
Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions

Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions

A good marriage not only needs to be managed with heart, but also needs to be maintained with love.

Before marriage, both parties must calmly and calmly understand the problem clearly, and it is not too late to get married again under the condition of certainty.

The following 10 questions before marriage are a reference for those of you who want to enter the palace of marriage:

Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions

Since we have reached the point of talking about marriage, we must understand the real health status of both parties, and it is absolutely undesirable to conceal medical history.

Therefore, it is recommended that before registering the marriage, both parties should do a comprehensive marriage examination together, which is responsible for themselves and the other half.

Knowing whether a family history of illness is also an important reference for whether to have children in the future is also a respect for life.

Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions

Some long-distance couples who want to enter marriage will face the embarrassing situation of work and family distributed in different cities.

If you want to live a relatively stable life after marriage, it is best for both parties to coordinate their work pace first.

Including which city you want to settle in after marriage, or when to shift the focus of life from the workplace back to the family, and talking about the future work plan is also conducive to the planned arrangement of the next life of both parties.

Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions
Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions

For couples with ordinary incomes, buying a house is a thing that is inseparable from the next ten years of life, and these issues must be agreed in advance.

It should be noted that if one parent pays full payment to buy a house and only writes the name of one party on the property deed, the suite is only his premarital personal property, and no matter how many years of living together, it will not become the joint property of the husband and wife.

In addition to the issue of the signature of the real estate deed, jointly negotiate the appropriate repayment method, do a good job of notarizing the property before marriage, and it is best to sign an agreement on the monthly repayment obligation after the loan to buy a house to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of both parties.

Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions

If so, at what age do you plan to have children? After having a baby, who will take it?

The future enrollment of children will be linked to whether to buy a school district house before marriage, and this series of questions also needs to reach a certain consensus before marriage.

Everyone has a plan for their future life and work, and planning to arrange the time when their children come to this world is a manifestation of parents' responsibility for their children.

Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions
Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions

Some people think that parents have worried about themselves all their lives, and naturally they must enjoy the blessings of being around after marriage, which is a manifestation of filial piety.

Some people feel that living with their elders not only does not guarantee their privacy in life, but also tends to cause conflicts because of differences in living habits.

But it is not uncommon for parents to sell their old home and pay a new down payment for their children. Living with your parents at this time is not an option, but a reality of losing ground in the face of economic problems.

Before talking about marriage, it is best to confirm with the lover whether the situation allows "living with parents" as an option to avoid contradictions on this issue.

Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions

Some young people are about to enter marriage, still need to "nibble on the old" to live, so whether they need to support both parents after marriage depends on the actual financial ability of the parents to decide.

If it is necessary to support both parents, the expenditure of this support fee must give priority to the economic situation of the small family of the husband and wife, and unconditional filial piety is an irresponsible manifestation of the small family.

It is necessary to provide support for both parents, and to ensure the quality of life of the husband and wife as the bottom line.

Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions
Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions

There are generally two ways to keep property after marriage:

The first is to give full power to one of the spouses, and the party who knows more about financial management will grasp the "financial power" and maximize the benefits by investing in financial management;

The second is to establish a common treasury, agreeing on the amount of savings for fixed deposits, both their own disposable income and the part of common savings.

The issue of money is sensitive at all times, it is easy to touch the bottom line, and it is always good to talk about it in advance.

Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions

After marriage, life is always chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, and it is always indispensable to do housework in life.

Reaching a consensus on housework in advance can also avoid the situation of being lazy after marriage and pushing each other away from not doing housework.

You can make a "housework schedule" that belongs only to you according to the small hobbies between lovers, plus some interesting reward and punishment mechanisms.

This can not only promote the feelings of both parties, but also improve each other's enthusiasm for doing housework.

Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions
Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions

Having friends of the opposite sex is normal and reasonable, but keeping a distance after marriage and actively avoiding situations that make your partner jealous is also a respect for the other half.

Remember not to communicate with friends of the opposite sex about personal feelings or marital relationships, do not chat alone with friends of the opposite sex at night, do not make physical contact with friends of the opposite sex, and refuse ambiguous booing and warming.

Security is an important factor in the emotional stability of marriage, and it should not be underestimated.

Before getting a marriage license, you must ask the other person 10 questions

Before marriage, you may wish to openly and honestly inform the other party of your intolerable bottom line, and understand the other half's divorce bottom line in advance.

It can effectively avoid accidentally "stepping on the bottom line" in the future, and can also better maintain married life.

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