
How can rural people "invert the door" of urban people be happy? The principles have been said by the ancestors

How can rural people "invert the door" of urban people be happy? The principles have been said by the ancestors

When it comes to marriage, many friends think of the man marrying, the woman marrying, equivalent to the woman marrying into the man's family, which seems to be a normal marriage, but there are some special phenomena, special in this process is the opposite, not the woman married to the man's family, but the man "married" the woman's family, in the countryside to call this situation "inverted door".

From a fair point of view, it is reasonable to say that whether the man goes to the woman's home or the woman goes to the man's home, the situation is the same, but due to the influence of past ideas, the general "upside-down" son-in-law is not optimistic in many places, and even some "upside-down" son-in-law will feel inferior and gossiped about.

However, with the continuous development of society, now "the phenomenon of inverted door has become more and more common, there is no feeling that there is anything wrong, there are many happy families, coupled with many only children, many families with only one daughter in the family, generally hope to find a door-to-door son-in-law, that is, we said above "inverted door" son-in-law.

How can rural people "invert the door" of urban people be happy? The principles have been said by the ancestors

The reason for finding a door-to-door son-in-law is nothing more than to hope that the old man has a care, but the general man is not willing to be a door-to-door son-in-law, many are even said to be "eating soft rice", generally able to recruit the door-to-door son-in-law's family, the family conditions will be better, the man is going to be gossiped about can be understood.

Perhaps because of these reasons, many men are more cautious in considering whether to come to the door, because after being a door-to-door son-in-law, even their children may not be with their own surnames, and it is even possible that they did not return to their original place on the day of the fall of the leaves, which was unacceptable to many people in the past.

How can rural people "invert the door" of urban people be happy? The principles have been said by the ancestors

For modern people, accept this problem is not much care, many people are more concerned about the "inverted door" after can not be happy, after all, is the man to the door, after the inverted door can not be angry like a woman to run to the mother's house, you can let their brother-in-law and brother-in-law to give themselves a breath, it is no wonder that many men will be more cautious when considering this matter, generally more cautious are rural men to the city to the door, so how can we be happy in this situation? Xiaobian thinks that the following points can be done well.

First: door to door

This is the words of the old ancestors for several lifetimes, even if it is a city person, there are good conditions and bad conditions, no matter how handsome and beautiful when you are young, it is difficult to escape chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, and when it comes to chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, that is life, since it is life, there is a dispute, there is a dispute, there is a dispute is normal, abnormal is the disrespect when the dispute occurs.

How can rural people "invert the door" of urban people be happy? The principles have been said by the ancestors

Whether it is to go to the door or to marry a wife, people are always unable to escape the seven passions, even if they go to the door, it is difficult to cut off contact with the family in the countryside, and from the city to the countryside, this cost is not a lot, if the two families can not understand each other, anger must be indispensable.

The reverse is also the same, if the two families are similar, such as when giving the in-laws 10 yuan, the parents also need 10 yuan, or when the in-laws can give us 10 yuan, the parents can also give 10 yuan, which is reciprocal, if the in-laws can give 1000 yuan a month, but the rural dependent parents will have 2000 yuan a month, and there is a big brother who is delicious and lazy to do three or five hundred a month, it is inevitable to be angry, and even may be driven away.

How can rural people "invert the door" of urban people be happy? The principles have been said by the ancestors

Second: "Standing" to the door

The door-to-door son-in-law does not mean that all of them are not mixed well, and there are those who are not afraid of being taken away, and this generally has its own career, such as having a car and a house, although it is door-to-door, but the economy is independent, and even the conditions may be better than the daughter-in-law's family in the city, this situation will naturally not be disliked, because there is no reason to dislike, nor dare to abandon ah.

Third: Be self-reliant

If it is a door-to-door son-in-law, resolutely to stand on their own, no matter how good the conditions in the daughter-in-law's home are, it is someone else's, maybe we will be looked at by the girls in the city because we are young and handsome, but the aesthetic will also be tired, when facing the family, the view will also change, so we must be a positive person anytime and anywhere, and we must not live into the legendary "eat soft rice" look.

How can rural people "invert the door" of urban people be happy? The principles have been said by the ancestors

On the issue of "inverted door", in fact, we only need to consider that after we come to the door, we can be "tough", hard enough that the daughter-in-law does not dare to shake us away, and at the same time in supporting the elderly and taking care of children, the parents of both sides gain or lose balance, the cultural difference is not too big, basically there is no big problem. How do you think a "back-plugged" son-in-law can be happy? May as well share it with us.

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