
The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

Original | Pregnancy

Many mothers take meaningful videos and photos during pregnancy.

For example, pregnant photos, prenatal and postnatal transformation videos, these will be the most special memorials in the future.

But there are really many unknowns about childbirth, and no one can predict it.

Recently, the pregnant mother brushed a video, which is very heartbreaking.

The mother in the video was pregnant in October, and in the third trimester, she shot a prenatal video, and she thought that after unloading the baby, she could completely put together a prenatal and prenatal transformation video.

(Video source: @焦点观察)

But in the end, mom was absent from the last part of the video.

According to the family, the mother was gone because of postpartum hemorrhage.

In order to help his wife fulfill his last wish, the husband filmed and released all the videos, and the death of his wife made him and his parents very distressed.

The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

This result is really too difficult to accept, the mother even bought a confinement suit with a breastfeeding mouth, thinking that the baby will want breast milk after birth, but unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve her wish.

Many netizens are sorry after watching the video: the baby's smiling face is heartbreaking, and the mother's look of expectation is heartbreaking.

The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

"Medicine is so developed, why? How so? She went to heaven. ”

"Instant tears, remembering that I also had heavy bleeding when I gave birth."

"When a woman gives birth to a child, she walks through the ghost gate, even if medicine is developed."

"She was looking forward to the arrival of the baby so much, but when the baby came, she couldn't hold her and couldn't grow up with her."

Mom's experience is heartbreaking, and the comments of netizens are tearful.

I had heavy bleeding during my birth, and my whole body was changed twice

"It was the baby's cry that pulled me back"

Looking at the above mother's experience, many netizens felt incredible: This is also too unfortunate, now give birth to a child can still die?

The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

But the fact is that childbirth is the result of a race with death when the mother walked through the ghost door, and the mother who could come out smoothly and smiling!

It's just that not all moms are so lucky.

For example, postpartum hemorrhage, this is really an instant tension in the delivery room, if you can't find the bleeding point in time, the consequences really dare not think.

In the above news comments, many mothers shared their dangerous experiences.

"I had a lot of bleeding when I gave birth to my son, and a room full of doctors and nurses saved me, otherwise I would have stayed at 27."

"When I gave birth to my second child, I had a caesarean section and hemorrhage, which was rescued for 5 hours, and God blessed the safety of the mother and child."

The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

"When I gave birth to my son, I had a lot of bleeding, I stuffed two pieces of gauze in my stomach, and I took it out four days later, and I also transfused three bottles of blood to recover."

"I gave birth to a child with heavy bleeding, the whole body blood changed 2 times, really consciously felt that I couldn't hold on, it was the doctor holding the baby crying in my ear, relying on her crying to pick up a life."

The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

Such an experience is really thrilling.

Postpartum hemorrhage, many star mothers have also encountered.

Zhong Jiaxin encountered dangerous hemorrhage after giving birth to her second child, and she thought that it would be good after giving birth, but when she got up to go to the toilet after giving birth to the baby, she suddenly bled nonstop.

Bleeding too much, Zhong Jiaxin fainted directly in the bathroom, frightening her husband to shout for a doctor.

However, after rescue, the hemorrhage was controlled, but Zhong Jiaxin also recuperated for two months before he could walk normally.

The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

Actress Sun Yi also suffered heavy bleeding shortly after giving birth to a baby.

All the machines in the delivery room made a ticking sound, and everyone in the delivery room instantly became nervous.

"Iridium, don't sleep, don't sleep, lose 1400cc of blood, hurry up and adjust blood from the blood bank."

The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

Because of excessive blood loss, Sun Yi's eyes became blurred.

Fortunately, after the doctor's rescue, the bleeding point was found and the bleeding was successfully stopped, and Sun Yi and the baby were unharmed.

The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

Postpartum hemorrhage, a netizen said: once encountered, it is nine deaths, which is very dangerous.

Massive postpartum hemorrhage

It is the leading cause of maternal death!

The World Health Organization has published a set of data:

Globally, 536 000 maternal deaths occur each year.

That is to say, about 1,500 pregnant women die every day from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth, of which postpartum hemorrhage accounts for the most serious.

The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

So how much bleeding is hemorrhage?

Under normal circumstances, a mother who gives birth vaginally loses about 500 milliliters of blood, and a caesarean section is usually 1,000 milliliters.

If there is heavy bleeding, it means that more blood will be lost, and if the amount of bleeding within 24 hours after delivery ≥ 1000ml, it is severe postpartum hemorrhage.

Postpartum hemorrhage is severe, but rare!

It usually occurs within 1 day of delivery, but it can occur within 1-2 weeks of birth, and 1 to 5 out of 100 women experience heavy postpartum haemorrhage.

Massive postpartum bleeding can lead to a severe drop in blood pressure and, if left untreated, can lead to shock and death.

If you experience these symptoms after giving birth, be sure to contact your doctor right away:

●Heavy vaginal bleeding that does not slow down or stop.

●Decreased blood pressure or shock. Signs of low blood pressure and shock include blurred vision, chills, clammy skin or fast heartbeat, dizziness, drowsiness or weakness, and feeling like you're about to faint.

●Nausea (stomach upset) or vomiting.

●Pale skin.

●Swelling and pain around the vagina or perineum.

Risk factors for postpartum haemorrhage

Knowing these saves lives!

Postpartum hemorrhage usually occurs without warning, and there is no way to predict postpartum hemorrhage in advance, but if these conditions occur, it increases the chance of postpartum hemorrhage.

First: uterine problems

●Uterine atony. If the uterus does not contract well after the baby is born, heavy bleeding can occur, which is the most common cause of postpartum heavy bleeding, and the contraction of the uterus after delivery helps stop bleeding at the site where the placenta is shed.

If twins or macrosomia are born, the uterus is stretched up very large, and uterine atony may also occur, too much amniotic fluid, and too long labor will also increase the chance of heavy bleeding.

●Uterine inversion. Entropus is a rare and serious complication during childbirth, most of which occur in the third stage of labor, and if not treated in time, it can lead to shock and heavy bleeding.

●Uterine rupture. This rarely happens, but if the uterus is scarred, has had a previous caesarean section, or has had surgery, it can cause heavy bleeding.

Second: placental problems

●Placental abruption. When the placenta separates from the uterine wall before birth. It can be partially or completely separated.

●Placental implantation. Placental hyperplasia or placental penetration, where the placenta grows too deep into the uterine wall.

●Placenta previa. The placenta is located very low in the uterus and covers all or part of the cervix.

●Retained placenta. If the placenta is not expelled within 30 to 60 minutes after delivery, a case of massive bleeding may occur.

Note: Even if your baby excretes the placenta shortly after birth, the doctor will check the placenta to make sure it passes intact, which can also cause bleeding if the placenta remains.

Third: the problem of childbirth

●Severe tearing. If the tear is severe or the cervical tissue is cut or torn when your baby is born, it can cause heavy bleeding.

●Labor is too long. Prolonged labor can lead to exhaustion of the mother, which is likely to lead to weak uterine contractions and the risk of hemorrhage after childbirth.

●Coagulation problems, physical infections, obesity, preeclampsia, or gestational hypertension also increase the risk of postpartum haemorrhage.

If it is a mother with the above conditions, do not worry too much, even if there are the above conditions, it does not mean that there will be heavy bleeding after childbirth, it may only increase the chance of heavy bleeding, mothers can communicate with the doctor in advance to reduce this risk.

There is no way to prevent postpartum hemorrhage

But the risk can be reduced!

When it comes to heavy bleeding, coping with and reducing the risk can protect mom and baby as much as possible.

First: the response to postpartum hemorrhage

Treatment of major bleeding depends on what caused the bleeding, and this link actively cooperates with the doctor.

●Blood transfusion. Blood transfusions support vital organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys, and liver to prevent organ damage.

●Massage the uterus. Doctors massage the uterus to promote uterine contractions to help stop bleeding.

●Remove residual placenta. Stuff the uterus with gauze, special balloons or sponges, or use medical tools to help stop bleeding from the blood vessels.

●Embolization of blood vessels supplying the uterus. In this procedure, doctors use special tests to look for bleeding blood vessels and inject substances into them to stop bleeding, and it is used in special cases to prevent the need for a hysterectomy.

●Surgery. For example, hysterectomy or caesarean section, if the source of the bleeding can be found and stopped by caesarean section, but if all else does not work, doctors usually perform a hysterectomy.

Second: prevention of postpartum hemorrhage

In order to reduce the risk of postpartum hemorrhage, mothers can do the following to protect themselves and their babies.

●Aggressive correction of anemia. Severe anemia may cause heavy bleeding during childbirth, it is necessary to have a prenatal examination on time, a comprehensive and balanced diet, and actively cooperate with doctors to treat if anemia occurs.

●Choose a regular, well-conditioned hospital for delivery. Whether it is a prenatal examination or childbirth during pregnancy, pregnant mothers must choose a regular hospital with good conditions for delivery, and problems can be dealt with in time.

●Cooperate with doctors to strengthen postpartum observation. Postpartum hemorrhage is mostly within 2 hours after delivery, medical staff will closely monitor the condition of the mother, and the mother should patiently cooperate with the doctor to do a good job of blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, contractions, blood flow detection.

●Breastfeeding. Breast milk can promote uterine contractions and speed up recovery, so if the body allows, stick to breast milk, which is good for both mother and baby.

●Check the uterus at postpartum discharge. If there is an abnormality, be sure to follow the doctor's advice, use the medicine, review and review, and must not stop the doctor because you want to breastfeed the child.

●Do not eat Chinese herbal supplements indiscriminately after childbirth. Indiscriminate supplementation may be harmful to the body, such as causing postpartum hemorrhage or increased blood pressure, and some Chinese medicine ingredients, can be transmitted to the baby through breast milk, causing adverse reactions, the liver function of newborn babies, not yet mature, difficult to deal with these substances, if you really want to eat these Chinese herbal medicines to supplement the body, you must also consult a doctor in a regular Chinese medicine hospital.

The woman's prenatal filming video, the husband helped her complete her last wish was fully released, and the husband: his wife's postpartum hemorrhage is gone

●Observe the discharge of lochia. Lochia usually turns from red to white, from more to less to finally no smell, about a month or so to be cleaned, if it has not been clean or there is an abnormality to seek medical attention in time.

Hope all moms are doing well! I hope all babies will arrive healthy and safe!

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