
Whether at home or outside the home, learn to keep your mouth shut, it is best not to say the following kinds of family ugly


As the saying goes, "The ugliness of the family should not be publicized." ”

Most people think that ugly things in the family will not be ridiculed as long as they are not told to outsiders. Rarely think about it, ugly things spread within the family, but also cause an uproar, at some point, it will reach the ears of outsiders.

You must understand that the bottom of the pot in anyone's house has dust, and it is not necessary to often open the bottom of the pot and smear the face of the family.

The greatest blessing of a family is "cleanliness". When the words are clean, the blessings add a few points; when the eyes are clean, they see the strengths of the family; when the hands and feet are clean, they will not add fists and feet; when the heart is clean, the grievances will be calm.

Careful observation, you will find that everyone in the family, playing several roles, need to make speech adjustments according to the role positioning, when the mouth should be closed. The following kinds of family ugliness, whether at home or outside the home, it is best not to say.


As children, do not talk about the discord between parents, and learn to respect.

Think about it, why don't parents get along? On the one hand, the relationship between husband and wife is not very good, on the other hand, it is for the sake of children, and the concept is inconsistent. The reasons are manifold.

As parents get older, things that are not harmonious will slowly become less. Because the parents enter old age, the children grow up, and the burden on the family is reduced.

My mother and father, who had been farming in the countryside all their lives, had a very low income. They often quarreled over the issue of their three children reading.

Once, the father said, let his daughter go to work.

The mother said, no, you can't prefer sons to daughters.

Father said who gave tuition.

A few words, there was a quarrel. The whole family was unhappy for a long time.

There are a few lyrics that say it well: "Don't mention the past again, life has been stormy, even if the memory cannot be erased, love and hate are still in the heart." ”

Watching my parents make trouble many times, it is actually their love that is running in over and over again. When they are no longer making trouble, the children should not "stir up trouble." The root causes of some contradictions are known to everyone, but they cannot be said.

If your parents have ever divorced, let alone say it. It was a scar.


As a parent, I don't talk about the bad problems of my son-in-law and daughter-in-law, but treat it as if I were my own.

When your children get married, your children, daughters-in-law, and son-in-law will all shout "Mommy and Daddy" at you, which is a gratifying thing.

But in the subjective consciousness, parents like their own children and have a practice of protecting their shortcomings. For daughters-in-law and son-in-law, it may be difficult.

If the juniors are measured with different rulers, the juniors are doomed to be unsatisfied; at the same time, the juniors themselves are uneven.

When the children's family is noisy, the parents ignore the three seven twenty-one, fight for their own family, and crush the "outsiders". This kind of eccentricity will lead to more and more chaos in the children's family, and even to the point of divorce.

One of my cousins, on a blind date, came across something like this: she had dinner with her boyfriend, her boyfriend's mother. Because of excessive nervousness, the small hand shook, and a piece of braised meat fell on the dinner table. The boyfriend's mother didn't say a word, so she picked up the meat and put it in the boyfriend's bowl.

A small move made the cousin decide, "Just choose this one."

Treating daughters-in-law and son-in-law as family, at any time, do not say bad things, such parents will bring blessings to their children.


As an old man, I don't talk about how much my children "support", and accept it calmly.

There is a way that filial piety comes first.

Filial piety to parents is something everyone should do. However, it should be noted that "filial piety is the will, and it cannot be 100% quantified."

For example, a son gives his parents a thousand dollars in alimony a month; a daughter gives five hundred dollars in alimony to his parents. If you want to compare, the daughter is not filial piety.

In addition, the daughter visits her parents every three to five years, and the son works in a distant place and rarely returns home, making it a problem to visit her parents. If you want to say it, the son will be "raised in vain."

For the matter of support, the elderly should appropriately "play sloppy". As long as children have filial piety, they will be satisfied. When chatting with family, never say "contrast".

In fact, the economic situation of each small family is different, and the composition of the family is different, and it is not possible to generalize. If we can form a filial piety pattern of "having money to pay and making a strong contribution", it is rare and valuable.

Think like this: For people with a monthly income of two thousand, giving five hundred yuan to their parents, filial piety is very heavy; people who are full of opportunities every day, every weekend to accompany their parents, filial piety is in place.

Specific situations, specific analysis, rather than the use of money to measure the word "filial piety".


As brothers and sisters, do not talk about the old enmity of brothers and sisters, but look forward.

When it comes to siblings, many people are indignant.

A family, like a unit. Parents are superiors, if you can't level the two bowls of water, your subordinates will be not harmonious and there will be no enthusiasm for work.

There is a saying that goes: "How big the heart is, how big the stage of life is." ”

Your parents find ways to let you study, give you a starting point, the end of life, in fact, in your own hands.

Leaving aside the "parental eccentricity" thing, if you look at the relationship between brothers and sisters, you will understand that the root cause of the contradiction between brothers and sisters lies in their own pattern is too small.

When we were young, we all grew up eating the food of our parents, and this kindness will never be forgotten. Growing up, there is some interaction between brothers and sisters, and it is also necessary to help, but you feel "taken for granted".

In the festival, send a gift; at the feast, a glass of wine; in front of the child, a red packet... They are all manifestations of brotherhood, how can it be said that "brothers and sisters treat you poorly"?

When you are old, your brothers and sisters are the ones closest to you. This kind of family affection can only be enjoyed by people with a big pattern.


The theorist Zhu Xi wrote a story in the Notes on the Four Books.

There was a group of people talking about tigers hurting people, and everyone listened to it and didn't think so. Only one person had a very bad face. It turned out that this person had been hurt by a tiger.

Zhu Xi said, "What a scholar knows, he must know the tiger in this way, and then he will be the ear." ”

As a person, you should take care of the feelings of others, and don't casually say "tiger" because you are not hurt by the tiger.

Taking good care of the family is everyone's responsibility, don't talk about the ugliness of the family.

Put everyone's suffering in the depths of your heart, slowly digest it, and be good.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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