
Brushing "Dear Child" again to understand: Fang Yinuo's "showdown with Xie Tianhua after the miscarriage" is really selfish

Wen | Fang Xiaoju

Fang Yinuo accidentally miscarried, and after losing her and Xie Tianhua's child, he said the following words to Xie Tianhua:

"People are so selfish, I don't blame you. When I married you, I didn't love you, and I was selfish. One person made a mistake and flipped over.

Taking advantage of a mistake that Xie Tianhua had to make, Fang Yinuo was bold and bold, and said what he said in his heart without shame - Xie Tianhua was just one of her "takeovers".

Fang Yinuo's very crisp showdown reminded Xie Tianhua of what his sister Xie Dan had said:

"Are you sick?" Thank you! I've seen the receiver, but I've never seen you be such a receiver. Looking for a second marriage is not counted, but also with a child, you simply find a seven-year-old and eighty-year-old to get... You are an unmarried guy, why are you looking for someone with children? You are so willing to raise children for others."

Although Xie Dan's mouth was poisonous, he broke the truth about Fang Yinuo's marriage to Xie Tianhua - to find a good father for his daughter.

Taking advantage of the kindness of the honest man Xie Tianhua and his selfless and sincere love, Fang Yinuo not only found a good father for his daughter Hehe, but also found a solid backer for himself: "Tianhua, I think I can have someone to rely on, I am not afraid..."

You listen, how frank Fang Yinuo is, she married Xie Tianhua because he can be reliable and can bring himself a sense of security, as for love or not, it does not matter.

Fang Yinuo's showdown was really selfish.

01. The selfishness behind a good wife

Fang Yinuo married Xiao Lu because of love. Because she loves Xiao Lu, she can completely ignore Xiao Lu's no house and no car, and she knows that Xiao Lu has a mother who is unreliable and unreliable, and she has a brother who is not angry, and she still marries regardless of it.

Fang Yinuo married Xie Tianhua because she needed it — she needed a receiver, and her daughter Hehe needed a father.

Therefore, she knew that she did not love Xie Tianhua at all, or she married herself halfway and half wronged.

After marrying Xie Tianhua, for the sake of her daughter Hehe, Fang Yinuo has been trying to play the role of a good wife, and in the eyes of outsiders, she and Xie Tianhua are a loving couple. Xie Tianhua has always been proud and satisfied because of such a good wife.

But only Fang Yinuo himself knew how unwilling she was to marry Xie Tianhua with a purpose.

A good marriage should come from love from the heart, and only by loving someone from the bottom of your heart can you willingly do anything for him – such as having children.

Because he didn't love, because of the unwillingness in his heart, Fang Yinuo was always unwilling to pass on the Xie family.

Although Fang Yinuo has never given birth to a "dear child" to the Xie family, the kind and kind Xie family has never felt sorry for her. Xie Dan, who is just straight-talking and loves to hug unevenly, occasionally complains a few times because of his heartache for his brother.

The kindness and tolerance of the Xie family unconsciously connived at Fang Yinuo's selfishness.

When Hehe suffered from leukemia and urgently needed cord blood to save his life, Fang Yinuo ignored Xie Tianhua's feelings, first filed for divorce, and then concealed him, and Xiao Lu opened a room in the hotel, hoping to have another child to save Hehe.

At this time, Fang Yinuo was already selfish enough to ignore her own identity, and she forgot that she was Xie Tianhua's wife and also forgot that she was the daughter-in-law of the Xie family. As long as she can save her daughter, she can do anything.

Although Later, because she could not get over the obstacle in her heart, Fang Yinuo and Xiao Lu did not have a fait accompli, and Xie Tianhua also forgave her, but her selfishness seriously hurt Xie Tianhua's family.

After Xie Dan learned that Fang Yinuo and Xiao Lu had opened a room outside in order to save Hehe, they were extremely shocked by her selfishness, and she, who had always been strong, said this to her brother with tears in her eyes:

"She wants to save the child, I can understand, I am also a mother, let's not say for the time being whether her newborn child can save Hehe." But do you want to understand? The person who will live with her for a lifetime in the future is you, how long is your life! Have you ever wondered how you guys are doing? You love Fang Yinuo and think about her everywhere, but has she thought about it for you? Did she consider your feelings? Are you a big man, have you lived like this for the rest of your life? Raise children for others, but also raise two children, what do you do? Don't you want a child of your own"?

Xie Dan's heartfelt words completely tore fang Yinuo's extreme selfishness of thinking only for himself and never considering the feelings of others.

In order to find a father for her daughter, she married Xie Tianhua against her will, so that Xie Tianhua never enjoyed the taste of true love; in order to save her daughter, she actually had to open a room with her ex-husband to have another child, completely ignoring Xie Tianhua's feelings and dignity.

Since you don't love, don't marry, and since you are married, don't say you don't love, this is the minimum bottom line of being a person.

But in his heart, he only thought of his own Fang Yinuo, but he ignored the bottom line, and in front of Xie Tianhua, he cruelly said hurtful words such as "when I married you, I didn't love you".

Fang Yinuo's showdown with Xie Tianhua really interpreted selfishness to his home.

02. Cool behind a good mother

The drama "Dear Child" is intended to render the mother's difficulty and praise the greatness of mother's love.

After watching the episode, we have to admit that for the "dear child" Hehe, Fang Yinuo is a very competent and good mother, and she is simply omnipotent for Hehe.

But while acknowledging that Fang Yinuo is a good mother, we have to feel sorry for her coldness - Hehe is her "dear child", is Xie Tianhua's flesh and bones not her "dear child"?

When he learned the news of Fang Yinuo's pregnancy, the Xie family was as happy as a festival.

Finally looking forward to his "dear child", Xie Tianhua danced happily; Xie Tianhua boiled chicken soup all night and rushed to the hospital with her daughter to see her daughter-in-law early the next morning; Xie Father even shed tears of happiness; even Xie Dan, who had always looked down on Yinuo, excitedly told his parents that after Fang Yinuo gave birth to a child, she would be like them and treat Fang Yinuo as an ancestor.

However, Fang Yinuo's attitude towards the Xie family not only disappointed them, but also made them feel painful and desperate.

Fang Yinuo did not want to give birth to the flesh and bones of the Xie family.

Since she could not come with Xiao Lu to save Hehe, she decided to do IVF with him.

Xie Dan came to the hospital to see Fang Yinuo, and after knowing that she did not intend to give birth to the Xie family's child, he angrily questioned her loudly:

"You don't want to have this child, and you're worried about reborn with Xiao Lu, right?" Fang Yinuo, you took a child to marry our Xie family, how our family treats you, you pat your own conscience and think. My parents are so old, they have taken out their life savings to treat Hehe, are we sorry Hehe... You want to have a baby with Xiao Lu, have you thought about what we do with the Xie family? When the child is born, isn't it our Xie family to wipe the butt"?

Fang Yinuo, who had an iron heart to be an IVF baby, did not say a word under Xie Dan's questioning, and she expressed her attitude with silence.

Seeing that her daughter was questioned by the eldest sister and speechless, Yinuo's mother strongly helped her fight back:

"The belly is my daughter's, and whether the child in the belly will stay or not, she has the final say." My daughter's surname is Fang, and she can do whatever she wants."

After saying that, she pulled Fang Yinuo's head back to the ward without turning back.

Xie Dan, who had been left to the side, had never encountered such a counterattack, and looking at the back of Fang Yinuo's departure, she shook her head helplessly.

When Xie Tianhua rushed over, Xie Dan asked him to call Fang Yinuo downstairs in the hospital, and for the sake of the Xie family's flesh and bones, Xie Dan, who had always been strong and arrogant, threw himself on his knees in front of Fang Yinuo, took her hand, and begged her to leave the Xie family's child.

Fang Yinuo ignored Xie Dan, who was kneeling on the ground, and she broke free of her hand, lowered her head and ran away.

Looking at Fang Yinuo, who was fiercely leaving, Xie Tianhua hugged his sister and silently shed tears, then he pulled up his sister and wiped her knees, and then he walked into Dr. Jin's office and reported Fang Yinuo and Xiao Lu.

After the hospital learned that Fang Yinuo and Xiao Lu were no longer a legal couple, it terminated the IVF for them.

Xiao Lu received a notice from the hospital and called to tell Fang Yinuo, Fang Yinuo was momentarily in a trance, and accidentally fell to the ground and miscarried.

The kindness and tolerance of the Xie family, after Fang Yinuo's miscarriage, once again carried forward, although they were sad about losing their flesh and bones, but in the end they forgave Fang Yinuo, and even Xie Dan did not have the other party's promise.

When Fang Yinuo went home to get something, the Xie family treated her very well, and Xie's father stewed chicken soup for her and said a lot of comforting words for her.

Xie Tianhua confessed that he reported her and Xiao Lu's mistakes, and cried in front of her like a child, constantly saying "I'm sorry."

Looking at Xie Tianhua, who was tearfully communicating because of self-blame, Fang Yinuo said the sentence lightly: "One person is wrong once and turns over."

Picking on the mistake that Xie Tianhua had made that was not a mistake, Fang Yinuo easily turned the page on the harm to Xie's family.

Her showdown is really selfish and cold to go home.

03. The calculation behind swallowing

Fang Yinuo's marriage with Xie Tianhua, if it is said that she married Xie Tianhua, it is better to say that she calculated Xie Tianhua.

There is a saying that marriage is not a calculation, it is a calculation. This sentence is especially appropriate for Fang Yinuo.

Fang Yinuo used the wisdom of the teacher to calculate the gains and losses of marrying Xie Tianhua, and then calculated the Xie family with patience.

She knew very well that if she married into the Xie family with her children in her second marriage, if she was still as arrogant as in the Xiao family, she would not be spared, even if Xie Tianhua loved her again, there was a day when the Xie family could not stand up. Therefore, she adopted the strategy of swallowing anger in the Xie family.

So, when Shedan thought that her brother was not worth marrying her and attacked her, she said something like this:

"Sister, I'm going to have a good fate when I meet you, really. From now on, if you feel unhappy one day, you can always be like today, no problem. I would love to be in this home, I feel like I can stay in this home."

Fang Yinuo's stoic swallowing has had a remarkable effect: the Xie family did not agree to Xie Tianhua as a receiver from the beginning, and slowly became good to her.

Xie Mother because she loves to eat sauerkraut fish, resolutely do not let her daughter boil the fish to eat, Xie Father is distressed that she works hard, often make a large table of dishes waiting for her to come back to eat, even Xie Dan's husband Song Guangming, often praise her virtuousness.

Xie Tianhua was not only willing to pay for her, but also preferred to drag down all the Xie family in order to save Hehe. Not only did he sell the house himself, but he also encouraged his elderly parents to bring out the coffin book.

Since ancient times, it has been the most difficult to get along with sisters-in-law, and if a strong sister on the stall does not know how to swallow, she will let herself suffer a big loss. Feng Xiaoqin in "Heart Residence" is the best proof.

The cleverness of Fang Yinuo is that she is different from Feng Xiaoqin, who has a low level of education, in front of her eldest sister Xie Dan, she knows how to swallow her anger and never takes a head-on confrontation.

On Hehe's birthday, Xie Dan, because her parents were partial to Fang Yinuo, borrowed the excuse of her husband Song Guangming's words, she couldn't help but get angry and said what was in her heart:

"Fang Yinuo, I don't like you, and I don't accept you. I felt a loss for my brother, and I felt that it was not worth it. My brother is a big guy, he can't marry any girl, why do you have to marry you? He didn't even have his own children, and he raised children for others every day. Why?"?

Xie Dan's merciless words, whoever listened to it would not be able to bear to explode the hair, even if he did not fry the hair, he would also be angry, at least he had to throw a few blank eyes to her, but Fang Yinuo put up with it.

She not only endured, but also said something like this:

"Sister, I am already married to Tianhua, already sitting at this table, where do you think I am not doing well, I will change." How can I do you satisfy, you tell me, is it good"?

Fang Yinuo's patience made Xie Tianhua and his parents feel very embarrassed, they cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks while counting down Xie Dan, and Fang Yinuo once again won the hearts of the people.

Watching "Dear Child", we have to admit that the kindness of the Xie family is very rare in today's society. Fang Yinuo, on the other hand, used selfishness and calculation to hurt their rare virtues again and again.

Because of Xie Tianhua's kindness, Fang Yinuo knew that he did not love him, but he made him a receiver; because of the kindness of the Xie family, Fang Yinuo touched their bottom line again and again, whether they could stand it or not.

Until the final miscarriage and the loss of Xie Tianhua's child, Fang Yinuo did not feel how sorry he was for the Xie family, nor did he feel that he should feel guilty.

Her showdown with Xie Tianhua was exactly the selfish and cold that arrived home.

Write at the end:

Watching "Dear Child", I was shocked again and again by Fang Yinuo's selfishness.

Marrying Xiao Lu, because of selfishness, she stirred up the whole marriage, and then, because of Xiao Lu's cheating, she retaliated against him fiercely, and in the end, she even stripped Xiao Lu of the right to visit her daughter.

Marrying Xie Tianhua, because of selfishness, she not only made Xie Tianhua a receiver, but also let Xie Tianhua's family follow her into a wronged leader. And she had to keep letting Xie Tianhua wipe her ass with her.

Xie Tianhua was forced to make such a small mistake, which just became an excuse for her to vent her resentment and dissatisfaction.

Her showdown with Xie Tianhua undoubtedly reduced him to worthless.

"I don't love you" is the biggest irony of Xie Tianhua, the docked disk man, and it makes Xie Tianhua's dedication instantly become a joke.

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