
Women who are truly discerning, don't marry older men, for real reasons


In the blind date market, those red women always like to introduce older men to women, and their faces are also a good look for you, which means that older men will hurt people, and there is also an economic basis, and it is not wrong to marry such a man.

Even the woman's family agrees with this view. They feel that it is better to find such stable and economically powerful men than to find young men who have little social experience and do not care about things.

Their intentions are good, but it is not so easy to meet really reliable older men. This is an ultra-low probability event. There must be a reason why older men are single so far. It's not that there are flaws in people, but this person will choose to be single so far, there must be reasons that everyone doesn't know. And this reason, some people can accept, some people can not accept.

And older men may also be divorced or widowed men, and whether women can accept this is also a matter of consideration.

In fact, there are more to consider than that, there are many more. So, a woman with real vision, won't marry an older man, for a very realistic reason.

Women who are truly discerning, don't marry older men, for real reasons


The first reason: single for too long and not easy to adjust to family life.

The reason why a truly discerning woman will not marry an older man is because if an older man is still unmarried, then he has been single for too long. As we all know, it is difficult for a person to adapt to family life after being single for a long time, living a life of freedom, no one interfering with and no one caring.

A person is free and accustomed, he is used to private space, he is used to everything is his own decision, and he is accustomed to living without burdens.

Suddenly one day he became a family, became the pillar of a small family, he needs to be responsible for this family, need to deal with messy kinship, but also need to take care of his mother-in-law's family, there is even a person at home who occupies his private space, but also manages him, under the change of such a living environment and various pressures, he will feel at a loss, will be very irritable, and even have the idea of regretting marriage for a moment.

Women who are truly discerning, don't marry older men, for real reasons

Once such an idea is born, then he will not think of running the marriage well. And women face such a home, such a husband, will only feel angry and helpless. Home is not like home, she wants to talk to the other party well, but the other party is more and more irritable, completely uncooperative. Obviously, she had a new home after marriage, but at home, because of her husband's various pickiness and irritability, she stubbornly lived her life under the fence.

Husbands are not like husbands, homes are not like homes, and women will live very depressed in these days. Although this is a bit extreme, many women who marry older men really live such days.

The woman originally married an older man with hope, thinking that the older man would hurt people and be good to himself, and as a result, after getting married and living together, he found that the man could not adapt to family life at all, he was very egotistical, and even had some rejection of his wife. How else can you live like this?

So, women with real vision, don't marry older men because they know that these older men have been single for too long and won't be easy to adjust to family life.

Women who are truly discerning, don't marry older men, for real reasons


The second reason: there may be invisible character defects.

Older men are certainly single for a reason, it is impossible to be without a reason. If a person is dragged into an older leftover man, then he is likely to have an invisible character defect.

Older men have not been married so far, either they have not been in a relationship once, or they have been in love several times, but they have not reached the end, of course, there is also a possibility, that is, they have had a marriage experience, but for some reason they are divorced, or they are widowed. It's all possible.

First of all, the kind of older man who has not been in love once, this kind of man does not have to think about knowing that he must have an invisible character defect, of course, there may be other reasons, but the biggest possibility is that there is an invisible character defect, this personality defect makes him not get the favor of women, or as long as women have been in contact with him for a long time, they will find that this person is simply unbearable. So, he became an older man who had never been in a relationship once.

There is also an older man who has been in love several times, but has not come to the end. This situation can't be the woman's problem every time, right? Once or twice, it can be said that he was unlucky and did not meet a real fit, but by three times four times and five times it has not yet been done, then we can only suspect that this man may have invisible character flaws. Either men can't like a woman for a long time, or there's something about men that women can't accept. Either way, it's not a good person.

Women must look at the problem rationally, if you are too naïve, or too optimistic, you may really pick up an older man with a full "groove".

Women who are truly discerning, don't marry older men, for real reasons


The third reason: before the child grows up, he is already old.

Even if the woman is lucky, she really meets a reliable older man, who is very adapted to family life, has no personality defects, and is particularly good to you, making you think that you are a little princess who is held in the palm of your hand.

This is an experience that can only be experienced when you are newly married, even if people can be consistently good to you, but you also have to consider the reality.

Two people are married, and they are going to have children. Even if you are young and have children, it is okay, but the man is already a little older. When you have a child, you don't feel like it, but when it comes to raising a child, you will find that the man is older, he will be powerless, and you need to pay more.

Women who are truly discerning, don't marry older men, for real reasons

Moreover, have you ever thought that time is passing, you can't stay at this age, when you just got married and had children, although the two of you have a large age difference, you should not feel too much gap in ordinary times, and it will not make you feel uncomfortable. But after a few years, the man enters old age, and you are still in middle age, at this time your children have not grown up, and your man has no ability to work and needs you to take care of it.

At this time, you not only have to take care of the child, you also have to take care of your man, and when your man is gone, you also have to pull the big child alone, and when the child is old, you also have to help him start a family, which you have to bear by yourself.

If a woman can predict such a future, will she still be willing to marry such an older man?

Therefore, women with real vision have long thought of this possibility, so they will not marry older men.

Women who are truly discerning, don't marry older men, for real reasons


For a while, in the group of young women, that kind of uncle type man was very popular. Women feel that this kind of man is too flavorful, and they have a stability and atmosphere that young men do not have, which makes women feel very reliable.

But many of women's ideas are influenced by film and television dramas. Everyone should know that film and television dramas are only film and television dramas after all, it is not reality, and in reality, these elderly uncle-type men are not as perfect as the uncles in film and television dramas.

The uncle-type elderly men in the film and television drama are all handsome, golden, and the boyfriend is bursting. But in reality, it is difficult to find such an uncle-type elderly man, and it can even be said that it cannot be found at all.

The older man in real life, that is the representative of the middle-aged greasy man who is alive and free. Some women may be captured by the financial resources they show or by the well-informed looks they show. But when she actually enters into marriage with such a man and really lives together, she will find that this is not the kind of married life she is looking forward to at all.

She will find that men may have been single for a long time and are not accustomed to family life at all, making it difficult for her to live with each other. She will also find the other person's personality flaws, which have not been found before, and this kind of personality defect will make her feel that this life is simply too bad.

And after she gritted her teeth and survived all the days, she found that the child had not grown up, and the man was already old. All the burdens of life now weighed on her alone.

Such a life is simply a tragedy. Therefore, in the marriage market, if you meet an older man, the woman must be cautious and cautious.


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