
The constellation man with a very soft ear root always swings between his mother and daughter-in-law, is good at and thin mud, and has no opinion

The constellation man with a very soft ear root always swings between his mother and daughter-in-law, is good at and thin mud, and has no opinion

Nowadays, there are more and more girls who are afraid of marriage, and there are many reasons why they do not want to get married, such as not wanting to settle down, not wanting to bear the unequal marriage relationship, but the mother-in-law relationship has also dissuaded many girls. Even women who are already married are tormented by the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The mother-in-law relationship has always been a big problem and obstacle in marriage, which plagues women. It is said that women are embarrassed by women, but mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are always a little intolerant.

But in fact, the most fundamental point is not the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law of a family is not harmonious, in fact, depends on the man. If he can handle it fairly and impartially, or if his emotional intelligence is high enough, then he will be able to turn it into a jade. But if they don't have an opinion, they only know that they are with the mud, or they don't care, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is really difficult.

The constellation man with a very soft ear root always swings between his mother and daughter-in-law, is good at and thin mud, and has no opinion

Cancer man

Cancer men are really soft-hearted and very easy to shake their hearts. They are not particularly assertive men, and they are also very family-oriented types. Although it is said that taking care of the family, loving the family is a good thing for men. However, Cancer's attachment to his mother is also very strong, even obedient.

They care a lot about the family's opinion, the mother's attitude, and the emotions of everyone. Sometimes even their family plot is too heavy to put the mother first, and the daughter-in-law is in the back seat. Coupled with the fact that the ear roots are very soft, it is easy to be changed, and it is easy to listen to one side of the word when facing the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

The constellation man with a very soft ear root always swings between his mother and daughter-in-law, is good at and thin mud, and has no opinion

And what women are most afraid of is the distrust of their lovers, and they feel that they are unreasonable. In fact, it is not so important for women to suffer a little, but if they are wronged in their hearts, it is really difficult to bear. Disappointment has accumulated a lot, and once it breaks out, it may not be able to recover it.

Pisces male

Pisces boys are a particularly sensual sign, although sensuality makes them sentimental and romantic, but it also brings illogical clarity. They are a type of person who is easily biased by emotions, it is difficult to see the essence through the phenomenon, and sometimes even deceive themselves.

The constellation man with a very soft ear root always swings between his mother and daughter-in-law, is good at and thin mud, and has no opinion

Pisces has a big problem is that they like to escape, but Pisces women tend to mature and take responsibility after becoming mothers. But Pisces men, their growth process is always very long. Pisces men are also a type of constellation male who is easy to appear as a mother, has no opinion, and listens to his mother.

They are not unsympathetic to the daughter-in-law, but they do not know how to balance and face the relationship between the mother and the daughter-in-law, do not know how to resolve the contradiction, simply escape, or just with the mud. But not solving the underlying problem is simply delaying. The contradiction is still there, like a time bomb, I don't know when it will break out.

The constellation man with a very soft ear root always swings between his mother and daughter-in-law, is good at and thin mud, and has no opinion

Aquarius male

Although Aquarius themselves are relatively good at handling interpersonal relationships, they are always confused in their feelings. Aquarius is a particularly averse to contradictory signs, so you rarely see Aquarius arguing with anyone who is always sober and sane, always like an outsider.

But that's exactly where the problem is, and they always feel like they're an outsider, as if it's all about them. They always want to escape, and in the face of problems between mother and daughter-in-law, they are not unaware, but they always choose to turn a blind eye. Aquarius hopes that both sides can think clearly and see clearly.

The constellation man with a very soft ear root always swings between his mother and daughter-in-law, is good at and thin mud, and has no opinion

But not everyone is an Aquarius, and not everyone's way of thinking makes Aquarius similar. Sometimes women are too emotional, just paying attention to the things that don't matter to the Aquarian man. The Aquarius Man always solves well in other places, but he always throws a rat trap in the relationship.

The constellation man with a very soft ear root always swings between his mother and daughter-in-law, is good at and thin mud, and has no opinion

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