
Find the points that the object should pay attention to

Adults, we all understand a truth, that is, different choices, the results will be very different.

Choose different careers, you will reach each other, the height of being able to go, will be completely different, choose to be with different people, the state of your own life, often will be very different.

It is precisely because of this that more and more people have begun to become more and more cautious in the matter of marriage.

Rather than finding someone to marry, marrying is just to complete the marriage, but will begin to pay attention to the quality of feelings.

Will care about what kind of person the other party is, will think repeatedly, in the end to choose what kind of person, life will be better.

Yes, to find a partner, everyone should never be too hasty, should be considered comprehensively.

In this process, we must consider whether we like it, whether we can accept each other, and at the same time, we must pay attention to some points.

Find the points that the object should pay attention to

Look at the other party, whether the mood is more stable.

Living with one person, there will be some bumps in each other, which is very normal.

There will be contradictions with each other, which is actually nothing, but it is just very common, afraid that whenever there is a problem, each other has no ability to solve, it will only be a sword, and the other party will even make a lot of irrational and hurtful behavior.

There are really some people who seem to be quite good in ordinary days, but whenever there is a conflict between them, they become particularly extreme, particularly irritable, particularly hysterical, as if they have changed into a person.

Not only will they drop things, they will say a lot of particularly ugly things, and they will even do something to you.

Such a person, with him, you will always be frightened, even if one day you are separated, he will not let you go at all, will only threaten you in all kinds, constantly disrupt your life, and may hurt you, and you will die in the net.

The other half of the future, knowing that a person is emotionally unstable, we all had better not choose, he really will not be a good person, it will only be like a bomb from time to time, which may blow us up at any time.

An emotionally stable lover, he will really be able to bring us a stable, let us live a better life.

In any case, he will not do too much, will not cause some harm to our bodies, and make us uneasy.

Find the points that the object should pay attention to

The other person's family will not be difficult to entangle.

Before getting married, we may feel that getting married is a matter for two people, as long as we like each other, nothing else matters.

But after getting married, we will really realize that getting married is a matter for each other, in fact, it is also a matter for two families.

More or less, in this life, everyone will have the brand of the original family, will be affected by their own original family, and their original family will also participate in their own marriage.

Therefore, if before getting married, we find that there are big problems in each other's family, such as mutual disrespect between husband and wife, like having a deep idea of male superiority and female inferiority, like the other half listens to their parents, and the parents are unreasonable, etc., we had better be cautious.

It is really that if the other party's family is difficult to entangle, and the partner they are looking for is very obedient to their parents, they will not stand on our side at all, and the other parents will mix a little, which will actually have a great impact on the marriage.

In this case, we will really always be very upset, and there will always be a lot of estrangement between each other.

To live a life, that picture is a peace of mind, what you want is a safe and stable, there are not so many things.

Only a family that does not have so many things and is more sensible will be a better choice, and will make us happier in the second half of our lives.

Find the points that the object should pay attention to

Whether you are motivated or not, you can be responsible for your family.

When looking for a partner, many people are always prone to indulge in each other's sweet words, and then forget a lot of things.

However, no matter how good the love words are, they are of no use at all, and it must be down-to-earth and real money and silver to live a life.

For our future, we can not ask the other party how rich, must surpass how many people, but at the very least, the other party must not be good to eat lazy, good and bad work, idle.

Even if he can't support himself, always want to do nothing, he has no way to be responsible for himself, and there will be no way to be responsible for marriage, marry him, happy for a while, after a while, the future days, really will only be particularly bad.

Poor and lowly couples mourn, without material basis of feelings, simply can not withstand any wind and rain.

What's more, such a person, not only does he not have a present, he will not have a future, he really will only drag us down, even if we are capable, we will only fall into the abyss because of him, there is no way to extricate ourselves.

On the contrary, even if a person's current situation is not very good, if he can work harder, is willing to struggle well, knows how to take responsibility for the family, and is very responsible, then even if he is not very good at present, he can still look forward to it.

At least, he won't let survival be a problem, and he'll always find ways to make everything better and better.

Find the points that the object should pay attention to

When we were young, we always thought that many things were doomed.

The more we grow up, the more we will find that everything is actually our own choice.

No matter what time we can, we can always choose what kind of person to be, what kind of life we choose to live, and what kind of lover to find, and what kind of second half of life we have.

In this regard, we never have to indulge in appearances, indulge in what the other party says, depending on the substance.

The other half we need must be emotionally stable, the original family does not have much, and the individual is more motivated.

With such people, even if we are still not as good as too many people, we will be much easier.

People live a lifetime, do not have to find themselves unhappy, how they should be comfortable, how to live.

Text/Tan Meng


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