
Men would rather be single than marry three kinds of women, and no matter how beautiful they are, they may not be able to look at them

Text/Ye Feifei yff

Figure/Originated from the network

I am Ye Feifei yff, a non-famous emotional teacher, writing emotional texts that take the heart, hoping to use warm words to bring you some spiritual comfort.

As the old saying goes, "Marry a virtuous wife, Wang Sandai." ”

This is very reasonable, what kind of wife a man marries, it also determines the future quality of life, as well as the prosperity of the family.

A good wife is not only a gentle harbor for men, but also the foundation of family harmony.

If there is such a woman in a family, the days will definitely get better and better, bringing good feng shui to the whole family.

On the contrary, if a man marries a woman of bad character, he is likely to plunge the family into endless strife, and life must be a chicken feather.

Therefore, every man wants to marry a virtuous wife, and they will be cautious before marriage, and will not easily marry a woman home.

After all, men have a particularly heavy responsibility for marriage, and once they choose a woman, they will keep their lifelong commitments to her and give her happiness.

Men are mostly rational and understand the meaning of marriage better than women, and they will not make marriage commitments to women who are not worthy.

Therefore, women that men will not marry often have some "commonalities", they would rather be single than marry three kinds of women, no matter how beautiful they may not be able to see.

Men would rather be single than marry three kinds of women, and no matter how beautiful they are, they may not be able to look at them

First, women with complex emotional experiences

In men's hearts, the one who cares most about a woman's past, they won't marry a woman who has too much emotional experience.

If a woman has been in love many times before, or has no boundaries with friends of the opposite sex, men will judge that this kind of woman is emotionally flooded and not worth marrying.

No matter how beautiful a woman looks and how good she is, they don't look up to it and don't interact easily.

In fact, men are very realistic, they can tolerate women's past in love, but if they really want to get married, they can't accept women who have complicated emotional experiences.

Regardless of whether men themselves have achieved emotional single-mindedness, they do not allow women's feelings to overflow. That is, men can have exes themselves, but they can't accept women having exes.

Therefore, in the hearts of men, women who have had too many emotional experiences, even if they look beautiful, they will not marry.

Men would rather be single than marry three kinds of women, and no matter how beautiful they are, they may not be able to look at them

Miss Zhang, a colleague, was broken up by her boyfriend because she had two love experiences, and the boyfriend could not accept it.

Miss Zhang said that she did talk about love twice, the first boyfriend was talked about in college, and they broke up after more than a year of dating.

Later, after joining the work, she made another boyfriend, the two talked for two and a half years, and finally broke up because of personality incompatibility.

In this way, Miss Zhang had two love experiences, but she did not pay attention to it, and felt that it was not a very normal thing to talk about love when she was young?

However, reality soon slapped her, and when she met her current boyfriend on a blind date, the two had been dating for half a year, and the boyfriend proposed to break up.

Miss Zhang asked the reason, and the boyfriend also directly stated his attitude, unable to accept her previous two love experiences, and the two people broke up calmly.

So, men may not really marry women who have experienced too much emotional experience, and they can't get past the hurdle in their hearts.

Like Miss Zhang, this situation is still in normal love, but also disliked by the boyfriend, if it is a woman who has a very complicated emotional experience, men are even more unsightly.

Men would rather be single than marry three kinds of women, and no matter how beautiful they are, they may not be able to look at them

Second, women with male girlfriends and other friends of the opposite sex

I don't know when it started, many women began to have male girlfriends, they talked with this opposite sex very well, and the feelings seemed very harmonious.

However, in the eyes of men, this situation is not normal, they will be accustomed to thinking that this kind of woman with male girlfriends, feelings are not simple.

Because, a woman can get along with friends of the opposite sex without boundaries, losing the bottom line of communication, where can there be true pure friendship?

In fact, men's understanding is not unreasonable, and the opposite sex in normal communication is unlikely to make undue actions, let alone maintain an intimate relationship.

Therefore, men basically do not marry this kind of woman with male girlfriends, and no matter how beautiful they are, they will give up.

Men would rather be single than marry three kinds of women, and no matter how beautiful they are, they may not be able to look at them

For example, a colleague Mr. Liu, he likes a woman, spent a lot of effort to pursue, after more than half a year, paid a lot of energy and material, and finally caught up.

However, he originally thought that if he found true love, love would be very beautiful, but he found out that he was wrong within a month of dating.

It turned out that Mr. Liu accidentally found that his girlfriend had a particularly good male girlfriend, the two people often chatted, encountered rest days, and going out to shop for dinner was the norm, which made Mr. Liu feel unable to accept it.

However, he really loves his girlfriend, so he first reminds her to keep a distance from other members of the opposite sex and not to cross the line.

Unexpectedly, the girlfriend actually retorted to him, saying that he was too careful, not generous at all, and acted very angry.

This attitude naturally makes Mr. Liu feel cold, and after making many efforts, the girlfriend still has intimate contacts with male girlfriends.

In the end, Mr. Liu gave up, and he felt that this kind of woman was really not worth giving affection, let alone marrying home.

Therefore, if a man encounters such a woman with male girlfriends and other friends of the opposite sex, he will basically not get involved, let alone marry them.

Men would rather be single than marry three kinds of women, and no matter how beautiful they are, they may not be able to look at them

Three, women who often go out ambiguously

In the heart of a man, a woman who often goes out ambiguously, the feelings are very cheap, and no matter how beautiful they are, they will not be moved.

If a woman has no boundaries with the opposite sex and the relationship is ambiguous, it will not only make herself not respected, but also affect the future marriage.

Admittedly, it is understandable for women to go out and participate in socializing, but there is a rule that must be followed, that is, do not play ambiguous with men, and be self-respecting and self-loving.

If you can't even do the basic principles, it is likely to have a negative impact on your feelings, so that you can't get the man's cherishing.

In the eyes of men, a woman's character is also very important, not that you are beautiful and have the capital of marriage and love.

If women and the opposite sex do not distinguish each other, beyond the bottom line of communication, the final result is to be disappointed, or even greatly hurt.

Feelings, the most important point, are loyalty and single-mindedness, which is also the basis for maintaining marriage.

Men would rather be single than marry three kinds of women, and no matter how beautiful they are, they may not be able to look at them

A woman with flooded feelings, even if she is beautiful and excellent herself, may not be a good person in men's hearts.

Men don't marry such women, and once they find that women are ambiguous with others, they will give up no matter how much they love.

It also reminds women in life not to squander love when you are young, and if you don't cherish yourself, no one will cherish you in the future.

Some women always blame men for not loving themselves, but they are not single-minded about their feelings, and this mentality is not right.

When you ask a man to give you a preference, you also have to give back to the man's most sincere love, and feelings are also exchanged equally to a certain extent.

Only when a woman maintains her own capital and has the capital to make men feel sorry for you, will you become a woman worth marrying in a man's heart.

If you often go out for ambiguity and make your feelings so cheap, men will not marry you at all, because it is too unworthy.

Men would rather be single than marry three kinds of women, and no matter how beautiful they are, they may not be able to look at them

Ye Feifei yff emotional message:

Cervantes said: "Beauty is not all cute; some are just pleasing to the eye and intoxicating." If he sees a beautiful person and is infatuated, the heart will be chaotic and can never be fixed; because there are too many beauties to count, his love will be lost and there will be no destination. ”

In fact, men understand this truth, they can pursue beautiful women in love, but if they really want to enter marriage, they must look at women's character, not beauty.

Whether it is a man or a woman, marriage is a turning point in life and will carry beautiful expectations for the future.

Therefore, no man will put his future happiness on a woman who does not deserve it.

In fact, the women that men will not marry often have some commonalities, nothing more than these three kinds of women, it is easy to see.

Women with complicated emotional experiences, women with friends of the opposite sex such as male girlfriends, women who often go out ambiguously.

Men face such women, even if they are beautiful, they will not marry home.

I hope that men and women in reality can treat feelings correctly, treat marriage cautiously, and become the real good people in each other's hearts.

Author: Ye Feifei yff, focus on the field of emotion creation and sharing, with emotions to communicate with you and my heart, but I hope you and I know each other here, like please pay attention to me.

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