
Quit her job to take care of my mother-in-law, and after 6 years, my mother-in-law didn't recognize my daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law: she will always be my mother


Of all the family relationships, the mother-in-law relationship is the most difficult to get along with, so it is called the problem of eternity. This is mainly because the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law passively become the mother-in-law relationship, not that the two of them go through the same interaction as "falling in love" and then choose each other.

Because they love a man at the same time, two strange women have formed a mother-in-law relationship, and some mother-in-law and daughter-in-law still have to live under one roof, it is easy to have contradictions. The mother-in-law relationship is very important in a family, it can both promote and destroy the relationship between husband and wife.

Therefore, if you want family harmony and want a happy marriage, you must deal with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The man who is both a son and a husband must play a bridging role between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, and coordinate the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law. If a man does not handle the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, he will suffer from splint anger and even end in divorce.


After the mother-in-law was paralyzed by a stroke, the daughter-in-law quit her job to take care of her. After taking care of her for 6 years, the mother-in-law who suffered from Alzheimer's disease no longer knew her daughter-in-law, but the daughter-in-law said that she would always be my mother. The daughter-in-law has always been grateful for the fact that when she was sick, her mother-in-law insisted on saving her, so she was repaying her mother-in-law.

This happened to Wu Ximei's family, and she said that if it were not for her mother-in-law insisting on saving her, she would definitely not be alive. So when her mother-in-law was sick, she did her best to take care of her mother-in-law, and in her heart, her mother-in-law was her mother-in-law. Let's hear the story of their family.

Self-narrator: Wu Ximei

Age: 47 years old

Occupation: Freelancer

City: Qian'an


My mother-in-law was paralyzed by a stroke 6 years ago, and before that, my father-in-law suddenly fell ill and died, and my mother-in-law was overly sad, so three months after my father-in-law's death, she suffered a stroke and was paralyzed. At that time, I was working in a private factory, my husband was driving a truck, and neither of us had time to take care of my mother-in-law.

The husband is very worried, if you ask the nanny to take care of the mother-in-law, first, we don't have so much money, and the nanny who comes to the second is not necessarily dedicated to taking care of the mother-in-law. After thinking about it, the couple discussed it, and I quit my job to take care of my mother-in-law at home.

After I took care of my mother-in-law at home, the financial burden of the family was on my husband's shoulders, and the pressure on my husband was very large. In order to reduce my husband's burden, I took back some manual work from the nearby factory, and then took care of my mother-in-law at home while doing manual work, which was a point that could earn a point.

In the blink of an eye, I have been taking care of my mother-in-law for 6 years, and during these 6 years, my mother-in-law has also suffered from Alzheimer's disease, and her memory is not as good as a day. After 6 years, my mother-in-law no longer knows me, and she often throws tantrums at me, sometimes drops things, and sometimes makes the bed full of and urine.

But I never bothered with my mother-in-law, no matter what she became, I always treated her as a mother, so I did my best to take care of her. The reason why I have no complaints is because I have always remembered my mother-in-law's kindness to me, and if it were not for my mother-in-law, I think I would not be there.


When I talk about my mother-in-law and me, we have to start from when I was a child. When I was 8 years old, my parents drove tractors to the market to sell vegetables, but there was a car accident on the road, and both parents died.

After my parents died, I had to follow my grandparents. My grandparents were too sad, and because they were older and in poor health, they couldn't take good care of me. After I graduated from junior high school, I followed my sisters from the same village to work, and in the process of working, my grandparents died one after another.

Later, I met my husband, who fell in love with me at first sight, and I had a good feeling for him, and we both fell in love. After being in love for nearly a year, my husband took me home to meet his parents. At that time, my mother-in-law was helping her husband zhang Luo about the blind date, and the blind date object was a girl with better conditions than me in all aspects.

My husband insisted on marrying me, unwilling to go on a blind date, and my mother-in-law could only give up. Under the influence of my in-laws, my husband and I were successfully married, and when I married into my in-laws' family, my heart was very inferior. But my mother-in-law told me that since she learned about my situation, she was very upset with me, and she would treat me like a daughter.

My mother-in-law really did what she said, always treated me well, and never said anything serious to me. I was a child who grew up without a mother, and my heart longed for maternal love, because my mother-in-law was good to me, and I was very touched, so I regarded her as my mother in my heart.


After 5 years of marriage with my husband, one day I fell ill and was found to have a very bad disease after being taken to the hospital. The doctor told my husband to be mentally prepared and said that I might not be able to survive. The husband, who had never experienced anything major, was suddenly frightened like a child, and he was at a loss.

I was sad in my heart, thinking that the child was still so young, how could I bear to leave him? But since my illness is hopeless, why waste money on treatment? I don't want to let my husband lose his money because he treats me, and he still has to keep the money to raise the children! So I offered to give up treatment.

Unexpectedly, after my mother-in-law rushed to the hospital, she resolutely disagreed, saying that she would do her best to save me no matter what. She also said that if she didn't have any money, she would sell their old couple's house, and they would live with us. My mother-in-law told me to rest assured, don't care about money, just cooperate with the doctor's treatment.

The mother-in-law reprimanded her husband and told him to cheer up immediately, saying that a man must carry things up. The mother-in-law made arrangements, she was responsible for taking care of me in the hospital, the father-in-law was responsible for taking the children at home, and the husband was responsible for working to earn money and going to the hospital to go through the formalities.

With the encouragement and arrangement of my mother-in-law, my husband and I both perked up and began to throw ourselves into this war without smoke. I don't think I can live up to my in-laws and husbands, I can't leave my children behind, I can't let my children go without a mother like I did, so I have to live.


My husband has to go to work every day to earn money, to arrange things in the hospital, and to deal with family affairs, etc., and he is always busy. He wanted to stay in the hospital and take care of me, but financially he didn't allow it, and now he's the only one in the family who earns money, and the money in the hospital is like running water.

After working together as a family for more than half a year, my condition was finally gradually controlled, and the doctor said that my strong desire to survive had created a miracle. Later, after almost a year of treatment, my body finally recovered to health.

In order to treat me, my in-laws really sold their old house and survived the financial difficulties. Since I sold my old house, my in-laws have lived with us, and after my physical recovery, I have become more filial to my in-laws, and my husband has become more responsible.

So after many years, my mother-in-law suffered a stroke and was paralyzed, so I quit my job and took good care of her at home. I think this is God giving me a chance to repay my mother-in-law well, so no matter how hard it is to take care of my mother-in-law, I will work hard and complain.

My husband was very grateful to me and said that he would not be able to work with peace of mind without me taking care of my mother-in-law. Our son is already in college, and every time he comes home and sees me taking care of my mother-in-law, he says that in the future he will also be filial to his parents.


Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are mutual, the first ten years to see the mother-in-law, the last ten years to see the daughter-in-law. When the daughter-in-law just married into the in-laws' family, when she first arrived, there would naturally be many unsuitable. The mother-in-law should open her arms to accept her daughter-in-law, tolerate the various deficiencies of her daughter-in-law, and truly regard her daughter-in-law as her own.

The mother-in-law is good to the daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law is likely to be equally good to the mother-in-law. People's hearts are all flesh, and to the average person who comes here, you are good to me, and I am also good to you, and the same is true between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Between Wu Ximei and her mother-in-law, it is a sincere change of heart. When the daughter-in-law fell ill, the mother-in-law mobilized the family to save the daughter-in-law, and many years later, the mother-in-law fell ill, and the daughter-in-law also did her best to take care of her. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law really regard each other as their own relatives, so they both care and take care of each other.

A family wants to be happy, and every family member has to work hard. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should understand each other and take care of each other, and husband and wife should be of one heart and one mind and face all kinds of storms in life together. Only when the family is harmonious and the life is happy can we cultivate good children who are born with healthy hearts.

Author: A creator in the field of emotions, focusing on various issues in the field of emotions, welcome to pay attention. Life has warmth because of love and love, let us grow in love, and spend every day in true feelings.

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