
Confusing love story

Some people define marriage this way, marriage is not equal to love, and it must be imperfect, love investment can be happy, marriage is not a blind investment, it is easy to become the graveyard of love. The love expert will say this for a while to make you invest, and that will make you stop the loss in time. Just like a warm baby with hot and cold, not getting warmth will also make people afraid.

Confusing love story

So let's take a look at the love stories that make people easily confused

"Marriage is the graveyard of love"

Some people use this sentence to warn that after marriage, men and women are easily bored with each other, and once they enter marriage with each other, they do not know how to cherish it, and the vulgar side does not have to be hidden. Women should not easily become yellow-faced women, otherwise men will soon turn their faces.

In fact, there is indeed such a man, and he is not very good, but he has high requirements for his wife. People who can listen to these words are more likely to fear the misfortune and pain that intimacy brings. So I had to protect myself, find a reason, wander around the siege, and refuse to step in. There are also people who can't imagine how boring it would be to guard a person all year round. There are still so many wonderful things to experience, and so many possibilities to be realized. But every encounter is missed several times, and each time your love makes you miss countless sexual encounters later. But so what? There are thousands of options other than yours, and it is impossible to try them all. The "grave" is not whether they are married or not, but whether two imperfect people can accept the fact that they are not perfectly married.

"I don't care about how long it lasts, I only care about what I once had!"

This phrase, which is no longer fashionable, is still practiced by some young girls at present, and they still advocate the concept of how to be addicted in their hearts. There is no remorse for love, but it is his own possessiveness that is at work in his heart. "Once owned" is like a child playing with a toy, just get it, as if you have the whole world. After a while, there was nothing new, and then aimed at a new target. In addition, the sense of competition also plays a role in fueling the waves, you have to prove that you are different, to attract the attention of others.

Saying "don't care" can you really do it in and out and retreat from the whole body?

Love requires full devotion, but if you don't treat this emotion with a long-lasting heart, then what you once had is only a pain that can't be looked back.

"Leftover women are a strange species of human love"

The person who said this is likely to be a straight man, a single straight man, a single straight man who has been hurt. There are many men who think that the single women who have passed the age of 28 are leftover women because they no longer believe in love, in fact, they are just at the age of not cheating!

"You are responsible for being beautiful as a flower, and I am responsible for making money to support the family"

Before, he said, it doesn't matter if I don't do housework, I'm married to a wife, not a nanny. Later, he said, "You won't do anything to me marry you home for?" Before, he said, if you don't want to go to work, just be at home, I will support you. Later, he said, you eat me and drink mine, what reason do you have to argue with me? Some people say that love is like fishing, and there is no need to waste bait when you are hooked. Girls are most afraid, no other than this. The older you get, the more you understand the weight of these words.

"Really good love requires a little bit of backing down. When you step back and stay in a certain space, you can more fully appreciate the whole picture of love. ”

When a person has no way to retreat, congratulations on becoming a bystander, but his love has nothing to do with you. Appreciating love is never better than participating in it.

"Love needs to be vigorous"

Confusing love story

A person who wants to die and wants to get you is not love, but possessiveness. A person who truly loves you will not try his best to get you, will not lie to you, will not please you with clever words, but will help you with his heart and plan for you. People who love you sometimes can't even stalk and fight, just silently hurt and look at you silently. The deeper you love, the more you will be afraid.

"Empty windows are better than empty beds," Zhang Ailing said, and on the pillow, two people are better than one person.

Empty windows or empty beds are things that both men and women have encountered or are experiencing, and nothing is good or bad. The mentality should be flat, do not fall in love at any time for the sake of entertainment and loneliness, time is a devil, the days are long, if you are an amorous person, even if you do not love each other, there will be feelings at that time, what do you do in the end? In order to alleviate physical hunger and thirst, it is not impossible to find a partner of the opposite sex, the common sense of people, unrestrained will definitely have a negative impact on your future life, think of a person without a partner in the case of indulgence, even if everyone does not know, your heart will also change, and it is bad. Feel life together.

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