnership with people, and entrepreneurship can begin to advance. As Mars moves into a new location, keep an eye out for male elder health, household utensils damaged, malfunctioning, or some people moving houses, house deals. You may also find that your neighbors are decorating and affecting your schedule.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mercury interacts with Jupiter again, and at this stage there will be a contract to be implemented. Or contact someone in a different place, meet with someone, and some people want to leave the country. With the interaction between Mars and Saturn, there may be a sum of money at the end of this month, which may also be your commission, extra money, etc., and a few people will be raised. At the end of this month, you may also find that someone around you, maybe a colleague, a friend is hiding something from you, but you don't need to take the initiative to ask the truth, because you know it yourself.


Companion Aries, March is not a very friendly month for many people, because of various unexpected situations, or the accumulation of emotions in the heart to a critical point, so some people will really have a good talk with their partner, if you have been turning a blind eye and indulgence in the past, then maybe this month you yourself will have to re-examine the relationship. And with Saturn's change of sign, you will also realize the differences between you and your partner, distance, but these can be overcome, the focus is on communicating in the right way, not silent. Some people will become parents this month. Single Aries, Saturn changes signs, Pluto will also change seats, this March means a lot to you, especially on an emotional level, maybe you will meet a tempting but uncontrollable person, this situation makes you very high, just don't evaluate this alone, you need to talk to people you trust, listen to the thoughts of bystanders, so that you will not suffer, in addition, some people also have old love interactions this month.

Health Attention:

Ankle, heart, pharyngitis, teeth, styes, headache, sleep, eczema, burns, mammary glands, athlete's foot



From the 1st to the 5th of the month, Mercury changed positions, and Mercury is about to interact with Mars, so during the beginning of the month, you may have discord with colleagues and classmates - because you have different ideas about something, or the tasks you work together have different solutions, resulting in some gunpowder smell, of course, at the beginning of this month, there may also be some words and deeds about "discrimination" and feelings with others. But with harmonious interaction between Venus and Jupiter, there will be good financial news. Another is that some people will have an interview at the beginning of the month.

From the 6th to the 10th, Saturn officially changed position, which is the period to begin to test interpersonal relationships, in fact, the trend of the next three years is to focus on interpersonal problems, such as how do you show yourself, is it necessary to use a new personality to participate in social relationships? Or is it a change of social circle? This question will actually be reflected on at this stage. In addition, in work, studies, there may be people who join, quit your department, collective. A full moon will help you finish your studies and work tasks, and some people will have to go in and out of medical institutions at this stage, or prepare for medical beauty.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus and Mars have interaction, romance, ambiguity or financial good news, some people will work part-time, earn extra money, invest to get income, you may also be ready to meet someone in these days - this person may be secretly meeting you. In addition, with the interaction between Mars and Neptune, it is easy to be found fault by superiors or customers at work, or there are complaints, so it is best to be cautious in work and not make a big move.

From the 16th to the 20th, Venus comes to your sign, and Mercury changes positions, because the energy of Mars is stimulated, this period is easy to break money, money begins to become more, you may also have a higher desire to shop, some people are because of interests, money problems, may involve legal matters, but please rest assured, Mercury and Pluto have harmonious interaction, you can successfully solve these problems, but it takes a little longer, and even rely on others to connect to know some resources and so on. In the past few days, there has been cooperation at the working level, and some people are preparing for business trips.

From the 21st to the 25th, a new moon ushered in, and Pluto changed places, some people will leave or be promoted, others will return to "school", meaning ready to start learning a new skill, and others use their spare time to prepare for an exam, which means a lot to you, may really change the trend of your studies, career, and you will see what the results will be in the next three months. In addition, Mars will enter a new position, be easily injured, and lose health. In these days, we should also pay attention to the return and exchange, logistics-related matters, and it is still easy to complain.

From the 26th to the 31st, there was interaction between Mercury and Jupiter, and Venus interacted with Uranus, which brought about the processing of documents, team building activities at the working level, or some personnel changes in the management at the working level. Some people will also have the opportunity to earn extra money part-time at the end of the month. Because of the interaction between Mars and Saturn, your relationship with a man becomes delicate, or you may part ways.


Companion Taurus, for most people, this month's relationship is still stable, and there are not many changes. This month, you will take the initiative to discuss some material and future development topics with your partner, and the other person may be a little stressed about this - because some of them suddenly bring up without warning. This March, Taurus himself tends to become a little aggressive, even aggressive, and may make the other person feel stressed, depressed, etc., so you may wish to relax yourself first, and many people will travel together this month. Single Taurus, peach blossom luck will pick up in the second half of the year, the first half is still tempting, contact, or let yourself make a last attempt, in the face of the person you like you may really have to give yourself a deadline, see what attitude the other party has towards themselves before this deadline, otherwise you will start to stop loss.

Health Attention:

Heart, hypoglycemia, anemia, eczema, thyroid, conjunctivitis, acne, mouth sores, diarrhea, urinary system



From the 1st to the 5th of the month, pay attention to those ulterior motives, as Mercury changes positions at the beginning of the month, your friends or colleagues around you may share some things with you - these things may be related to you, or with people close to you, but these things may not make you feel good. So you have to be clear about what these people are telling you these things about. When Mercury enters a new position, avoid mistakes at the work level, there may be a mess for you to clean up at the beginning of this month, and paperwork content to avoid mistakes. Some people will experience a breach of contract terms at the beginning of this month, so they need to mediate with customers, partners, and even sign supplementary agreements. But the good thing is that the interaction between Venus and Jupiter will have noble luck, and the problems encountered at the beginning of this month will be solved quickly.

From the 6th to the 10th, Saturn will be at the top of your chart, and a new three-year journey will begin—that is, whether you are a student or a worker, you really have to start thinking about who I can be in the next three years, what I can do, what potential I still have to explore and inspire. This Saturn position may intensify your discord with someone, or even really become hostile, and some people should be careful that nobles become villains. During this time period, it is necessary to pay attention to the health problems of female elders. Some people will renovate and relocate during this period. In addition, there is a full moon, this full moon may affect the emotional relationship of a small number of people, and in these days you have to pay attention to electronic products, equipment, data is prone to problems.

From the 11th to the 15th, Mars interacted with Neptune, and Mars is still in your sign, you may want to take a vacation, or you really want to travel. This is a time period that will give you unforgettable memories, including scheduling appointments or preparing confessions for some people. And the interaction between Mercury and Uranus, there will be temporary tasks at the working level, temporary cooperation, will lead to overtime, but the benefits, the results are good, so you can be positive. In addition, a small number of people will interact with old lovers during this period.

From the 16th to the 20th, the astrological signs at this stage are not stable, and it is likely to make their emotions changeable, ups and downs obvious, and may also be unpleasant with familiar people around them. You can choose to be alone, or focus your attention on work and schoolwork, so as not to be affected by these external people and things. A small number of people will go to medical institutions to inject injections or do medical beauty. In addition, there will be project closure at the working level, but at the same time, the superior may become uncertain, and it is easy to put pressure on the people in the department, resulting in a tense atmosphere. Since Mercury changes locations, you may also handle insurance, claims, tickets, or paying bills for someone else.

From the 21st to the 25th, there is a new moon that will help you expand your relationships, you may also meet new customers, or enter a new social group, and some people will join a new company, work environment, or become a freelancer. In addition, because Pluto changes location, you may also deal with matters such as household registration, and some people will file a lawsuit, but the horoscopes are in your favor - but it is time-consuming, and it may not really come to fruition until July or even August. Mars has officially come to a new location, and these days it will cost more, and some people will change their shape.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mercury interacts with Jupiter, and you have people around you who bring you warmth, cheer you on, or give you advice, make you more confident, or help you alleviate emotional problems. These days negotiating, contesting, speaking, or competing for a spot are in your favor. There are also contracts in place at the end of the month, and some people will have the opportunity to earn extra money part-time at the end of the month.


Companion Gemini, for most people, is the period to stop self-deception, no longer make excuses for each other, or no longer overly beautify each other, but very rational, patient with each other, learn to solve the problem of running-in, and no longer make good claims for each other, but equal communication, empathy, for many people this is a period that can make the relationship healthier and have better progress, and some people will confirm the marriage date and register the marriage. Single Gemini, it is still easy to have old people around, or friends around you have different feelings for you, you may also gradually see a person you know, different characteristics and beauty, so for many people, this month may be a period of good feelings breeding, budding, but everything does not need to be in a hurry, slowly to understand will confirm whether it is suitable for dating.

Health Attention:

Rhinitis, wisdom teeth, conjunctivitis, sleep, mammary glands, cystitis, trauma, cramps, gout, injuries by animals, allergies



From the 1st to the 5th of the month, Venus and Jupiter have a harmonious interaction, at the working level, there will be a cooperation to implement, including the possibility of starting the contract process, and at the beginning of this month, your entertainment, social activities will also increase significantly, you will make friends, meet different people, expand your network resources. It's just that because Mercury has changed places, you may have to do some personal things at the beginning of the month, such as paying off personal debts, or finding friends to help, or at work, you need to use personal relationships to achieve some goals, but these things can be solved. If you're traveling at the beginning of the month, it's easy to experience some delays. Because Mercury interacts with Saturn, your superior, or someone older than you, is prone to stress out — just that the other person's intentions are good, and you can think carefully about what the other person tells you when your emotions calm down.

From the 6th to the 10th, Saturn will change positions and usher in a full moon, and some people will participate in interviews, exams, training, or competitive things at this stage, such as competitions, or in these days you may have to apply for holidays, deal with documents, including visas, endorsements and other matters, and some people will change a ticket, online order during this period. Due to the full moon, you may have friction and contradictions with neighbors, properties, or your relatives, and the problem may not be solved in time during this period, and you need to continue to work hard to follow up to improve. In addition, a small number of people will be ready to move, or make a house transaction. At the working level, there is a new cooperation negotiation, but the conditions or remuneration offered by the other party are beyond your expectations.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus interacts with Mars, which brings you nobles, parties, and some people participate in blind dates, and this sign also brings you partial wealth, including the chance to win the lottery. You may also reunite and contact people you haven't seen for a long time during this period, and some people will be contacted by headhunters during this period, and there may be new job opportunities that you can consider (but the temptation is not enough). If you are not single, it is easy to have conflicts with your partner these days, because of the old accounts.

From the 16th to the 20th, Venus will enter a new position, and Mercury will change its house, and there may be an important notice issued at the working level, which may involve personnel changes, including changes in management, and some people will benefit from this, and even their own authority will be promoted. In addition, the appearance of this astrological sign also brings you noble luck, you may be helped by noble people, promoted, or because of noble people get the opportunity to make money. If you are a student, you will become more combative, competitive, not admit defeat during this period, and will be favored and encouraged by teachers and professors.

From the 21st to the 25th, a new moon ushered in, this new moon once again brought a good impact to your career, such as the implementation of cooperation, the signing of contracts, a small number of people will be transferred, or support projects in other departments, so they will be seen in their professionalism, work strength is praised. In addition, this astrological sign also brings some people the opportunity to confess and get off the list, you can arrange a date during this period, or create an atmosphere to confess, propose, etc. Since Mars comes to your sign at this stage, health is prone to slippage, avoiding injury, and some people are prone to rotten peach blossoms.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mercury and Jupiter interact harmoniously, and at this stage you may be asked for help by friends, or participate in birthday, wedding and other activities. You need to pay attention to the health of female elders or pets, some people will spend more at the end of the month, including procurement, repair of something, or there are fines and other money-breaking things, in addition, at the end of the month may have ideas for financial management, but the timing is not right, conservative as well.


Companion Cancer, for most people, this month's relationship is still stable, and because of the relationship between Saturn, you may usher in a good turn emotionally, including your mutual career may usher in new opportunities, which will make you more confident, plan to plan the next love life, some people are to start preparing for cohabitation, or to meet parents, prepare for wedding-related things. But pay attention, in the middle and late months, you are prone to friction because of turning over old accounts, or one of the parties is somewhat willful, do not cold war or overcalculate. Single Cancer, this month's peach blossom fortunes began to pick up, and because Mars will come to your zodiac sign, you are very easy to be noticed, and there may also be workplace peach blossoms in this period, such as people contacted by work relationships, or meeting new friends at a party of friends, but don't rush to go up first, you have to choose well, it doesn't hurt to inquire, so as not to encounter rotten peach blossoms.

Health Attention:

Gastrointestinal, fever, trauma, injuries by animals, colds, edema, acne, swollen lymph nodes, wrists, ankles, folliculitis



From the 1st to the 5th of the month, Mercury interacts with Saturn - maybe you have recently met someone and are curious about this person, or there may be potential opportunities for cooperation, but the appearance of this horoscope makes you realize that this person has friends you have in common. And this horoscope will also bring you the opportunity to negotiate successfully, and at the same time cooperate in the work to implement, but due to Saturn's relationship, at the beginning of the month you seem to be a little suppressed emotions - you may also meet a person who is not good at communication, a strong person, but please rest assured that you are professional and full of charm, do not fear the other party, because in the end things can be successfully implemented. The change of seat of Mercury may have to deal with some financial and tax-related matters, including sorting out bills and submitting reimbursement applications.

From the 6th to the 10th, Saturn will officially enter a new position, and ushered in a full moon, in fact, this star is aimed at financial problems, Saturn represents contraction, because you will see some financial management, financial field related news, so you will decide to adjust your financial situation, some people are to pay insurance-related fees, or apply for claims. In addition, this horoscope is also very suitable for treating your own health problems, if you have been procrastinating to treat one of your health problems, go to the doctor now to check it out, and cooperate with the treatment will gradually recover. The arrival of the full moon is the settlement of payment, and some people will do medical beauty and change their shape. At the working level, new projects are being negotiated, but you don't seem to be very optimistic about this project, so it's relatively conservative.

From the 11th to the 15th, Mars and Neptune have confrontation, colleagues and friends are easy to get along with gunpowder, or there are criticisms of you, gossip news, etc., you need to clarify in time, and if necessary, learn to use the law to protect yourself. At the work level, you may have colleagues leaving, or there are layoffs, and this astrological sign also indicates that the gray area at the work level, and even unreasonable operational behavior, will begin to rectify, which is a good thing for you and an opportunity, and some people's superiors, management will be down.

From the 16th to the 20th, Venus will enter a new position, and Mercury will change positions, which brings you luck, but also brings upside, if you have performance pressure This period begins to be more combative and there is also progress in cooperation, which can help you relieve performance pressure, and some people will be promoted. You may also have close interaction with superiors and customers during these days, and your position begins to become more important. But pay attention to the interaction between Venus and Pluto, which is prone to emotional disputes and even breakups. Some people will have favor consumption in these days, such as gift money, and prepare gifts for people. Investment is prone to losses.

From the 21st to the 25th, a new moon ushered in, which brought some people the opportunity to jump jobs, interview, and cross-border cooperation. At the same time, this new moon will also improve your financial luck, and you may also win the lottery and receive gifts. Some people are preparing for travel during these days, or they are going on a business trip. And because Pluto changes positions – over the next three months, some people will be planning weddings, partnering with people, long-term cooperation and even signing annual framework agreements – your fortunes really start to work. As Mars moves into a new location, keep an eye on your pet's health and your own health, and you can really schedule an in-depth checkup. These days you may also learn a secret, or see some new trend in the workplace—which involves infighting or a redistribution of power.

From the 26th to the 31st, the interaction between Mercury and Jupiter brought the application for holidays, the submission of reimbursement applications, and the cooperation gradually came to an end, you socialized at the end of the month, the parties were also very rich and active, and some people also watched exhibitions, or were exposed to other types of art. If you buy on behalf of you, overseas shopping, and need to forward items from abroad, then it is easy to have customs taxes at this stage. Some also do second-hand trading at the end of the month.


Companion Leo, Pluto will come to a new position this month, and the next three months are important moments to change your relationship, either further, or it's time to part ways, so March is a clear watershed where you can really talk carefully and seriously and rationally with your partner about some practical things, even the topic of children, but for most people, this transition is positive and positive. As Saturn changes location, you need to be aware of your partner's financial problems and may need your support. Single Leo, this month the relationship opportunities began to increase, and all kinds of people began to increase, and even have opportunities beyond your expectations to appear around you, and the next three months are to test the opportunities that appear this month, whether the real relationship can be implemented. In addition, some people will go on blind dates this month, and even have an ambiguous spark with the people around them.

Health Attention:

Cervical spine, sleep, blisters, beriberi, hemorrhoids, urinary system, lymphadenopathy, gout, urticaria, conjunctivitis



From the 1st to the 5th of the month, Venus interacts with Jupiter, and you may have financial problems to deal with, such as using online banking, or going to the bank counter, including your financial manager or bank specialist will also contact you, and some people are preparing to register, or cancel some account problems. And this horoscope also brings you financial luck, including some part-time or investment income. This horoscope also brings dating arrangements to some people, or at this time some ambiguous relationships gradually become clear, letting you know whether the relationship should continue to move forward. Mercury enters your opposite house earlier this month, drafting documents, or drafting and signing agreements, while others seek to find legal counsel or lawyers to handle paperwork. At the working level, there is cooperation and implementation, and payment settlement. Because of Saturn, some people will have social gatherings or business trips at the beginning of this month.

From the 6th to the 10th, a full moon occurs in your zodiac sign, and you want to stop and rest, because in the past month you feel too busy and even a little self-consuming, you need to be alone. And with the relationship between the full moon and Saturn's change of sign, you will really be serious, rationally think about a cooperation, the direction of a relationship, Saturn will make you cautious, conservative, and even think about what the worst outcome is as much as possible, so during this period, you will definitely brainstorm, so there will be people who make important changes and decisions emotionally. A small number of people will interact with their old lovers at this stage.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus will interact with Mars, which may lead to a serious conversation, perhaps between partners, or between your contacts and dates. And because of the interaction between Mars and Neptune, you have to be careful to avoid being deceived, or someone asking you to borrow money, you have to be cautious. There may also be people who use roundabout ways to get you to spend money, and you have to stay awake during this period. At the working level, it is necessary to avoid information release errors or communication and paperwork errors.

From the 16th to the 20th, Venus will change its position, business trips, travel, document processing, rights protection and other matters will be smoothly implemented, and some people need to consult legal help during this period. A certain woman will bring you good news, and during this period, the cooperation luck at the working level begins to pick up, and there are people who sell you favors, look at your face, bring you good news, and even some obstruction projects will start moving forward again. Your superiors may have a conversation with you, and you should be careful during this period. Also, as Mercury moves into a new position, you may have to advance money or spend money for your family at this stage, while others will have to deal with property-related matters or insurance-related issues.

From the 21st to the 25th, a new moon came, bringing fortune, nobles, and still bringing peach blossom opportunities to some people, maybe at this stage, the secret will also be learned. This will make you look at a person anew - of course, you may also be misled by misinformation, so you need to be sober-minded to analyze the authenticity of this information. If you're not single, your partner will have good financial news to share with you. And Mars enters a new position at this stage, your friends and colleagues may object, veto your ideas, behavior, but the other party is not necessarily malicious, you have to listen to their opinions, maybe help you avoid some risks. At this stage, you need to pay attention to the health problems of male elders, and someone in your workplace may be fired or resigned.

From the 26th to the 31st, the harmonious interaction between Mercury and Jupiter brings you social activities, new friends, resources, and at the end of this month you may also reunite with people you have not seen for a long time, so the atmosphere at the end of the month is pleasant, but also because of the relationship with Saturn - maybe some things, the project is within the deadline range, so you yourself have anxiety and pressure, and need to allocate time reasonably to deal with these things. Some people still have to travel at the beginning of the month, or have to turn off some invitations because of scheduling conflicts. Some will be ready to register their marriage at the end of the month.


Companion Virgo, Saturn will officially come to your sign, you will really start to think, the meaning of your relationship with your partner, what is the value, what the other person brings to you, what you have grown, if these answers are positive, then the next three years will be very warm, happy, and living conditions will be better and better, but if you are not sure yourself, or even have a lot of doubts, then this month will actually bring emotional separation to some people, especially before the middle of the year, Relationships need to be carefully nurtured to avoid negative outcomes. Single Virgo, this month's peach blossom luck began to go up, and you yourself are willing to take the initiative to come out and meet new friends, some people are in an ambiguous, dating state, this month there will be a trend of further clarity, and some people will have an age gap, or peach blossom opportunities at the network level.

Health Attention:

Gastrointestinal, ulcers, teeth, rhinitis, asthma, liver, ears, allergies, eczema, heart, cervical spine, blisters



From the 1st to the 5th of the month, Mercury will enter your work palace, and at the beginning of this month may continue some of the work content of the last week of the previous month - but that is, because the work and academic tasks of the last month of last month may be at the beginning of this month, prone to errors, this error comes from the lag of information communication caused by problems, or communication errors, correction problems caused by clerical errors, so at the beginning of this month some people will become non-stop, and even have to clean up the mess for others. But the good thing is that the interaction between Venus and Jupiter can bring you good luck, and this astrological sign also brings new opportunities for cooperation, some people will date people at the beginning of the month, have the courage to confess, etc. When Mercury interacts with Saturn, a certain male will give you a reminder, or a warning.

From the 6th to the 10th, Saturn will officially enter your work palace, which is a horoscope for you to lay the groundwork for the next three years, maybe you really have people you don't like in the workplace, or people who don't follow normal rules, logic, like to touch the gray area, may be your colleagues may also be your boss, at this time there will be some gossip, gossip appears, making you more sure that this person is not a reliable person, so some people will move the idea of making appointments, leaving, and job-hopping. The change of seat of Saturn will also make you pay attention to your health, and you may also adjust your diet, physical examination, or buy health-related insurance. Some people will prepare for a business trip at this stage, and the arrival of the full moon will allow some people to interact with old loves or deal with pet-related matters.

From the 11th to the 15th, you in this cycle, the pressure is relatively large, and may be very depressed, annoyed by work, or because if you have a date with someone at this time, ambiguous, then this person may affect your normal mood, become emotional, at this time you may be a little fragile, and also pay attention to breaking money or being deceived in these days.

From the 16th to the 20th, fortunes began to improve, as Venus entered a new position, financial fortune was restored, and some people received gifts or raises, while others reaped the return on investment. You may also use Internet thinking to make money, or you may have additional opportunities to earn money, such as working part-time and so on. The change of seat of Venus will also bring some people the intention of doing medical beauty and changing their shape, or there is a relationship that can be promoted during this period - the confession is successful, or they are introduced to a blind date. At the working level, there is a settlement of project payments, but you may also have to run to the bank, process bills, and prepare to submit reimbursement claims. Some people will receive offers during this period or are ready to start a new job.

From the 21st to the 25th, the sun will come to your opposite position, and at the same time ushered in a new moon, luck began to improve, you may not be able to adjust during a relationship or work pressure, now this matter has been over, and the mood is starting to improve. The new moon brings you parties, events, or competitions, and people are publishing books, and you can easily attract the attention of others, so you begin to have higher visibility and become "red". However, because of the change of Mars, pay attention to the relationship with your family, or some people have items in their homes that are damaged, lost, or even stolen.

From the 26th to the 31st, the interaction between Mercury and Jupiter once again brought travel plans to some people, or during this period, someone who has not seen you for a long time contacted you, and the other party greeted you for a long time, and told you some secrets of the past, which will help you untie your heart. At the working level, the cooperation movement is starting to pick up, new collaborations can be finalized, and some will try cross-border cooperation. Some people will talk to their superiors at the end of the month, which may involve planning for your future development. At the end of the month, a small number of people will still decide to leave.


Companion Libra, for most people, the relationship this month has not changed much, and because of the relationship of the new moon in the second half of the month, the relationship between the two people has become closer and more stable. However, in the middle of the first half stage, there may be some people who cause a breakup, a cold war, or find that each other has something to hide from each other, which is prone to confrontation and therefore shakes your stability, but this is a small number of people. Most people will make new memories this month. Single Libra, peach blossom luck picks up, but there are also a lot of rotten peach blossoms, especially in the middle of the first half of the year, they are easy to fall in love with the brain, a brain fever on the head, the result is that the other party may have reservations, serious may also have a deceptive nature, so you may wish to calm yourself down, after the middle of the month to look at this person or think about how the relationship develops.

Health Attention:

Folliculitis, fever, burns, chest tightness, blood pressure, anemia, acne, mouth ulcers, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, athlete's foot



From the 1st to the 5th of the month, Venus and Jupiter have a harmonious interaction, and there is good news at work, such as a cooperation implemented, or a temporary increase in the budget, or a positive feedback on arrears at the beginning of this month, and because of this horoscope, you may also have travel arrangements at the beginning of this month. Mercury will also move into a new position at the beginning of the month, and for singles, your social fortunes will be greatly improved this month, making it easy to meet new friends and even romance. Others are looking forward to becoming parents, and they can work hard this March. The change of seat of Mercury may need to pay attention to the matter of financial management, it is not recommended to do some financial measures in the early part of this month, as conservative as possible. You may also have to prepare gifts for others at the beginning of the month, and spend favors on people.

From the 6th to the 10th, a full moon comes, this full moon appears in your interpersonal palace, such as your student organization, small group, or work department, colleagues, there will be personnel changes, or someone has a position, authority changes, resulting in some new situations. And at this stage, in fact, the foreshadowing of some problems in the middle of the year - some fighting relationships began to appear. At this stage, you need to keep a low profile as much as possible and not provoke right and wrong. Because of the Sun's interaction with Uranus, you may also have to go in and out of banks or medical institutions during these days. Since Saturn is about to change places, at this stage you will entrust your family to help you with some things, or need to pay attention to the health problems of female elders and children.

From the 11th to the 15th, Mars and Neptune interacted, easy to break money, or easy to have disputes with people during this period, and you have a big temper in these days. At the working level, customers are easy to become tricky, easy to put forward some unreasonable requirements, or difficult requirements, this period you can adjust according to the actual situation, but the premise is not humble and unassuming. In addition, some people may find that there are gray areas in the workplace, such as gray income. Due to the interaction between Mercury and Uranus, you may have to deal with logistics, complaints, and some people will prepare to move at this stage.

From the 16th to the 20th, Venus will enter your opposite position, and at the same time Mercury changes positions, financial luck, interpersonal relationships, and cooperative luck are improved, and there are contracts and projects implemented in these days, and at the same time, someone will usher in promotions, salary increases, and you may also start a side business. In addition, this stage is very suitable for dating, or confessing to someone you like, and some people will participate in weddings at this stage. Others are planning their own weddings. Due to the interaction between Venus and Pluto, you need to pay attention to the fact that there may be people around you who are jealous of themselves, or sow discord, keep your mind clear, and don't get hurt by this.

From the 21st to the 25th, a new moon ushered in, this new moon appeared in your work palace, there are still positive developments in the work, including this period may also have new customer resource expansion, some people will participate in the entertainment in these days, so it will also open up contacts. You may also handle your own social security or other social welfare accounts, while others will handle documents, travel-related visas, endorsements, etc. There are also people who will prepare to have pets, and if you have pets, you need to pay attention to the health of your pets during these days.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mars and Saturn interact, easy to encounter delays, complaints, or tax-related matters, some people will consult friends or find friends to help in these days, these days you are still easy to temper, and even with friends, colleagues around conflicts, it is best to do a good job of emotional management, otherwise it is easy to make things big. In addition, pay attention to your health problems these days. At work level, someone leaves these days, or you will apply for leave.


Companion Scorpio, as Saturn enters a new position, you will begin - what's next? Did your next relationship development, planning, or what you promised each other change? Or have a new idea? This month, perhaps in the middle of the month, there will be a very suitable time to open up communication, which may also bring a better impetus to your relationship development. But also because of the relationship of Saturn, in front of you, in addition to money, there may be topics about children and supporting elders, so that you will inevitably have some differences, but as long as you have a unified premise, these problems can be solved, so the premise is that you are clear that you are the right person for each other. Single Scorpio, this month's Venus will come to your emotional house in the second half of the month, with the influence of Saturn, this month you may have an age difference, or a chance of peach blossoms in a different place, pay attention, the peach blossoms that appear must also figure out whether the other party is single, or reliable.

Health Attention:

Headache, sleep, edema, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, swelling of teeth, bones, lymph nodes, mammary glands, urinary system



From the 1st to the 5th of the month, the interaction between Venus and Jupiter brings pleasant social opportunities - you may also happen to need someone to accompany you to help you get rid of some unpleasant moods, if so, then blend into the crowd, gather with friends and this horoscope will also bring you financial luck, there may be other earning opportunities at the beginning of the month, or the possibility of winning the lottery. In addition, this horoscope will also bring you nobles, and a woman will share a positive news with you, or reveal something to you in advance so that you can be prepared. At the work level, these days are busy, because there are tasks that enter the finishing stage, and with socializing, some personal arrangements may be crowded out, but everything is worth it.

From the 6th to the 10th, Saturn will officially enter a new position, which involves family relations and housing problems. You may be planning to renovate your home, or you may be preparing to relocate, or you may have a housing transaction problem, or some people may have the opportunity to demolish. If you share a room with someone and you find that you can no longer share a room with this roommate, then this period is the time to find a new roommate or rent an independent house on your own. This horoscope needs to pay attention to the health problems of family members and elders, if the elders themselves have chronic diseases, then it is more necessary to pay attention in this period, but there is no need to be anxious about this, as long as daily care and attention. At the working level, superiors may be prone to command errors, and you need to find the right time to correct them.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus interacted with Mars, which brought some people peach blossom opportunities and ushered in financial luck, but due to the interaction between Mars and Neptune, these days may cause family conflicts. If you are not single, then your partner may be prone to unhappiness with your family, or you and the other party's family are unhappy, and this period requires you to unify with your partner to solve these problems. The interaction between Mercury and Uranus, some people will travel during this period, or participate in a public event, such as a birthday party, wedding, etc.

From the 16th to the 20th, Venus will enter a new position, and at the same time Mercury will change positions, the work content will increase significantly, and some work problems have appeared in the middle of the period, and this period is the moment of concentrated solution. But you will find that the people around you become complex and easy to be irritable, so the conversation, communication atmosphere is easy to have the smell of gunpowder. You may have to take over some mess at this stage, or temporarily intervene in someone else's project to support. In addition, during this period, you should also be careful of colleagues shirking responsibility, which may not have been your responsibility, but the other party passed on the responsibility to you. As Mercury interacts with Pluto, your relationship with a friend deteriorates and cools down during this period.

From the 21st to the 25th, Pluto will change positions, while Mars will enter a new position, dealing with loans, banking, and some people will buy insurance and deal with documents related matters. At this stage, there are still mistakes to deal with and remedy at the work level, but it has entered the end, so there is no need to be too stressed, and the appearance of the new moon has brought some people part-time, job-hopping, entrepreneurial opportunities, and you may also discuss with people to do a side business, talk about investment, or join this kind of thing. A small number of people will be ready to move.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mercury and Jupiter interacted, a friend will come to share secrets and thoughts with you, but you seem to have known this for a long time, then you need to grasp the proportion and scale of communication during this period, and you may continue to travel in these days, or have a personal consumption. At the working level, there will be cooperation at the end of the month, and some people may have the opportunity for a raise and promotion at this stage.


Companion Sagittarius, for most people, the theme around this month is the topic of family, this family topic may involve the problems of both of your families, such as both family members have inappropriate or unable to take into account each other's mood practices, words, then there will be a mustard, so at this stage, they and their partners must be unified internally, together to negotiate how to solve it, and who will solve it must also be negotiated. The other thing is that this month someone will really start talking about upgrading housing, which is a good idea to plan well. Single Sagittarius, there will be opportunities to contact new people at the work level, or between customers and partners, it is easy to have some ambiguous things, but you are calmer and will not be very active. This month will also be rich in social activities, and some people will have peach blossoms or romantic things happening in the early part of the month.

Health Attention:

Inflammation, trauma, cysts, reproductive system, acne, neurasthenia, folliculitis, styes, gout, cervical spine



From the 1st to the 5th of the month, Mercury changes places, and at the same time Venus interacts with Jupiter, and you may take the initiative to invite someone. If it is a business-type entertainment, then the meeting will be enjoyable and will most likely lead to some new cooperation and consensus. If it's a personal invitation, this meeting will also lead to further development of your relationship, such as closer friendship or some positive feedback from someone you like. The change of seat of Mercury also gives you the opportunity to learn, you may be ready to learn a new skill, read a new book, or prepare for an exam, or someone is ready to learn to drive. At the beginning of this month, if you have transportation and need to maintain it, or when traveling by car, avoid illegal tickets. There will be contracts at the working level.

From the 6th to the 10th, Saturn will change positions and usher in a full moon - you need to start thinking about what kind of image and reputation you are in the eyes of others? If you are true to yourself, be very self and ignore the feelings of others, it is easy to face criticism at this stage, or it is easy to conflict with people you know. Another point is that you may also have travel arrangements during this period. You may also buy tickets, or second-hand deals. Saturn's change of seat actually makes you pay attention to personal monuments and fame for the next three years, although this is just the beginning, but it also requires some preparation and planning. Some people will receive an offer at this stage, or join a new job.

From the 11th to the 15th, the interaction between Mars and Neptune is easy to bring mistakes, such as mistakes at work, others do things unfavorably, resulting in your own joint responsibility, or during this period you may be hindered by others, and problems are easy to occur in the docking between departments and departments or customers, and this time may need to be eased with the help of a third party. Your superiors may be prone to pressure you or create problems for you during this period, but rest assured, you can solve it, because Mercury also interacts with Uranus, and you will be in and out of the office hall during this period of personal business.

From the 16th to the 20th, Venus will change positions, and at the same time, Mercury will interact with Pluto, and financial luck will recover, and at this stage, people will receive gifts and win the lottery. Others were given raises. The number of things to spend money on these days will also increase, and you need to plan and spend well. If you are in the ambiguous, dating stage, it is easy to have unhappiness with the other person, or you have to reconsider the relationship with this person, and some people will cool down because of this. Mercury also changes locations on these days, you may have to gather with your family, or spend money for your family, and some people need to buy some new household equipment, appliances or move.

From the 21st to the 25th, a new moon will usher in, and Pluto will enter a new position - financial tension, including the possibility that someone may ask you to borrow money, pay accounts, or deal with tax-related matters. If you're a freelancer, don't change your offer lightly or partner make gray area requests (which may hint at you). And as Mars moves into a new location, you may also have to spend money on a child at this stage. You need to pay attention to the health of female elders, and this stage is not suitable for investment and financial management. At the working level, there is project closure and payment settlement.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mercury interacts with Jupiter, and some people travel, travel, or participate in team-building activities in these days, and some people will do medical beauty and change their appearance at this stage. You may meet and make new friends and break into new social circles. In addition, at the end of this month, you may pass exams, assessments, or participate in training, and some people will have to buy electronic products and transportation. Venus interacts with Uranus, and some people will get off the list.


Companion Capricorn, Pluto will temporarily leave your sign this month, partners will negotiate important things this month, this matter may be a problem that can change your life state, such as involving housing, such as involving children, or one of your workplaces, the field of future development, etc., this is just the beginning, because there are many things to negotiate and confirm, and there are many uncertain news about your personal development this March, so both of you need to cheer up, Support each other. During the middle of the first half of the year, you need to avoid paranoia and emotions that can cause stress or even arguments about the other party. Single Capricorn, you may pass on the risk and don't want to fully devote yourself to one thing, so you will use other things to divert your attention, which means that you consciously avoid being too top. This month is also a month to consider whether the date and ambiguous object is reliable, and you will conclude before the end of the month - whether the TA value is worth continuing to know or stop it.

Health Attention:

Hemorrhoids, burns, injuries by animals, wrists, cramps, ears, styes, eczema, acne, sleep, lumbar spine



From the 1st to the 5th of the month, Mercury will enter your financial house, and in the next three months of this month, Aquarius will need to deal with more financial issues, including personal compensation, financial management, loans, etc., you may have to confirm your disposable funds and those "funds that are not easily accessible" this month. The change of seat of Mercury will also give some freelancers the opportunity to improve their offer, and this sign does not create financial pressure for you, but because you have planned to redo your asset allocation. During the first few days of the month, you may also have to deal with bills, reimbursements, taxes and other matters. Some people are ready to order tickets at the beginning of the month, or they are applying for holidays. Since Venus interacts with Jupiter, you may have a meeting or appointment at the beginning of the month.

From the 6th to the 10th, Saturn will enter your money house, which is actually close to the things mentioned earlier, in fact, in the next three years, you may have to make major financial changes - and these things may be the beginning of a new stage of life, such as dealing with housing matters, replacing or buying a house, or facing these financial measures because of education and other issues, but don't worry, this horoscope also indicates that your financial problems will improve significantly in the coming days. And you start to have more opportunities to make money, including someone who will start a side hustle, work part-time, etc., and your income begins to diversify. Because there is another full moon, you may also have to deal with insurance and tickets. Some people also go in and out of medical institutions. At the working level, there may be other departments shirking responsibility these days, causing you to deal with the mess situation, but the problem can be solved. Superiors will also value you during this period, and some people have the opportunity to be promoted.

From the 11th to the 15th, Mars and Neptune interacted, this angle may bring you some disputes, this dispute may be with friends, colleagues friction, unpleasant conversations, or with partners, in short, at this stage, you need to pay attention. Of course, because of Neptune, you may also pay attention to personal health problems, or during this period, a small number of people are prone to cold war or breakup.

From the 16th to the 20th, Venus will enter a new position, and at the same time Mercury interacts with Pluto, and it is very likely that you want to verify because you have learned some gossip, but during this period you are also very self-contradictory, do not know how to speak, because there are likely to be other effects, then at this stage you can choose silence, because the truth of the matter will also appear soon. At the work level, there will be entertainment, and even people from relevant departments. Some people will have the opportunity to earn extra money at this stage. In addition, some people will prepare for business trips or trips.

From the 21st to the 25th, the sun will change positions, and at the same time usher in a new moon, there will be pleasant socialization, there will be peach blossom opportunities, and this stage may also prepare for the exam. Some people will be contacted by headhunters or have the opportunity to interview. Since Pluto has changed places and come to your sign, you may actually start an unusual relationship, perhaps involving interests, cooperation, or perhaps meeting someone very special – someone who may already know or is already in contact. Mars will also change positions at this stage, still paying attention to personal health, easy to eat tickets or have favor consumption.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mars interacts with Saturn, and it is easier to talk to you older than you or your superiors, give you advice, and even bring you good news, some people will support other departments' tasks and projects at this stage, and you will also use your own personal resources to solve some work content. Venus and Uranus also interact harmoniously, and you may also deal with logistics-related matters at this stage, participate in competitions, or host meetings, and there may be something surprising happening at the end of the month.


Companion Aquarius, for most people, your relationship hasn't changed much this month. But one thing to note is that Pluto will enter your sign, although it is only for a few months, but it will also make you change the mode of getting along, and some people even get together less and more for other reasons, becoming a long-distance, exotic relationship, but these are only temporary. Another point is that Pluto may also put pressure on you - this pressure comes from the relaxation and freedom of your relationship, and if you are very demanding about this, you can have a good chat with each other before the middle of the month. Single Aquarius, Pluto will bring you a very special person, from March to July, this person may have some sparks with you, and this person may be someone you already know, or have heard of, you can keep looking forward to it, but if you are currently ambiguous and do not confess during the dating stage, the relationship may be unstable in the middle of the first half of the year.

Health Attention:

Allergies, folliculitis, conjunctivitis, fever, heart, hypoglycemia, gastroenteritis, pharyngitis, teeth, joints of the extremities



From the 1st to the 5th of the month, Mercury officially comes to your sign, and Venus and Jupiter also have harmonious interaction, and at the beginning of the month you will receive some good news, which may be related to finances, or positive feedback on cooperation at work. Your state is slowly improving, and because Mercury is settled in your zodiac sign, some people will take the initiative to go out and meet new friends, including expanding network resources, and you will also consciously get in touch. You may be able to integrate into a new social circle at the beginning of the month, which will have a positive impact on your subsequent academic and work development. However, it should be noted that the interaction between Mercury and Saturn may allow you to meet strong people, but this person is not scary, on the contrary, you will learn a lot from this person. Some attend interviews at the beginning of the month or prepare for exams.

From the 6th to the 10th, a full moon appears in your opposite palace position, which means that there is a project to be closed, or after communicating for a long time, you can finally get the final confirmation, and at this stage, there are also people who will be ready to join the new job. If you're unemployed, or experience injustice in your old job, a new job opportunity will soon arrive. Saturn, an important star, is about to enter your sign and stay for nearly 3 years, please don't be afraid of the arrival of Saturn, on the contrary, it is helping you build a new life, there will be pressure, there will be hard work, but these are positive efforts, you will be rewarded. Under the dual influence of the full moon and Saturn, you may leave a relationship that consumes you, such as a friend who consumes you and even uses you, but you are very accommodating to each other, and for example, you will leave an unhealthy emotional, marriage relationship. If it is a business cooperation, you will find that some people are not actually suitable for cooperation, involving character issues, then you will also start to stop losses during this period.

From the 11th to the 15th, Mars and Neptune have interacted, easy to have conflicts with family, or there are close people in this period who will refuse and do not support you to do something, I suggest you calm down, because at this time you are not the sane character, even if you think that you have assessed various hidden dangers, but this time is more suitable to temporarily postpone your thoughts. In addition, during this period, it is easy to have appliances damaged in the home, or there are problems with the pipes. Some people travel at this stage, but are prone to delays or other situations, but the end result is good.

From the 16th to the 20th, Venus will enter a new position, and Venus interacts with Saturn, which is still an expansion of social relationships, and you may confirm cooperation, sign agreements, or prepare to deal with housing-related matters during this period, and some people will participate in bidding, bidding, and the results are also positive. You may also be visiting customers during this period. Others are ready to move. At this stage, Mercury will also change places, and you will have good financial news, or some people will be given a raise.

From the 21st to the 25th, Mars will officially enter a new location, and at the same time usher in a new moon, at this stage you will have a payment settlement for work items, or there will still be confirmation of travel. Some people will enter a hectic stage, multiple projects are carried out at the same time, and the people around them become impulsive and smell of gunpowder, so you also need to control your emotions. During these days, you need to pay attention to your own arrangements, meetings, commuting to avoid being late, so as not to be caught. Some people will go in and out of religious places at this stage, or prepare for pets, and if you have pets, you may spend money on pets during these days. Also, pay attention to the health problems of female elders.

From the 26th to the 31st, the interaction between Mercury and Jupiter brings you nobles, some people have peach blossom opportunities, and you may continue to participate in social gatherings and meet new people during the end of the month. At the working level, it is easy to take on the work content of others, because at this time there will be personnel changes within the work, or you will be reorganized internally during this period, and there will be a streamlining of the department.


Companion Pisces, for most people, when Saturn comes to your sign, this month is likely to be mentioned again for a certain issue, although it is not like turning over old accounts, but it is to face the problem that you have been pretending not to happen, or pretending to be generous, but this period is for you to overcome your psychological barriers, and this month you and your partner will also have plans to travel together. Some couples will also have the opportunity to prepare to meet their parents and even confirm marriage-related matters. Starting in the middle and late stages, Mars will change positions, and this position may allow you to focus on your partner's health or your partner's finances, for which you may need to support the other person. Single Pisces, Saturn represents that you want a stable, reliable relationship, not pure love, and this month because of the strong astrological energy of your social house, it is very easy to meet new people or have exciting moments in this month, and some people will have peach blossoms with age differences.

Health Attention:

Headache, cervical spine, sleep, hemorrhoids, beriberi, ears, rheumatism, heart, urinary system, pharyngitis, diarrhea

Alex 12 Zodiac Sign March Monthly Journey: Accept unexpected changes

Written by| Alex

The copyright of this article may not be reproduced without permission

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