
Don't pick a blind date, oh

A girl, twenty-nine years old, good looking, has a house of her own, and her job is also very good, but she has been busy with work, so she ignores personal problems, so she has to open the road of blind date.

After several blind dates, the men she met or the people who introduced her to the object revealed an attitude from time to time, that is, she was not young, and when she came to the blind date, don't pick it.

What's more, one of the men, just met, said that he was willing to marry her, and he looked like she didn't know how to be a good villain, and his willingness to marry her was her greatest blessing, and she should be grateful to Dade and quickly agree.

And the man, thirty-five years old, had nothing, was mediocre in appearance, and even his income was particularly unstable.

There had been a few times of this experience, which really made her feel a little uncomfortable, but she was not angry, but silently chose to stay away.

In the relationship, there are always some people who will feel that since they have come to the blind date, they should not be picky, and they still want to find a satisfactory one, but they should be casual, and some people are willing to accept it, and they should be thankful.

Such a view, some people think so, it is someone else's business, we can't decide others to think this way, but we don't have to think the same way, or have our own persistence.

Don't pick a blind date, oh

The blind date was not because it was bad, it just happened not to be encountered.

Somehow, in the hearts of too many people, there seems to be a voice, feeling that if a person is good, then at a very good age, he will be directly chased away by others, and he will say goodbye to being single long ago.

And if a person does not have it and still needs a blind date, then it must be because the conditions are not very good, or there is something wrong.

Therefore, when on a blind date, unconsciously, many people will think of themselves as very high, a look of being high, but at the same time, they only look at each other very low, thinking that even if the other party looks good and has good conditions, it must not be very good.

It's like there's something hidden, like there's something unknown about it.

Then, in the blind date, there will be some contempt for each other, feel that they are willing to give each other a chance, meet each other, be willing to develop with each other, and even fall in love and get married, that is their own gift, they are saving each other.

Many people have this mentality, but the other party really does not necessarily need it.

Many times, a person will need a blind date, that is really not because it is worse than other people, but it just happens that the circle is relatively small, it happens that because something is delayed, and it happens that it has not been encountered accidentally.

When we understand very well that we are actually not bad, but for various reasons, we have to choose blind dates, even if it is blind dates, of course, we do not have to be timid, we do not have to be arbitrarily suppressed by others, to fulfill the ignorant superiority of others.

For those who are inexplicably superior, there is no nonsense, no need to explain, no need to be affected by the mood, let the other party always feel good about themselves, directly break the contact, and then look for it well.

Don't pick a blind date, oh

Blind dates are just one way, still for happiness.

There are also many voices, saying that since it is a blind date, don't expect the other party to have how sincere, don't expect the other party to pursue like free love, and will give all kinds of romance and fulfillment in the future days.

As if, since you are willing to go on a blind date, it means that you are willing to be together, you should omit all the processes and rituals, go straight to the subject, just from the acquaintance directly to the marriage, someone is willing to marry themselves, they should be satisfied, that is the best ending.

However, blind date, that is indeed to find a person, hand in hand with each other in this life, but blind date, but it does not mean that you are willing to chat and meet, that is, to be sure that you are not worthy of love, you should directly skip all the links.

Indeed, if you feel good about meeting each other and go directly into marriage, it is indeed okay, and there does not seem to be any problem.

However, if each other does not have any reverence for this acquaintance at all, if they feel that they are blind dates, they will treat each other casually, and if they do not understand each other, they will marry directly, and after marriage, it will be difficult to live well, and finally they will pay the price for it.

Even if it is a blind date, too many things, in fact, should not be sloppy, blind date is not no choice, you should grab one at will, but just to jump out of your own small circle, so that you can have more possibilities.

It's just a way to know more people and make more friends with the opposite sex, not that since you are willing to go on a blind date, you belong to each other.

In fact, blind dates and self-knowledge, that is not different, there should not be too much difference.

The ultimate goal is to screen well in the process of blind date, find a person who is really a good fit, start a good relationship, and then after falling in love, if you still feel that each other is good, then enter the marriage and start towards happiness.

Don't pick a blind date, oh

Don't pick when you come on a blind date, for such remarks, we don't have to care too much, and we don't have to take care of it.

No matter what others say, we must be clear about who we are married to, which is really important.

Others can persuade us to do it, persuade us to lower our requirements, persuade us not to have any standards, but we must not.

Those who persuade us, even if it is really for our own good, but after marriage, we can only go through it ourselves, find the wrong person, in the future days, we will really only suffer.

As for those who meet on blind dates, those who do not know how to respect at all, who seem to be very arrogant, let those people get into their own preferences, the tao is different, there is no need to waste saliva and energy, there is no need to waste mood.

What we need is never a frivolous person, someone who doesn't know how to respect us. It is a person of the opposite sex who respects people, loves us very much, has a very consistent three views, appreciates each other, and is willing to live well with us.

Marriage, this is a big thing, a good lover, will make us feel very healing, very happy, but a bad marriage, that will really only bring us a variety of storms, really not as good as a person.

Text/Tan Meng


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